This package is used by the Urpflanze javascript library to create animations.
You can use it in browser or in Node.
The main purpose is to interpolate values based on time.
I am trying to create a tool for those who want to approach the world of programming or for programmers who want to approach the world of creative coding.
I have spent a lot of time and will spend more to support this project. I also have in mind a web editor (open-source) where you can use the features of this library in the browser.
You can see a preview here
You can install the library with the command:
npm i @urpflanze/animation --save
And import into your project
* Full importing
import * as Animation from '@urpflanze/animation'
const anim = Animation.Simple({ from: 0, to: 100, duration: 1000 })
const value = anim([currentTime])
// Or
const animObj = Animation.createAnimation({ from: 0, to: 100, duration: 1000 })
animObj.value // current animation value
Otherwise you can use from the browser using a CDN
<!-- ES Modules -->
<script type="module">
import * as Animation from ''
<!-- UMD -->
<script src=""></script>
// Animation.[method]
const anim = Animation.Simple({
from: 0,
to: 100,
duration: 1000,
loop: 2,
// total animation duration 2000 (1000 * 2 loop)
console.log(anim(-10)) // 0 (not started)
console.log(anim(0)) // 0 (started)
console.log(anim(500)) // 50 (loop: 1)
console.log(anim(1500)) // 50 (loop: 2)
console.log(anim(2200)) // 100 (ended)
Name | Type | default | Description |
from | number | string | Array<number | string> | - | start value |
to | number | string | Array<number | string> | - | end value |
duration | number | 1000 | Animation duration in milliseconds |
direction | normal | reverse | alternate | normal | Direction of animation. Alternate goes from 'from' to 'to' and from 'to' to 'from' |
loop | number | boolean | false | Define a number of repetitions |
interpolator | TInterpolator | Type of value interpolation | |
delay | number | 0 | Delay of animation start |
afterDelay | number | 0 | Delay after animation end loop |
round | number | decimal to be rounded | |
colorTransitionMode | hue | rgb | rgb | color interpolation mode (from and to) |
You can pass the interpolator
property as a string or as an object to pass parameters:
const animElastic = Animation.Simple({
from: 0,
to: 100,
duration: 1000,
interpolator: 'elasticOut',
const animElasticWithParams = Animation.Simple({
from: 0,
to: 100,
duration: 1000,
interpolator: {
type: 'elasticOut',
params: {
amplitude: 2,
Name | Params |
wave | phase |
cubicBezier | x1, x2, y1, y2 |
linear | |
quadraticIn | |
quadraticOut | |
quadraticInOut | |
cubicIn | |
cubicOut | |
cubicInOut | |
quarticIn | |
quarticOut | |
quarticInOut | |
quinticIn | |
quinticOut | |
quinticInOut | |
sinusoidalIn | |
sinusoidalOut | |
sinusoidalInOut | |
exponentialIn | |
exponentialOut | |
exponentialInOut | |
circularIn | |
circularOut | |
circularInOut | |
bounceIn | |
bounceOut | |
bounceInOut | |
backIn | overshoot |
backOut | overshoot |
backInOut | overshoot |
elasticIn | amplitude, period |
elasticOut | amplitude, period |
elasticInOut | amplitude, period |
For more complex animations you can use utility methods:
import { clock, clockOffset, Easings } from '@urpflanze/animation'
requestAnimationFrame(time => {
// from 0 to 1000 and from 1000 to 0, total duration 2000ms (loop)
const animationTime = clock(time, 1000, true, 'alternate')
const value = Easings.bounceOut(animationTime, 100, 200, 1000)
// or
// const animationTimeOffset = clockOffset(time, 1000, true, 'alternate')
// const value = Easings.bounceOut(animationTimeOffset, 100, 200)