uptrace-php is a thing wrapper over OpenTelemery PHP that configures Otel SDK to export traces and metrics to Uptrace.
First, install Composer using the
installation instructions
and add the following line to your project's composer.json
file, as this library has not reached a
stable release status yet:
"minimum-stability": "dev"
Then, you can install uptrace-php:
composer require uptrace/uptrace
Run the basic example below using the DSN from the Uptrace project settings page.
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\SpanKind;
$uptrace = Uptrace\Distro::builder()
// copy your project DSN here or use UPTRACE_DSN env var
// Create a tracer. Usually, tracer is a global variable.
$tracer = \OpenTelemetry\API\Globals::tracerProvider()->getTracer('app_or_package_name');
// Create a root span (a trace) to measure some operation.
$main = $tracer->spanBuilder('main-operation')->startSpan();
// Future spans will be parented to the currently active span.
$mainScope = $main->activate();
$child1 = $tracer->spanBuilder('GET /posts/:id')
$child1Scope = $child1->activate();
$child1->setAttribute('http.method"', 'GET');
$child1->setAttribute('http.route"', '/posts/:id');
$child1->setAttribute('http.url', 'http://localhost:8080/posts/123');
$child1->setAttribute('http.status_code', 200);
try {
throw new \Exception('Some error message');
} catch (\Exception $exc) {
$child1->setStatus('error', $exc->getMessage());
$child2 = $tracer->spanBuilder('child2-of-main')->startSpan();
$child2Scope = $child1->activate();
'db.system' => 'mysql',
'db.statement' => 'SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 100',
// End the span and detached context when the operation we are measuring is done.
echo $uptrace->traceUrl($main) . PHP_EOL;