CFMongoDB is both partial wrapper for the MongoDB Java driver and a document-struct mapper for ColdFusion. It attempts to remove the need for constant javacasting in your CFML when working with MongoDB. Additionally, there’s a simple DSL which provides ColdFusion developers the ability to easily search MongoDB document collections.
CFMongoDB works with Adobe ColdFusion 9.0.1+ and Railo 3.2+
One of the most appealing aspects is that data can be created as a ColdFusion structure and persisted almost verbatim. Example:
<cfscript> //save col = 'my_collection': my_struct = { name = 'Orc #getTickCount()#' foo = 'bar' bar = 123 'tags'=[ 'cool', 'distributed', 'fast' ] };, col); //query result = mongo.query(col).startsWith('name','Orc').search(limit=20); writeOutput("Found #results.size()# of #results.totalCount()# Orcs"); //use the native mongo cursor. it is case sensitive! cursor = result.asCursor(); while( cursor.hasNext() ){ thisOrc =; writeOutput(" name = #thisOrc['name'] <br>"); } //use a ColdFusion array of structs. this is not case sensitive orcs = result.asArray(); for(orc in orcs){ writeOutput(" name = <br>"); } </cfscript>
See examples/gettingstarted.cfm to start.
Additional examples are in the various subdirectories in examples/
Check out the wiki for additional info:
We have a Google group:
Please limit conversations to MongoDB and ColdFusion. General MongoDB questions are best asked on the MongoDB group at
Post issues to the github issue tracker for the project. Better: post fixes. Best: post fixes with unit tests.
Collaboration is welcome. Fork — Commit — Request a pull. For bug fixes and feature additions, commits with unit tests are much more likely to be accepted.
Code well.