Go-To: https://www.hackerrank.com/21-days-of-code-2024-quiz-4
Q1. You are a developer who has been given a task to promote the tourism of Italy by the government itself, make a tourism website where people can come and know about Italy. You have to make a website as beautiful and appealing that you can make with constrains, these constraints are: -
- You have to only use beach.jpg and Italy.jpg (they are the only pictures that you can use) given in the repo
- Visit us page should redirect you to www.upesacmw.org
Make a Script with basic HTML which when clicked shows the sum of the buttons pressed. (Here we pressed a 5 and a 4 to show sum as 9). When we press reset, it should show 0 as the result.
Q3. Replicate this image.
(Logo is given in the rescources folder.)