composer require vivait/docbuild-php
and then write an Adapter that's compatible with the Adapter interface.
See Doc.Build's Api documentation for detailed information on its methods.
The class requires your client id, client secret and a compatible Adapter.
// Instantiate your adapter
$client = new MyAdapter();
$docBuild = new DocBuild($clientId, $clientSecret, $client);
$docBuild->createDocument('ADocument', 'docx', '/path/to/file.docx');
$docs = $docBuild->getDocuments();
$docBuild->convertToPdf('documentid', 'http://mycallback.url/api');
This library uses the doctrine/cache
library to cache access_token
requests. By default it will use the Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache
but this can be changed by injecting a cache that implements
into the constructor:
$docBuild = new DocBuild(
new ArrayCache()
By default, the client will automatically refresh your access_token
. However,
this behaviour can be changed by setting the following option, or passing this
options array into the constructor on instantiation.
'token_refresh' => false, // Default: true
try {
$docs = $docBuild->getDocuments();
} catch (TokenExpiredException $e) {
// Have another go