Regular expressions based on Plan9 code.
- Fully supports UTF8 (transformed old Rune-type).
- Made reentrant: moved global parser variables to stack.
- Added support for escaped ctrl chars in expressions: tab, newline etc.
\t \n \r \v \f
- Added support for shorthand character classes and inverse:
\d \D \s \S \w \W
- Added support for word boundary meta character and inverse:
\b \B
- Added support for inline "single line"/dotAll mode (from insertion point):
- Added support for POSIX char classes
[:alnum:] [:alpha:] [:blank:] [:cntrl:] [:digit:] [:graph:] [:lower:] [:print:] [:punct:] [:space:] [:upper:] [:word:] [:xdigit:]
- Removed obsolete rregexec9() and rregsub9(), and the rather pointless regcomplit9().
- Constified (const char*) all references to input strings.
- Formatting changes: tabs to space, etc.
- Optimizations: malloc usage and shorter code. Fast UTF8 code.
- Compiles with C99, C++.
- Reduced total source code size from about 1600 to 1200 lines.
#include "regexp9.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
const char* pattern = "hell.([ \\t]w.rld)+";
const char* input = "hell😀 w😀rld\tworld wxrld";
enum {N=5};
Resub rs[N] = {0};
Reprog *p = regcomp9(pattern);
if (regexec9(p, input, rs, N))
printf("regexp9: '%s' => matched: %s\n", input, pattern);
printf("regexp9: No match\n");