- 2015 : [TODO] Haskell.
- 2016 : [TODO] Julia.
- 2017 : [TODO] Nim.
- 2018 : [TODO] Zig.
- 2019 : 16/25 days complete in Python 3.
- 2020 : 25/25 days complete in Python 3. [DONE]
- 2021 : 14/25 days complete in Rust 2021.
- 2022 : 12/25 days complete in Rust 2021.
- 2023 : 20/25 days complete in Golang 1.21.
- 2024 : [TODO] C# or Kotlin.
87 total days finished.
7400+ SLOC in total.
Python >=3.10 installed.
- "python3" as a recognized terminal command.
Rust >=2021 installed.
- "cargo" as a recognized terminal command.
Golang >=1.21 installed.
- "go" as a recognized terminal command.
The years written in Python contain the following structure:
- /input/day*.txt : Holds the inputs in text files.
- /day*.py : The code that solves both parts of the day from the input held in "/input".
- /timing.py : Code that times every solution for both parts and prints the average.
The years written in Rust contain the following structure:
- /input/day*.txt : Holds the inputs in text files.
- /src/day*.rs : The code that solves both parts of the day from the input held in "/input".
- /src/timing.rs : Code that times every solution for both parts and prints the average.
The years written in Golang contain the following structure:
- /input/day*.txt : Holds the inputs in text files.
- /day*.go : The code that solves both parts of the day from the input held in "/input".
- /timing.go : Code that times every solution for both parts and prints the average.
Additionally, year 2019 includes the following file:
- /2019/verify.py : Verify that every Intcode day remains unchanged.
In the top level directory:
[WINDOWS] start.bat : Starts the "run.bat" file.
[WINDOWS] run.bat : Runs the timing file for every year.
[LINUX] run.sh : Runs the timing file for every year.
template : Simple templates for the Python and Rust solutions.