Repository for group 1's website for CSE 125 2024.
Render Markdown as HTML for content pages:
$ npx tsx content/build.ts
I recommend editing the website over SSH. This way, we can see updates live.
To connect, do
$ ssh -p222 <username>
Your default password is your PID, but that won't work in a few weeks.
As we learned in CSE 15L, use an SSH key by first creating a .ssh
username@cse125:~$ mkdir .ssh
Then, disconnect from SSH and copy your public SSH key to the remote server.
$ scp -P 222 ~/.ssh/ <username>
You can also add an alias the SSH server. On your machine, add the following to ~/.ssh/config
Host cse125
User <username>
Port 222
With VS Code's Remote-SSH extension, you can then select cse125
from the remote explorer. Then open /var/www/html/class/cse125/www/2024/cse125g1
and edit away.
I recommend using nvm to install Node.
$ curl -o- | bash
Then create ~/.bashrc
and put this in it:
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
Then, restart your terminal and install Node.
$ nvm install node