Generate unique and complex passwords
A password generator creates unique and complex passwords. Today while many password managers have this built in, I wanted a tool with some unique requirements and hence this was born
- Support for CLI on my *NIX platforms
- Support for unique types of passwords such as type with left hand only or type with right hand only
- Support for exposing it as a QRCode so it can be transferred to my mobile phone from my screen.
- Ensure that the generated password is reasonably secure by checking it againt Tory Hunt's Have I been Pwned site
I had written this for my personal use but decided to open source it in a fairly open MIT license so you can take and modify it for your own use as well.
On linux there are a bunch of tools. pwdgen, xkcdpass, diceware. The funny and innovative one is the xkcdpass which came out of the XKCD.936 comic.
- Requires Python 3.7 or greater
- Uses two libaries, pyqrcode - for qrcode generation and pyperclip - for clipboard.
- I use Poetry for dependency management. You should too!
- I have also added a requirements.txt for people who use a simple
requirements file. You can generate it from Poetry with
poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt