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MinimalApi Slim Endpoints

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Small library for decoupling endpoints in MinimalApi from the Program.cs file.

This library does not add any additional overhead to the application, it just helps you to organize your code better.

The source generator will generate a DependencyInjection extension that will contain all the endpoints that you have defined in your application.


Install the package from NuGet:

dotnet add package MinimalApi.SlimEndpoints

Quick start

Create a class that inherits from ISlimEndpoint and implement the Configure and Handler methods. Add the SlimEndpoint attribute to the class.

SlimEndpoint attribute

The SlimEndpoint attribute has the following properties:

  • Path - The path of the endpoint. This is the same as the MapGet method in the MinimalApi.
  • HttpMethod - The HTTP method of the endpoint. This is the same as the MapGet method in the MinimalApi.

Configure method

The Configure method injects the RouteHandlerBuilder into the endpoint class. Leave the method empty if you don't need to configure the endpoint.

Handler method

The Handler method is the main method of the endpoint. It is called when the endpoint is hit.


using MinimalApi.SlimEndpoints.Abstractions;

namespace SampleDemo.Endpoints;

[SlimEndpoint(Path = "/hello", Method = "GET")]
public partial class HelloEndpoint : ISlimEndpoint
    public void Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)

    public Delegate Handler => (() => "Hello World!");

Dependency Injection configuration

The MinimalApi.SlimEndpoints library uses the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection library for dependency injection. You can configure the DI container in the Program.cs file.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Register endpoints

var app = builder.Build();

// Map endpoints


Common pitfalls

Please do not capture any services in the Handler method that are injected into the endpoint class. Instead, inject the services into the Handler method directly.

Injected services into the endpoint class should only be used in the Configure method.

BAD This example uses a service that is injected into the endpoint class.

[SlimEndpoint(Path = "/hello", Method = "GET")]
public partial class HelloEndpoint : ISlimEndpoint
    private readonly ExampleService _service;
    public HelloEndpoint(ExampleService service)
        _service = service;

    public void Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)

    public Delegate Handler => (() => _service.GetExample());

GOOD This example injects the service directly into the Handler method.

[SlimEndpoint(Path = "/hello", Method = "GET")]
public partial class HelloEndpoint : ISlimEndpoint
    public void Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)

    public Delegate Handler => ((ExampleService service) => service.GetExample());

Note: Please see the SampleDemo project for a complete example.

Change log

Please see the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
