A pipeline for searching the chimeric sequences in the NGS sequence data.
In my server, my reference genome fold is:
In this fold, we have 26 fasta files (chr{1..22, X, Y, MT}.fa hsa.fa), each fasta file have indexed with bwa index.
In additional, hsa.fa
include all sequence from all chromosome (chr{1..22, X, Y, MT}).
Index for each fasta file:
for chr in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y MT
bwa index -a bwtsw chr$chr.fa &>> bwa-index.log
samtools faidx chr$chr.fa &>> samtool-index.log
bwa index -a bwtsw hsa.fa &>> bwa-index.log
samtools faidx hsa.fa &>> samtool-index.log
In this pipeline, we need some Perl Modules, we should install these modules before run it.
- Getopt::Long
- Cwd qw(abs_path)
- File::Basename
- File::Spec
I recommand to use "cpanm" to install Perl Modules.
The Test folder contains an example. It turns out that all the scripts are running. You can check out how to use the pipeline. In this folder, just run workstep.sh first, this shell will generate bam file and chimera's files. When all works in workstep.sh finished, then run filterstep.sh, this shell will deal with the chimera's files and count.
bwa mem -t 20 -k 30 -R '@RG\tID:Test\tLB:Test\tSM:Test\tPL:ILLUMINA' $ref test_R1.fq.gz test_R2.fq.gz | awk '$6 !~ /H/' | samtools view -Sb -t ${ref}.fai -o $dir/Test/Test.dh.bam -
echo -e "Test\t$dir/Test/Test.dh.bam" > bam.lst
Generate a shelle script for run the ChimeraMiner.
perl Generate_Shell_Finder.pl -i bam.lst -o runFinder.Test.sh -L 20 -r $ref
for first alignment file:
Step 1:
seleted first-type chimeric reads (++ or --).
Step 2:
Extract the sequences which are soft-aligned with xxSxxM , xxMxxS or xxSxxMxxS in alignment format from BWA-aligned SAM file.
Any Soft-aligned fragment mustn't shorter than log4(Chromosome_Length) nt.
Step 3:
Reconstruct FASTQ file from all qualified soft-aligned reads.
Qualified reads would be cut into two or three part according to the soft-aligned format.
All reads would be separated into different chromosomes according to the primary alignment results by BWA.
Cut reads generated in here would be aligned to Hg19 reference by using BWA-sampe mode.
Search the overlap of the mapped two segment. This only for single-end chimeric sequences.
perl Insertion.SRExtract.ReConFastq.pl -i $dir/Test/Test.dh.bam -m Test -d $dir/Test -r $ref
These 3 scripts provide filtering, classification, and statistics for single-end chimeric sequences.
perl $dir/A1_Extract.Chimeras.pl -d $dir/Test/chimeras -n Test -L 20
perl $dir/A2_TransFormat.pl -i $dir/Test/chimeras/chimeras_analysis/normal.txt -o $dir/Test/chimeras/chimeras_analysis/normal.TransFormat
perl $dir/A3_GetInfo.Chimeras.PRE.pl -i $dir/Test/chimeras/chimeras_analysis/normal.TransFormat -d $dir/Test/chimeras/chimeras_analysis/Test.direct -v $dir/Test/chimeras/chimeras_analysis/Test.inverted > Test.stat
see the details in the page.
We will be pleased to address any question or concern you may have with the ChimeraMiner: [email protected]
If you use ChimeraMiner in your work, please cite:
Lu, N.; Li, J.; Bi, C.; Guo, J.; Tao, Y.; Luan, K.; Tu, J.; Lu, Z. ChimeraMiner: An Improved Chimeric Read Detection Pipeline and Its Application in Single Cell Sequencing. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 1953.