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AWS Technologies

My personal notes.


Aditya Hajare (Linkedin).

Current Status

Done. Last Updated: 22 December 2019


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Table of Contents

AWS Regions

Each Availability Zone is a physical data center in the region, but separated from the other ones (so that they're isolated from disasters).

IAM - Identity And Access Management

  • IAM has a global view.
  • Whole AWS security is there:
    • Users
    • Groups
    • Roles
  • Never use Root account except for initial setup
  • One IAM User per physical person.
  • One IAM Role per application.

Security Groups

  • Security groups are like firewall on EC2 instances.
  • They regulate:
    • Access to ports.
    • Authorised IP ranges - IPv4 and IPv6.
    • Inbound network (from outside to instance).
    • Outbound network (from instance to outside).
  • Security groups are locked down to a region/VPC combination.
  • They live outside EC2. i.e. Security groups are not something that is running on EC2 instance.
  • It's a good practice to create/maintain one separate security group for SSH access.
  • By default:
    • All inbound traffic is blocked.
    • All outbound traffic is authorised
  • Common gotchas:
    • If your application is not accessible (time out), then it's a security group issue.
    • If your application is giving "connection refused", then it's an application error. Or may be your application is not launched.

Elastic IPs

  • It is quite an uncommon pattern to use Elastic IPs. That is because:
    • We can have only 5 Elastic IPs in our account (although we can ask AWS to increate this limit.).
  • Always try to avoid using Elastic IP.
    • They often reflect poor architectural decisions.
    • Instead, use a random public IP and register a DNS name to it.
    • One should use a load balancer and not use public IP.
  • If we are not using elastic IP, when EC2 instance is stopped and then started again, it can change its public IP.
  • If we need fixed public IP for our instance (god knows for what reason), then we go for Elastic IP.
  • Elastic IP is a public IPv4 we own as long as we don't delete it.
  • One elastic IP can be attached to one EC2 instance at a time.
  • With elastic IP, we can mask the failure of an EC2 instance or software by rapidly remapping the address to another instance in our account.

SSH Into EC2 Instance And Install Apache

  • ec2-user is the default user in our EC2 instance machine.
  • SSH command syntax: ssh -i [PATH_TO_KEYFILE] [USER]@[PUBLIC_IP]
  • Copy public IP (In below example, we will use
  • In terminal, type:
    # SSH into EC2 using public ip.
    ssh -i my-key-file.pem [email protected]
    # Get sudo access for our user.
    sudo su
    # Update packages.
    yum update -y
    # Install httpd.
    yum install -y httpd.x86_64
    # Start httpd.
    # NOTE: If we get error "bash:systemctl command not found", make sure to use "Amazon Linux 2" and not just "Amazon Linux".
    systemctl start httpd.service
    # Make sure system remains enabled across reboots. Below command will create a symlink.
    systemctl enable httpd.service
    # Lets do a quick CURL on localhost:80. It will give us default test HTML page code.
    curl localhost:80
  • At this point if we visit public ip in our browser, we will get timeout. So clearly it's an issue with security groups configurations.
  • Go to Inbound Rules security group settings and configure HTTP rule on port 80. Refer to following settings:
    Type: HTTP
    Protocol: TCP
    Port Range: 80
    Source: Custom
  • Now, if we visit public ip in browser, we shall see test page.
  • Default test page is located at: /var/www/html/index.html

EC2 User Data

  • It is possible to bootstrap our EC2 instances using an EC2 User Data script.
    • Bootstrapping simply means running commands when a machine starts.
    • Bootstrapping script is run only once on EC2 instance's first start.
  • EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as:
    • Installing updates.
    • Installing softwares.
    • Downloading common files from the internet.
    • Almost anything you can think of.
  • EC2 User Data Script is run with a ROOT user. i.e. every command will be ran with sudo rights.
  • Example:
    1. Launch new EC2 instance: Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type.
    2. Select t2-micro and click on Configure Instance Details.
    3. Scroll down to Advanced Details --> User Data
    4. Select As Text radio button and paste the entire example script from below:
      # Get admin priviledges. Although it is not required to do so since the script will be run with ROOT user.
      sudo su
      # Install httpd (Linux 2 version)
      yum update -y
      yum install -y httpd.x86_64
      systemctl start httpd.service
      systemctl enable httpd.service
      echo "Hello world from Aditya at $(hostname -f)" > /var/www/html/index.html
    5. Make sure EC2 instance is having a security group with HTTP PORT 80 and SSH policy enabled.
    6. Launch the instance and visit EC2's public ip in browser. We shall see the test page.
    7. NOTE: With above script, we have automated entire flow from above - SSH Into EC2 Instance And Install Apache

ELB - Elastic Load Balancers

  • Types of ELB (Elastic Load Balancer):
    1. Classic Load Balancer (v1 - Old Generation) - 2009
    2. Application Load Balancer (v2 - New Generation) - 2016
    3. Network Load Balancer (v2 - New Generation) - 2016
  • Amazon recommends using new generation/v2 load balancers as they provide more features.
  • Health Checks:
    • Health checks are done on port and route (/health is common).
    • If the response is 200 (OK) then instance is healthy.
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB) - Layer 7 - Allow to do:
    • Load balancing to multiple HTTP applications across machines (Target Groups).
    • Load balancing to multiple applications on the same machine (for e.g. containers).
    • Load balancing based on route in url.
    • Load balancing based on hostname in url.
  • Basically load balancers are osum for mico-services and container-based applications (For e.g. Docker and Amazon ECS).
  • Load balancers has a port mapping feature to redirect to dynamic port.
  • Application Load Balancer v2 - Layer 7 - osum features:
    • Stickiness can be enabled at target group level:
      • Same request goes to the same instance.
      • Stickiness is directly generated by the ALB (not the application).
    • ALB supports HTTP, HTTPS and Websockets protocol.
    • The application servers don't see the ip of client directly.
      • The true ip of the client is inserted into header X-Forwarded-For
      • The port of client's request is inserted into header X-Forwarded-Port.
      • The prototype of client's request is inserted into header X-Forwarded-Proto.
  • Network Load Balancer v2 - Layer 4 - allow to:
    • Forward TCP traffic to your instance.
    • Handle millions of request per second.
    • Support for static ip or elastic ip.
    • Less latency ~100 ms (ALB has ~400 ms latency).
    • They are chosen for extreme performance and should not be the default load balancer you choose.
    • Creation process is quite same as Application Load Balancer.
  • Load Balancer 101
    • Classic load balancers are deprecated.
    • Application Load Balancer is for HTTP, HTTPS and Websockets.
    • Network Load Balancer is for TCP.
    • CLB and ALB supports SSL certificates and provide SSL termination.
    • All load balancers have health check capability.
    • ALB can route based on hostname and path (i.e. route based).
    • ALB is great fit with ECS (Docker).
    • Any load balancer has a static host name. IP resolved from hostname should never ever be used.
    • Load Balancers can scale but not instantaneously. Ask AWS for a warm up.
    • NLB (Network Load Balancer) directly see client ip at application tier.
      • There is no X-Forwarded-For or X-Forwarded-Port headers.
    • 4xx errors are client induced errors.
    • 5xx errors are application induced errors.
      • Load balancer error 503 means at capacity or no registered target.
    • If Load Balancer can't connect to your application, check your Security Groups.

ASG - Auto Scaling Group

  • Goal of Auto Scaling Group (ASG) is to:
    • Scale out (Add EC2 Instances) to match an increased load.
    • Scale in (Remove EC2 instances) to match a decreased load.
    • Ensure we have minimum and a maximum number of machines (instances) running in an ASG.
    • Automatically Register new instances to a load balancer.
  • LB (Load Balancer) and ASG (Auto Scaling Group) works hand in hand in AWS.
  • ASGs have following attributes:
    • Launch configuration:
      • AMI (Amazon Machine Image e.g. Amazon Linux 2) + Instance Type.
      • EC2 User Data.
      • EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volumes.
      • Security Groups.
      • SSH Key Pair.
    • Minimum Size, Maximum Size, Initial Capacity.
    • Network + Subnet Information.
    • LB (Load Balancer) Information.
    • Scaling Policies (i.e. What will trigger a scale out and what will trigger a scale in).
  • It is possible to scale an ASG based on CloudWatch alarms.
    • CloudWatch Alarm monitors a metric (such as Average CPU).
    • Metrics are computed for the overall ASG instances.
    • Based on Alarm:
      • We can create scale-out policies (increase the number of instances).
      • We can create scale-in policies (decrease the number of instances).
  • Auto Scaling New Rules:
    • It is now possible to define better auto scaling rules that are directly managed by EC2. For e.g.
      • Target Average CPU Usage.
      • Number of requests on the ELB per instance.
      • Average Network In.
      • Average Network Out.
  • Auto Scaling Based On Custom Metric:
    • We can auto scale based on a custom metric. For e.g. Auto scale based on number of connected users to my application running on EC2 instance(s).
    • Send custom metric from application on EC2 to CloudWatch (PutMetric API).
    • Use the CloudWatch Alarm as the scaling policy for ASG.
  • ASG (Auto Scaling Group) 101:
    • Scaling policies can be on CPU usage, network usage etc.. and can even be on custom metrics as well as based on a schedule (if you know your visitors pattern).
    • ASGs use Launch Configurations and you update an ASG by providing a new Launch Configuration.
    • IAM Roles (Identity And Access Management Roles) attached to an ASG will get assigned to EC2 instances.
    • ASGs are free. You only pay for the underlying resources being launched.
      • i.e. Number of EC2 instances spun in.
    • ASG will automatically restart instances running under them if they (instances) get terminated for whatever reason. Extra Safety!
    • If a LB (Load Balancer) marks an instace as unhealthy, then ASG can terminate that instance and will replace it further.

EBS - Elastic Block Store

  • EC2 instance loses its root volume (main drive) when it is manually terminated.
  • Enexpected terminations might happen from time to time (AWS would email you whenever this happens).
  • Sometimes, you need a way to store your EC2 instance data somewhere even though it is terminated. This is where EBS volume comes into picture.
  • EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume is a network drive you can attach to your EC2 instance while they are running.
  • It allows EC2 instances to persist data.
  • What are EBS volumes:
    • It's a network drive (not a physical drive).
      • EC2 instance communicate to EBS volume over a network (since it is not physically attached to EC2 instance). So there may be bit of latency (very little though).
      • EBS volume can be detached from one EC2 instance and attached to another EC2 instance very quickly.
    • EBS volume is locked to an Availability Zone (AZ).
      • For e.g. EBS Volume attached to EC2 instance running in us-east-1a cannot be attached to EC2 instance running in us-east-1b.
      • To move a volume across different Availability Zone (AZ), we first need to snapshot it.
    • EBS volume has a provisioned capacity (size in GBs, and IOPS). i.e. We need to first specify the volume size and IOPS (Number of I/O operations per second).
      • You get billed for all the provisioned capacity.
      • You can increase the size and IOPS over time.
    • Types of EBS volumes:
      1. GP2 (SSD): General Purpose SSD volume. Balances price and performance for a wide variety of workloads.
      2. IO1 (SSD): Highest Performance SSD volume. Good for mission-critical low-latency or high throughput workloads.
      3. ST1 (HDD): Low Cost HDD volume designed for frequent access and throughput-intensive workloads. Good for Big Data operations.
      4. SC1 (HDD): Lowest Cost HDD volume. Good for less frequently accessed workloads.
    • EBS volumes are characterized in Size, Throughput and IOPS (Number of I/O operations per second).
    • Always consult AWS documetations about EBS volumes before choosing one.
    • EBS Snapshots:
      • EBS volumes can be backed up using snapshots.
      • Snapshots only take the actual space of the blocks on the volume.
      • Snapshots are used for:
        • Backups: ensuring you can save your data in case of catastrophe.
        • Volume migration:
          • Resizing a volume down.
          • Changing the volume type.
          • Encrypt a volume.
  • EBS Encryption:
    • When we create an encrypted EBS volume, we get following:
      • Data at rest is encrypted inside the volume.
      • All the data moving between EC2 instance and volume is encrypted.
      • All snapshots are encrypted.
      • All volumes created from snapshots are also encrypted.
    • Encryption and decryption is handled transparently (we have nothing to do there).
    • Encryption has a minimal impact on latency.
    • EBS encryption leverages keys from KMS (AES-256).
    • Copying and unencrypted snapshot allows encryption.
  • EBS vs Instance Store:
    • Some EC2 instance do not come with Root EBS volumes, instead they come with Instance Store.
    • Instance Store is physically attached to the EC2 machine.
    • Instance Store:
      • Pros:
        • Since the Instance Store is physically attached to EC2 instance, it provides better I/O performance.
      • Cons:
        • On EC2 instance termination, Instance Store is lost.
        • You can't resize the Instance Store.
        • Backups must be operated by user.
    • Overall, EBS-backed EC2 instances are good and should fir most applications workloads.
  • EBS - Important Points:
    • EBS can be attached to only one EC2 instance at a time.
    • EBS are locked at the AZ (Availability Zone) level.
    • Migrating an EBS volume across AZ means first backing it up (snapshot), then recreating it in the other AZ.
    • EBS backups (snapshot) use IO and you shouldn't perform a snapshot operation while your application is handling a lot of traffic.
    • Root EBS volumes of EC2 instances get terminated by default if the EC2 instance gets termiated. This can be disabled.

Route 53

  • Route 53 is a DNS (Domain Name System) management facility.
  • DNS is a collection of rules and records which helps clients understand how to reach a server through URLs.
  • In AWS, the most common records are:
    • A Record: URL to IPv4.
    • AAAA Record: URL to IPv6.
    • CNAME Record: URL to URL.
    • Alias Record: URL to AWS Resource.
  • Route 53 can use:
    • Public domain names you own (or buy). For e.g.
    • Private domain names that can be resolved by your EC2 instances in your VPCs. For e.g. adiinviter.internal
  • Route 53 has some advanced features such as:
    • Load balancing through DNS. Also called Client Load Balancing.
    • Health checks (Although limited).
    • Routing policies:
      • Simple
      • Failover
      • Geolocation
      • Geoproximity
      • Latency
      • Weighted
  • Prefer Alias over CNAME for AWS resources (For good performance).

RDS - Relational Database Service

  • RDS uses SQL query language.
  • RDS allows us to create following types of databases in cloud:
    • Postgres
    • Oracle
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB
    • MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
    • Aurora (AWS Proprietary Database)
  • Why use RDS instead of installing DB software directly on EC2 instance:
    • RDS is a managed service. It is manged by AWS. AWS RDS offers following features:
      • OS patching level.
      • Continuous backup and restore to specific timestamp (Point In Time Restore).
      • Monitoring Dashboard.
      • Read Replicas for improved read performance.
      • Multi AZ (Availability Zones) setup for DR (Disaster Recovery).
      • Maintenance windows for upgrades.
      • Scaling capability (vertical & horizontal).
      • Only Con: You can't SSH into your RDS instances.
  • Read Scalability setup - RDS Read Replicas:
    • Up to 5 Read Replicas.
    • They can be created:
      • Within AZ (Availability Zone).
      • Cross AZ (Availability Zone).
      • Cross Region.
    • Replication is ASYNC, so reads are eventually consistent.
    • Replicas can be promoted to their own DB.
    • Applications must use appropriate connection strings to use read replicas.
      • For e.g. In PHP Laravel, we can setup connection strings for:
        • Master
        • Slave 1
        • Slave 2
    • In this setup, only Master takes read and write operations and Read Replicas are used only for read operations.
    • Master performs replication of data in ASYNC manner.
  • Disaster Recovery setup - Multi AZ (Availability Zone):
    • Master performs replication in SYNC manner into Standby Replica (Slave).
    • One DNS Name - Automatic App Failover To Standby Replica (Slave). i.e. If a Master Replica fails, Standby Replica (Slave) will be converted to Master Replica.
    • Not used for READ SCALIBILITY!
    • Multi AZ setup is used to increase AVAILABILITY.
    • Complete failover in case of:
      • Loss of AZ.
      • Loss of network.
      • Instance failure.
      • Storage failure.
  • We can use combination of Read Scalability and Disaster Recovery setup.
  • RDS Backups:
    • Backups are automatically enabled in RDS.
    • Automated backups offer:
      • Daily full snapshot of the database.
      • Capture transaction logs in real time.
      • Ability to restore to any point in time.
      • Backups are retained for 7 days by default (Can be increased to 35 days).
  • DB Snapshots:
    • These are not automatic. These are manually triggered by user.
    • Snapshots are retained as long as you want.
  • RDS Encryption:
    • Encryption is at rest (everywhere).
    • Uses AWS KMS (Key Management Service) - AES-256 encryption.
    • SSL certificates can be used to encrypt data on the fly.
    • To Enforce SSL:
      • PostgreSQL: In AWS RDS console (Parameters Group) run following:
        rds.force_ssl = 1
      • MySQL: Execute following query within the DB:
        GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'mysqluser'@'%' REQUIRE SSL;
    • To Connect Using SSL to DB:
      • Provide the SSL Trust Certificate (Can be downloaded from AWS).
      • Provide SSL options while connecting to database.
  • RDS Security:
    • RDS databases are usually deployed within a private subnet, not in a public one.
    • RDS security works by leveraing the Security Groups (Same concept as for EC2 instances).
      • It controls who can communicate with RDS.
    • IAM (Identity And Access Management) Policies help control who can manage AWS RDS.
    • Traditional username and password can be used to login to the database.
    • New: IAM users can now be used too for MySQL and Aurora.
  • RDS vs. Aurora:
    • Aurora is a proprietary technology from AWS.
    • Postgres and MySQL are both supported as Aurora DB. i.e. Our Postgres and MySQL drivers will work as if they are Aurora DB.
    • Aurora is AWS Cloud Optimized and claims:
      • 5x performance improvement over MySQL on RDS.
      • 3x performance improvement over Postgres on RDS.
    • Aurora storage automatically grows in increments of 10GB. Up to 64TB.
    • Aurora can have 15 replicas while MySQL can have 5.
    • Replication is very fast on Aurora Replicas.
    • Failover in Aurora is instantanious. Its HA Native (Highly Available).
    • Aurora costs more than RDS (Almost 20% more).
    • Overall, Aurora is more efficient.


  • ElastiCache is like RDS for caches.
  • ElastiCache is an AWS managed service for:
    • Redis
    • Memcached
  • They help make your application Stateless.
  • Caches are in-memory databases with really high performance and super low latency.
  • They help reduce load off of databases for read intensive workloads.
  • They provide Write Scaling using Sharding.
  • They provide Read Scaling using Read Replicas.
  • They are Multi AZ (Availability Zone) with Failover Capability.
  • AWS takes care of:
    • OS Maintenance.
    • Patching.
    • Optimizations.
    • Setup.
    • Configuration.
    • Monitoring.
    • Failure Recovery.
    • Backups.
  • Sample workflow:
    • Application queries ElastiCache for data.
    • If the data is available in ElastiCache, read from there.
    • If the data is not available in ElastiCache then query RDS, store in ElastiCache and read further.
  • ElastiCache helps relieve load in RDS.
  • ElastiCache must have an Invalidation Strategy to make sure only the most current data is stored in there.
  • Redis:
    • Redis is an in-memory key-value store.
    • Super low latency (sub ms).
    • Redis cache survives reboots by default (it's called persistence).
    • Great to host:
      • User Sessions.
      • Leaderboard Data (For Gaming).
      • Distributed States.
      • Relieve pressure on databases (such as RDS).
      • Pub/Sub capability for messaging.
    • Multi AZ (Availability Zone) with Automatic Failover for disaster recovery.
    • Have support for Read Replicas.
  • Memcached:
    • Memcached is an in-memory object store.
    • Cache doesn't survive reboots.
    • Use cases:
      • Quick retrieval of objects from memory.
      • Cache often accessed objects.
  • Overall, Redis is largely popular than Memcached and provides way better features.
  • For caching needs, always try to go for Redis.

VPC - Virtual Private Cloud And 3 Tier Architecture

  • VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is created within a Region.
  • Each VPC contains subnets (networks).
  • Each subnet must be mapped to an AZ.
  • It's common to have public subnet (Public IP) in VPC.
  • It's common to have private subnet (Private IP) in VPC.
  • It's common to have many subnets per AZ.
  • Public and Private subnets can communicate if they're in the same VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).
  • Public Subnets usually cointains:
    • Load Balancers.
    • Static Websites.
    • Files.
    • Public Authentication Layers.
  • Private Subnets usually cointains:
    • Web Application Servers.
    • Databases.
    • ElastiCache.
  • VPC Important Points:
    • VPC are Per Account Per Region.
    • Subnets are Per VPC Per AZ (Availability Zone).
    • All new AWS accounts come with a default VPC.
    • It's possible to use a VPN to connect to a VPC and access all the private IPs straight from our laptop.
    • VPC Flow Logs allows us to monitor the traffic within, in and out of our VPC. This is useful for security, performance and audit etc.
    • Some AWS resources can be deployed in VPC while others can't.
    • We can peer VPC (Within or across different AWS accounts) to make it look like they're part of the same network.
  • Example Of 3 Tier Architecture Application:
    1. User visits a URL in his browser.
    2. Amazon Route 53 routes this request to ELB (Elastic Load Balancer). ELB is in Public Subnet.
    3. Then suppose in Private Subnet we have ASG (Auto Scaling Group) setup in 2 different AZ (Availability Zone) and there are EC2 instances running in our ASG. The ELB will point this request furhter to EC2 instance.
    4. EC2 instance will communicate with ElastiCache (Setup in Private Subnet) and try to read data from there.
    5. If the data is not found on ElastiCache, EC2 instance will try to query data from RDS (Setup in Private Subnet). Once the data is retrieved from RDS, EC2 instance will store it in ElastiCache and use it further.

S3 - Buckets And Objects

  • Amazon S3 is a Global Service.
  • Amazon S3 allows people to store Objects (files) in Buckets (directories).
  • There is no concept of directories in S3 buckets. It's just buckets separated by slash (/) in any object key.
  • Buckets:
    • Buckets must have globally unique names.
    • Buckets are defined at the Region Level.
    • Bucket Naming Convention:
      • No Uppercase.
      • No Underscore.
      • 3-63 Characters long.
      • Not and IP.
      • Must start with lowercase letter or number.
  • Objects (Files):
    • Objects have a Key and the Key is the Full Path. For e.g.
    • Object Values are the content of the body:
      • Max Object (file) size 5TB.
      • Objects (files) greater than 5GB in size cannot be uploaded to S3 Bucket unless we use multi-part upload.
    • Objects can have Metadata. Metadata is nothing but a list of Text Key/Value Pairs (System or User metadata).
    • Objects can have Tags. Tags are nothing but Unicode Key/Value Pairs (Up to 10). They are useful for Security and Lifecycle.
    • Objects can have Version ID (If versioning is enabled).

S3 - Versioning

  • We can version our files in AWS S3.
  • Versioning is enabled at the Bucket Level.
  • With every overwrite of file, it will increment the version.
  • It is best practice to version your buckets. Following are the main benefits:
    • Protect against unintended deletes (Ability to restore a version).
    • Easy roll back to previous version.
  • Only downside of having Versioning is that you use just a little more space on your Amazon S3.
  • Any Object (File) that is not versioned prior to enabling versioning will have version null.

S3 - Encryption For Objects

  • There are 4 methods of encrypting objects in S3:
    • SSE-S3: Encrypts S3 objects using keys handled and managed by AWS.
    • SSE-KMS: Leverage AWS KMS (Key Management Service) to manage encryption keys.
    • SSE-C: When you want to manage your own encryption keys.
    • Client Side Encryption.
  • SSE-S3:

    • Encryption using keys handled & managed by AWS S3.
    • Object is encrypted server side.
    • AES-256 encryption type.
    • To use SSE-S3, set following request header while sending file to S3 bucket:
  • SSE-KMS:

    • Encryption using keys handled & managed by KMS (Key Management Service) Customer Master Key (CMK).
    • Object is encrypted server side.
    • KMS Advantages: User Control + Audit Trail.
    • To use SSE-KMS, set following request header while sending file to S3 bucket:
  • SSE-C:

    • Encryption using data keys fully managed by the customer (you) outside of AWS.
    • Object is encrypted server side.
    • Amazon will not store the encryption key you provide.
    • HTTPS must be used.
    • For every HTTP request made, encryption key must be provided in headers.
  • Client Side Encryption:

    • Client library such as the Amazon S3 Encryption Client should be used.
    • Clients must encrypt data themselves before sending to S3.
    • Clients must decrypt data themselves when retrieving from S3.
    • The entire Encryption-Decryption cycle and data keys are managed by customers (Not AWS).
  • Encryption in transit/fligh (SSL/TLS):

    • Encryption in flight/transit is also called SSL/TLS.
    • AWS S3 exposes:
      • HTTP endpoint: Non Encrypted.
      • HTTPS endpoint: Encryption In Flight.
    • You are free to use the endpoint you want (HTTP or HTTPS) , but HTTPS is recommended.
    • HTTPS is mandatory for SSE-C.

S3 - Security And Bucket Policies

  • Types of S3 Security:
    • User Based:
      • IAM Policies: These policies define which API calls should be allowed for a specific user from IAM console.
    • Resource Based: These are popular
      • Bucket Policies: These are very popular. Bucket Policies are bucket wide rules set from the S3 console. Allows cross account.
      • Object ACL (Access Control List): These are finer grain.
      • Bucket ACL (Access Control List): These are less common.
  • S3 Bucket Policies:
    • JSON based policies. Bucket Policy has 4 major elements:
      • Resources: Buckets and objects.
      • Actions: Set of APIs to Allow or Deny.
      • Effect: Allow/Deny.
      • Principal: The account or user to apply the policy to.
    • Why Use S3 Bucket Policies:
      • To grant public access to the bucket.
      • To force objects to be encrypted at upload.
      • To grant access to another account (Cross Account).
  • S3 Security: Important Points
    • Networking:
      • S3 supports VPC Endpoints (For EC2 instances running in VPC without internet access).
    • Logging And Audit:
      • S3 access logs can be stored in other S3 bucket. Never store access logs in same bucket where we are storing our application objects.
      • API calls can be logged in AWS CloudTrail.
    • User Security:
      • MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) can be required in versioned buckets to delete objects.
      • Signed URLs are URLs that are valid only for a limited time (for e.g. Premium video service for logged in users).

S3 - Websites

  • S3 can host static websites and have them accessible on the www.
  • The website URL will be:
    • <bucket-name>

    • OR
    • <bucket-name>

  • If you get a 403 (Forbidden) error, make sure the bucket policy allows public reads.


  • CORS stands for Cross Origin Resource Sharing.
  • If you request data from another S3 bucket, you need to enable CORS.
  • CORS allows you to limit the number of websites that can request your files in S3 (and limit your costs).
  • CORS is handled by following header:
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <domain>

S3 - Consistency Model

  • Read After Write Consistency for PUTS of new objects:
    • As soon as an object is written, we can retrieve it. (For e.g. PUT 200 --> GET 200).
    • This is true, except if we did a GET before to see if the object existed. (For e.g. GET 404 --> PUT 200 --> GET 404) - Eventually Consistent.
  • Eventual Consistency for DELETES and PUTS of existing objects:
    • If we read an object after updating, we might get the older version. (For e.g. PUT 200 --> PUT 200 --> GET 200) - Might be older version.
    • If we delete an object, we might still be able to retrieve it for a short time. (For e.g. DELETE 200 --> GET 200) - We might still retrieve an object.
  • In short:
    • Read After Write Consistency for PUTS:
      • Write (no prior read operation) and then read operation will always give us new object copy.
      • If object doesn't exists already, Read Operation then Write Operation and then Read Operationmight give us 404 because it takes time for S3 to update it's cache and first Read Operation response might be received from cache in this situation.
    • Eventual Consistency for DELETES and PUTS:
      • PUTS: Even though object has been overwritten, we might still retrieve an old copy of object.
      • DELETES: Even though object has been deleted, we might retrieve a copy of object for short time.

S3 - Performance

  • Old Times:
    • When you had > 100 TPS (Transaction per second), S3 performance could degrade.
    • Behind the scene, each object goes to an S3 partition and for the best performace, we want the highest partition distribution.
    • It was recommended to have random characters in front of your key name to optimize performance. For e.g.
      • <my_bucket>/7i4p_my_folder/my_file1.txt

      • <my_bucket>/2k5t_my_folder/my_file2.txt

      • Never use dates to prefix keys. For e.g.:
        • <my_bucket>/2019_12_05_my_folder/my_file1.txt

  • Current Times:
    • As of July 17th, 2018, we can scale up to 3500 RPS (Requests Per Second) for PUT and 5500 RPS for GET for EACH PREFIX.
    • This request rate performace increase removes any guidance to put randomized characters in keys etc. from old times (Refer above).
  • Use Multipart Upload for faster upload of large objects (>5GB). Multipart Upload provides:
    • Parallel PUTs for greater throughput.
    • Maximize network bandwidth.
    • Decrease time to retry in case a part fails.
  • Use CloudFront to cache S3 objects around the world (improves reads).
  • S3 Transfer Acceleration: If you are geo located far away from where your bucket is geo located, you might experice slow uploads. This is where S3 Transfer Acceleration service comes into picture. It uses edge locations. To use this service, no code changes are required. Only need to change the S3 bucket endpoint where you write to.
  • If using SSE-KMS encryption you may see a performance decrease. With SSE-KMS encryption, you may be limited to your AWS limits for KMS (Key Management Service) usage (~100 - 1000 downloads/uploads per second.

IAM Roles

  • IAM Roles can be attached to EC2 instances.
  • IAM Roles can come with a policy authorizing exactly what the EC2 instance should be able to do.
  • An EC2 instance can have one IAM Role at a time.
  • IAM Policies can be attached to IAM Roles.
  • With the set of strong and specific IAM Policies attached to IAM Roles, we can achieve a much secured setup.
  • The only way to test the IAM Policy is to use the Policy Simulator or --dry-run option.

AWS CLI Dry Runs

  • Some AWS CLI Commands (Not All) contain a --dry-run option to simulate API calls.

AWS CLI STS Decode Errors

  • When you run API calls and they fail, you will get a long error message (big ass characters string).
  • This character string can be decoded using the STS Command Line. Following is a command to do so:
    aws sts decode-authorization-message --encoded-message <MESSAGE_STRING>
  • STS Command Line is used to decode Encoded authorization failure message.

EC2 Instance Metadata

  • It allows EC2 instances to learn about themselves without using an IAM Role for that purpose.
  • The URL is
    • is an internal ip to AWS.
    • This URL will not work from our computer directly.
    • This URL Only Works from our EC2 instances.
    • Using this URL, you can retrieve the IAM Role Name from metadata but you cannot retrieve the IAM Policy.
    • You cannot retrieve the contents of IAM Policy using this URL.
    • Metadata: Info about the EC2 instance.
    • Userdata: Launch script of the EC2 instance.
  • Visting yields following:
  • We can visit trailing APIs in above structure to retrieve various information about the EC2 instance.
  • To visit above URL from our EC2 instance using CURL, run following command:


  • AWS SDK is used to perform actions on AWS directly from your applications code (without using the CLI).
  • For e.g. when coding against DynamoDB, we have to use AWS SDK.
  • The AWS CLI uses Python SDK (boto3).
  • By default us-east-1 will be used as a Default Region if we do not specify or configure one.
  • SDK Credentials Security:
    • It is recommended to use default credential provider chain.
    • The default credential provider chain works seamlessly with:
      • AWS credentials stored in file at ~/.aws/credentials (Only on your computer or premise).
      • Instance Profile Credentials using IAM Roles (for EC2 machines etc..)
      • Environment Variables such as: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
        • In Laravel application, we set these 2 in /config/app.php.
        • This method is not recommended but still widely used.
  • Never EVER EVER store AWS Credentials in your code.
  • Best Practices:
    • AWS Credentials should be inherited from mechanisms above (Except setting them in Environment Variables).
    • 100% IAM Roles if working from within AWS Services.
  • Exponential Backoff:
    • Any API call that fails because of too many calls needs to be retried with Exponential Backoff.
    • These apply to Rate Limited APIs.
    • It simply means - If our API call fails, it will wait twice as long as previous API call to try again (Exponential Time Complexity).
    • Retry mechanisms are included in SDK API Calls.

AWS CLI Profiles

  • To create multiple profiles with dfferent AWS credentials, use below command and follow the on screen instructions:
    aws configure --profile <PROFILE-NAME>
  • Almost every AWS command has --profile flag.
    • For e.g. To list S3 buckets for a profile, execute following command:
      aws s3 ls --profile <PROFILE-NAME>

Elastic Beanstalk

  • Elastic Beanstalk is developer centric view of deploying an application on AWS.
  • It uses all the components like EC2, ASG, ELB, RDS etc..
  • Beanstalk is Free but you pay for only the underlying resources.
  • Features:
    • It's a managed service by AWS.
    • Instance Configuration, OS is handled by the Beanstalk.
    • Deployment strategy is fully configurable but managed by Beanstalk.
    • Just the application code is the responsibility of the developer.
  • It has:
    • Three Architecture Models:
      • Single Instance Deployment - Good for DEV environment.
      • LB + ASG - Good for Prod and Pre-Prod environments (for e.g. Web Apps).
      • ASG Only - Good for Non-Web Apps in Production environment (for e.g. Worker etc).
    • Three Components:
      • Application.
      • Application Version: Each deployment gets assigned a version.
      • Environment Name: Free naming (for e.g. Dev, Test, Prod etc..)
  • You deploy application versions to environments and can promote application versions to next environments.
  • Provides Rollback feature to previous application version.
  • It gives full control over the lifecycle of environments.
  • If your platform is not supported by Elastic Beanstalk, you can write your custom platform (Advanced).

Elastic Beanstalk Deployment

  • Deployment Modes:
    • Single Instance: Great for Dev environment.
    • High Availability With Load Balancer: Great for Prod, Pre-Prod environments.
  • Update Options:
    • All At Once (Deploy All In One Go): Fastest, but instances aren't available to serve traffic for a bit (downtime) while codebase is being updated on those EC2 instances.
      • Fastest deployment.
      • Application has downtime.
      • Great for quick iterations in development environment.
      • No additional cost.`
    • Rolling: Update a few instances at a time (bucket), and then move onto the next bucket once the first bucket is healthy and updated.
      • Long deployment time.
      • Application is running below capacity.
      • Can set the bucket size.
      • Application is running both versions simultaneously.
      • No additional cost.
    • Rolling With Additional Batches: Like Rolling, but spins up new instances to move the batch (so that the old application is still available to serve traffic).
      • Long deployment time.
      • Application is running at capacity.
      • Can set the bucket size.
      • Application is running both versions simultaneously.
      • Additional batch is removed at the end of deployment.
      • Good for Prod.
      • Small additional cost.
    • Immutable: Spins up new instances in a new ASG (Auto Scaling Group), deploys version to these instances, and then swaps all the instances (swap out whole ASG with a new one) when everything is healthy and updated.
      • Long deployment time.
      • Zero Downtime.
      • A new (temporary) ASG (Auto Scaling Group) is created this kind of deployment.
      • New codebase is deployed on EC2 instances running on temporary ASG.
      • High Cost, Double Capacity.
      • Quick rollback is available in case of failures (Just terminate the entire new (temporary) ASG).
      • Great for Prod.
    • Blue/Green: Not a direct feature of Elastic Beanstalk. Very manual to do.
      • Zero downtime and release facility.
      • Create a new Stage environment and deploy new codebase there.
      • The new environment (green) can be validated independently and roll back if issues.
      • Route 53 can be setup using weighted policies to redirect a little bit of traffic to the stage environment.
      • Using Beanstalk, Swap URLs when done with the environment test.

Elastic Beanstalk Advanced Concepts

  • Whenever deploying code on Elastic Beanstalk, a codebase must be zipped and this zip will get deployed to Elastic Beanstalk.
  • All the parameters configured in AWS UI can be configured with code using files.
  • Requirements (Elastic Beanstalk Extension Files):
    • EB extension configuration files reside under .ebextensions/ directory created at the root of source code.
    • Files under .ebextensions/ directory are in YAML or JSON format.
    • Files under .ebextensions/ directory ends with .config extension. For e.g. logging.config.
    • Default settings can be modified using option_settings options.
    • Ability to configure and add resources such as RDS, ElastiCache, DynamoDB etc..
    • Resources managed by .ebextensions get deleted if the environment goes away.
  • We can install an additional CLI called the EB CLI which makes working with Beanstalk from the CLI easier.
    • Why would you use EB CLI:
      • It's helpful for your automated deployment pipelines.
    • Following are some of the basic commands available in EB CLI:
      • eb create: Used to create ElastiCache Beanstalk environment.
      • eb status: To check ElastiCache Beanstalk status.
      • eb health: To check ElastiCache Beanstalk health.
      • eb events: To see events.
      • eb logs: To view logs.
      • eb open: Opens the public URL of your website in the default browser.
      • eb deploy: Deploys the application source bundle from the initialized project directory to the running application.
      • eb config: To change ElastiCache Beanstalk environment configuration settings.
      • eb terminate: To terminal ElastiCache Beanstalk environment.

Elastic Beanstalk Important Points

  • Under the hood, Elastic Beanstalk relies on CloudFormation.
  • Uses CodeDeploy under the hood.
  • How Elastic Beanstalk deployment works:
    • Project dependencies are specified in project specific dependency files. For e.g.
      • For PHP project using composer, we specify dependencies under composer.json.
      • For Node project, dependencies are specified under package.json.
      • For Python project, dependencies are specified under requirements.txt.
    • Project source code is zipped.
    • This zip will will get deployed and expanded to each EC2 instance.
    • Each EC2 machine will resolve/install dependencies of source code. For e.g. For Node project, dependencies will be installed from package.json.
      • This process is pretty slow depending on the number and size of dependencies.
      • For Optimization: We can package/zip required dependencies with project source code itself.

CICD - Continuous Integration And Continuous Deployment Intro

  • CICD is all about automating the deployment while adding increased safety.
  • Key aspects of CICD:
    • AWS CodeCommit: For storing our code.
    • AWS CodePipeline: For automating our pipeline from code to Elastic Beanstalk.
    • AWS CodeBuild: For building and testing our code.
    • AWS CodeDeploy: For deploying source code to EC2 fleets (Not Beanstalk).
  • Continuous Integration:
    • It simply means developers can push their to a code repository very often (Code Repository e.g. GitHub, CodeCommit, Bitbucket etc.)
    • As soon as the code is pushed into repository, a Testing or Build server gets the code from repository and Test/Build it. For this, CodeBuild, Jenkins CI etc. can be used from open source world.
    • After this, developer gets feedback about the tests and checks that have passed/failed.
    • Continuous Integration Goals:
      • Find bugs early and fix 'em.
      • Offers faster delivery as the code is tested.
      • Offers developers to deploy codes very often.
      • Makes developers happy as they're unblocked.
  • Continuous Delivery:
    • It usually means Automated Deployment. Deployments can be automated using tools such as:
      • CodeDeploy.
      • Jenkins CD.
      • Spinnaker.
    • Ensures that the software can be released reliably whenever needed.
    • Ensures that deployments happen often and are quick.
    • If your company had 1 Release Every 3 Months policy before, then with Continuous Delivery you can achieve 5 Releases a day easily.
  • Technology Stack For CICD (Continuous Integration And Continuous Deployment)
    • Code Repository:
      • AWS CodeCommit.
      • GitHub.
      • Or any 3rd party code repository.
    • Code Build And Test:
      • AWS CodeBuild.
      • Jenkins CI.
      • Or any 3rd party CI servers.
    • Code Deploy And Provision:
      • AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
      • AWS CodeDeploy to deploy on user managed EC2 instances Fleet (CloudFormation).
  • AWS CodePipeline is used to orchestrate/perform all above. i.e.:
    • Code.
    • Build.
    • Test.
    • Deploy.
    • Provision.


  • Version Control is the ability to understand the various changes that happened to the code over time (and possibly roll back).
  • All these are enabled by using a version control system such as Git.
  • A Git repository can live on one's machine, but it usually lives on a central online repository.
  • Benefits of using a version control system are:
    • Collaborate with multiple developers.
    • Make sure the code is backed-up somewhere.
    • Make sure it's fully viewable and auditable.
  • Why Choose CodeCommit:
    • Git repositories can be expensive. Free public repositories, but private repositories is a paid feature.
    • AWS CodeCommit:
      • Private Git repositories (At low costs).
      • No size limit on repositories (scale seamlessly).
      • Fully managed, highly available.
      • Source code resides only in AWS Cloud Account. Because of this, it provides security and compliance.
      • Secure (has encryption, access control etc.)
      • Integrated with Jenkins/CodeBuild/Other CI tools.
  • CodeCommit Security:
    • Since they are Git repositories, interactions are done using Git (standard).
    • When you Authenticate in Git,
      • You have SSH Keys: AWS Users can configure SSH keys in their IAM Console.
      • Or you can use HTTPS: Done through the AWS CLI Authentication Helper or by Generating HTTPS Credentials.
      • If you want really extra security, you can enable MFA (Multi Factor Authentication).
    • Authorization in Git:
      • IAM Policies manage user/roles rights to repositories.
    • Encryption:
      • Repositories are automatically encrypted at rest using KMS (Key Management Service).
      • Encrypted in trasit (Since we can only use HTTPS or SSH Keys - both are secured).
    • Cross Account Access:
      • Do not ever share your AWS credentials.
      • Do not ever share your SSH keys.
      • Use IAM Role in your AWS Account and use AWS STS (with AssumeRole API). AssumeRole is a cross-account access role api.
  • CodeCommit vs GitHub:
    • Similarities:
      • Both are Git repositories.
      • Both support code review Pull Requests.
      • Both can be integrated with AWS CodeBuild.
      • Both support HTTPS and SSH authentication methods.
    • Differences:
      • Security:
        • GitHub is administered through GitHub Users system.
        • CodeCommit uses AWS IAM Users & Roles.
      • Hosting:
        • GitHub: Codebase is hosted by GitHub.
        • GitHub Enterprise: Self hosted on your servers.
        • CodeCommit: Managed and hosted by AWS.
      • UI:
        • GitHub: GitHub is a clear winner. UI is fully featured.
        • CodeCommit: UI is minimal.
  • CodeCommit Notifications:
    • CodeCommit can integrate and trigger notifications using AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) or AWS Lambda or AWS CloudWatch Event Rules.
    • Use cases for SNS / AWS Lambda Notifications: Examples when notifications can be triggered
      • Deletion of branches.
      • Trigger notifications pushes on to master branch.
      • Trigger notifications to External Build System.
      • Trigger AWS Lambda function to perform codebase analysis.
        • For e.g. Analyze codebase to see if developer have used AWS credentials in codes and are those committed in the codes. Trigger notification if done so etc.
    • Use cases for CloudWatch Event Rules:
      • Trigger notifications for Pull Request Updates:
        • Created.
        • Updated.
        • Deleted.
        • Commented.
      • Trigger notifications when someone comments on Commit.
      • CloudWatch Event Rules goes into an SNS (Simple Notification System) Topic. i.e. CloudWatch Event Rules triggers notification into SNS Topic.


  • CodePipeline is nothing but a visual tool to perform Continuous Delivery.
  • CodePipeline is made of stages:
    • Each stage can have sequential actions and /or parallel actions.
    • Stages example: Build / Test/ Deploy / Load Test / etc..
    • Manual approval can be defined at any stage.
  • Pipeline works with Artifacts.
    • Artifacts are nothing but bunch of files that are passed and stored through in Amazon S3 and passed on to the next stage.
    • Each pipeline stage can create Artifacts.
  • CodePipeline Troubleshooting:
    • Whenever there is a state change in a pipeline (For e.g. New code committed/pushed), it will generate an AWS CloudWatch Event, which can in return create SNS notfication.
      • For e.g. You can create events for failed pipelines.
      • For e.g. You can create events for cancelled stages.
    • If CodePipeline fails a stage then your pipeline will stop and you will get information in the console.
    • AWS CloudTrail can be used to audir AWS API calls.
    • If pipeline can't perform an action, make sure the IAM Service Role attached does have enough permissions (IAM Policy).
      • For e.g. Pipeline is not able to deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. In this case, make sure that your policy is not incorrect or incomplete.


  • CodeBuild is a fully AWS managed build service. Alternative to CodeBuild is Jenkins but it is not as powerfull as CodeBuild.
  • CodeBuild is a Continuous Scaling system. That means you don't have to manage or provision any servers. There is no build queue.
  • CodeBuild can build code from GitHub / CodeCommit / CodePipeline / Bitbucket / S3 etc.
  • You only Pay For Usage: i.e. The time it takes to complete the builds.
  • Under the hood it uses Docker for reproducible builds.
  • Using our own base Docker images, we can easily extend the capabilities of CodeBuild.
  • Security:
    • Integration with KMS for encryption of build artifacts.
    • IAM for Build Permissions.
    • VPC for network security.
    • CloudTrail for API calls logging.
  • Custom build instructions can be defined in buildspec.yml file.
  • Output logs to Amazon S3 and AWS CloudWatch Logs.
  • AWS provides metrics to monitor CodeBuild statistics (Helpful to make sure build doesn't timeout or fail).
  • You can use CloudWatch Alarms to detect failed builds and trigger notifications.
  • You can also use CloudWatch Events or AWS Lambda as a Glue for everything.
  • You have an ability to trigger SNS Notifications.
  • Ability to reproduce CodeBuild locally to troubleshoot in case of errors.
  • Pipelines can be defined within CodePipeline or CodeBuild itself.
  • CodeBuild BuildSpec:
    • buildspec.yml file must be at the root of your code.
    • We can define environment variables inside buildspec.yml
      • Plaintext variables.
      • Secure Secrets: Use SSM Parameter Store.
    • We can specify commands to run for different phases of CodeBuild:
      • Install: Install dependencies you may need for your build.
      • Pre Build: Commands to execute before build.
      • Build: Actual build commands.
      • Post Build: Commands to run after build (for e.g. zip output).
    • Artifacts: What to upload to S3 (Encrypted with KMS).
    • Cache: Files to cache (usually dependencies) on S3 for future build speedups.
  • CodeBuild Local Build:
    • In case of need of deep troubleshooting beyond logs.
    • You can run CodeBuild locally on your desktop (after installing Docker).
    • For this, we will have to use CodeBuild Agent.


  • CodeDeploy is used to deploy application (automatically) to many EC2 instances.
  • It is more powerful than Elastic Beanstalk.
  • CodeDeploy only deploys application. It does NOT provision resources. It assumes that your EC2 instances are already existing.
  • CodeDeploy is an Amazon AWS managed service.
  • CodeDeploy is used to deploy codebase on EC2 instances managed by us (EC2 Instances Not Managed By Elastic Beanstalk).
  • Beside CodeDeploy there are many Open Source technologies to manage deployment on non Elastic Beanstalk managed EC2 instances:
    • Ansible.
    • Terraform.
    • Chef.
    • Puppet.
    • etc.
  • It runs directly from the AWS Console or Environments.
  • How CodeDeploy works:
    • Each EC2 machine (or On Promise machine) must be running the CodeDeploy Agent.
    • The CodeDeploy Agent is continuously polling AWS CodeDeploy for work to do.
    • AWS CodeDeploy sends appspec.yml file (or at least point to it).
    • Then application source code will be pulled from GitHub or S3.
    • EC2 will run the deployment instructions.
    • CodeDeploy Agent will report of success/failure of deployment on the EC2 instance.
  • EC2 instances are grouped by deployment group (dev/test/prod).
  • CodeDeploy provides lots of flexibility to define any of deployments.
  • CodeDeploy can be chained into CodePipeline and use Artifacts from there.
  • CodeDeploy can re-use existing setup tools (like anything you have on your EC2 machine).
  • It works with any kind of application.
  • CodeDeploy provides seamless auto scaling integration.
  • We can do Blue/Green deployments but it works only on EC2 instances and not On Promise Instances.
  • It does support AWS Lambda Deployments.
  • Primary Components:
    • Application: Unique Name.
    • Compute Platform: EC2/On-Promise or Lambda.
    • Deployment Configuration: Deployment rules for success/failure.
      • EC2/On-Promise: You can specify the minimum number of healthy instances for the deployment.
      • AWS Lambda: You can specify how traffic is routed to your updated Lambda Function versions.
    • Deployment Group: Group of Tagged Instances (Allows to deploy gradually).
    • Deployment Type: In-place deployment or Blue/green deployment.
    • IAM Instance Profile: Need to give EC2 the permissions to pull codebase from S3/GitHub.
    • Application Revision: Application Code + appspec.yml file.
    • Service Role: Role for CodeDeploy to perform what it needs (What it needs to perform the deployment).
    • Target Revision: Target deployment application version.
  • AppSpec (appspec.yml) File:
    • File Section: How to source and copy from S3/GitHub to filesystem.
    • Hooks: Set of instructions or commands are to be executed to deploy the new version (Hooks can have timeouts). Order is very important:
      • ApplicationStop: Specifies when to stop the current application that is being run on EC2 instance.
      • DownloadBundle: Specifies how to download new application (From S3/GitHub etc.)
      • BeforeInstall: Set of commands to run before new aplication is installed.
      • AfterInstall: Set of commands to run after the new application is installed. For e.g. May be you wanna do cleanup or launch a server etc.
      • ApplicationStart: Specifies how to start new application.
      • ValidateService: Very Important! Like a Health Check. It specifies how to validate newly deployed application version is running properly or not. For e.g. May be visit status.html and see if the response code is 200 OK.
      • BeforeAllowTraffic (Only in Blue/Green Deployment Type): Things to do before traffic is allowed to EC2 instance.
      • AllowTraffic (Only in Blue/Green Deployment Type): Specifies how to allow traffic to EC2 instance. For e.g. May be pull off Laravel setup from Maintainance Mode to Active.
      • AfterAllowTraffic (Only in Blue/Green Deployment Type): Things to do once the traffic is allowed to EC2 instance.
  • Deployment Config:
    • Configs:
      • One at a time: One instance at time. If one instance fails --> Entire deployment stops.
      • Half at a time: 50%. If 2 or more instances fail --> Entire deployment stops.
      • All at once: Quick but no healthy host, no downtime. Good for dev. If all instances fail --> Entire deployment stops.
      • Custom: For e.g. You can specify minimum healthy host = 75%.
    • Failure: In case of failures:
      • Instances stay in failed state.
      • New deployments will first be deployed to failed state instances which guarentees you don't bring down your whole application because of a failure.
      • To Rollback: You can re-deploy old deployment or enable automated rollback on failures.
    • Deployment Targets:
      • These can be EC2 instances with tags.
      • Or you can directly deploy to an ASG (Auto Scaling Group).
      • Or you can create Deployment Segments which is a mix of ASG and Tags (EC2 Instances).
      • For advanced users: You can customize in scripts with DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME environment variables.

CloudFormation - Infrastructure As Code

  • CloudFormation is a declarative way of outlining your AWS Infrastructure for any resources (most of them are supported).
  • CloudFormation supports YAML and JSON scripting languages. JSON is quite considered horrible for writing CloudFormation templates.
  • For e.g. Within a CloudFormation Template, you say:
    • I want a security group.
    • I want 2 EC2 machines using this security group.
    • I want 2 Elastic IPs for these EC2 machines.
    • I want an S3 Bucket.
    • I want a load balancer (ELB) in front of these EC2 machines.
  • Then CloudFormation creates those for you, in the right/correct order with the Exact Configurations that you specify.
  • Benefits of CloudFormation:
    • Infrastructure As Code:
      • No resources are manually created, which is excellent for control.
      • The code can be version controlled for example using Git.
      • All the changes to the infrastructure are reviewed through code.
    • Cost:
      • CloudFormation is free, you only pay for the underlying resources.
      • Each resources within stack is stagged with an identifier so you can easlity see how much a stack costs you.
      • You can estimate the costs of your resources using the CloudFormation template.
      • Saving Strategy: For e.g. In Dev environment, you could automate the deletion of Templates at 5PM and recreate them at 8AM safely.
    • Productivity:
      • Ability to destroy and re-create an infrastructure on the cloud on the fly.
      • Automated generation of Diagram for your templates (Quite nice for presentations).
      • Declarative programming (no need to figure out ordering and orchestration).
    • True Separation Of Concern: Create many stacks for many apps, and many layers. For e.g.
      • VPC Stacks.
      • Network Stacks.
      • App Stacks.
    • Don't Re-Invent The Wheel:
      • Leverage existing CloudFormation Templates on the web!
      • Leverage the documentations.
  • How CloudFormation Works:
    • Templates have to be uploaded in S3 and then referenced in CloudFormation.
    • To update a template, we can't edit previous ones. We have to re-upload a new version of the template to AWS.
    • Stacks are identified by a name.
    • Deleting a stack deletes every single artifact that was created by CloudFormation.
  • How To Create And Deploy CloudFormation Templates:
    • Manual Way:
      • Editing templates in the CloudFormation Designer.
      • Using the console to input parameters, etc.
    • Automated Way:
      • Editing templates in a YAML file.
      • Using the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) to create and deploy templates.
      • This is the recommended way if you want to fully automate the flow.

CloudFormation - Template - Resources

  • They are MANDATORY.
  • Resources are the core of your CloudFormation template.
  • They represent the different AWS Components that will be created and configured.
  • Resources are declared and can reference each other.
  • AWS figures out creation, updation and deletion of resources in right order for us.
  • There are over 224 types of AWS resources.
  • Resource Identifiers has the following form:
  • FAQ:
    • Can I create a dynamic amount of resources?
      • No, You can't! Everything in the CloudFormation Template has to be declared. You can't perform dynamic code generation there.
    • Is every AWS Service supported?
      • Almost! Only a select few niches are not there yet.
      • You can work around that using AWS Lambda Custom Resources.

CloudFormation - Template - Parameters

  • Parameters are way to provide inputs to your CloudFormation Templates.
  • They are super important to know about if you want to:
    • You want to re-use your templates across the company/AWS accounts/Regions.
    • Some inputs cannot be determined ahead of time.
      • For e.g. The key-pair you gonna link to your EC2 instances.
  • Parameters are extremely powerful, controlled and can prevent errors from happening in your templates. Thanks to Types.
  • When to use Parameters:
    • Ask yourself this:
      • Is this CloudFormation Resource Configuration likely to change in the future? If so, make it a Parameter.
      • By making some configuration a Parameter, you won't have to re-upload a CloudFormation Template to change it's content.
  • How to use/reference a Parameter:
    • The Fn::Ref function can be used to reference a Parameter.
    • Parameters can be used anywhere in CloudFormation Template.
    • The shorthand for this YAML is !Ref. Instead of shorthand, you can also use Fn::Ref.
    • The Fn::Ref function can also reference other elements within the CloudFormation Template.
  • Pseudo Parameters:
    • These are offered by AWS and they are available in any CloudFormation Template.
    • These can be used any time and are available by default.
    • For e.g.
      • AWS::AccountId: Gives the AWS account id. Quite handful if you are trying to construct some AWS ARN in your template.
      • AWS::Region: Gives the AWS region.
      • AWS::StackName: Gives the AWS CloudFormation Stack Name.

CloudFormation - Template - Mappings

  • Mappings are fixed variables within your CloudFormation Template.
  • They are very useful to differentiate between different environments (dev, prod etc), AWS Regions, AMI Types etc..
  • All Mapping Values are hardcoded within your CloudFormation Template.
  • For e.g.: `YAML``
                Name: Value01
            Key 02:
                Name: Value 02
            Key 03:
                Name: Value 03
  • When to use Mappings:
    • When you know all the values that can be taken and that they can deduced from variables such as:
      • Region.
      • Availability Zone.
      • AWS Account.
      • Environment (e.g. Dev, Prod etc).
    • They allow safer control over the CloudFormation Template.
    • Use Parameters when values are user specific. i.e. when you don't know the value and you want user to input value.
  • How to use/access Mapping Value:
    • Fn::FindInMap function is used to access/use Mapping Value.
    • Fn::FindInMap is used to return a named value from a specific key.
    • Following is a shorthand for Fn::FindInMap function:
      !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]

CloudFormation - Template - Outputs

  • The Outputs section in CloudFormation Template defines Optional Output values that we can import into our Stacks (If you Export them first!)
  • You can also view the Outputs in AWS Console or in using AWS CLI.
  • They are very useful, for e.g. If you define a Network CloudFormation template and output the variables such as VPC Ids and your Subnet Ids. These Ids can be re-used in your other CloudFormation Templates.
  • It's a best way to perform Cross Stack Collaboration, as you let expert handle their own part of the CloudFormation Stack.
  • You can't delete a CloudFormation Stack if it's Output Values are referenced by another CloudFormation Stack.
  • Only values that are specified under Export, can be used used as Output Values.
  • Fn::ImportValue function is used to reference a cross stack output value.
  • You can't delete the underlying stack unless all the references stacks are deleted.
  • Shorthand syntax is:

CloudFormation - Template - Conditions

  • Conditions are used to control the creation of resources or to control outputs based on conditionals.
  • Conditions can be whatever you want them to be, but the common ones are:
    • Environment: For e.g. dev/test/prod.
    • AWS Region.
    • Any Parameter Value.
  • Each Condition can reference another Condition, Parameter Value or Mapping Value.
  • How to define a condition?
    • Following codeblock describes: Create producion resources (CreateProdResources) only if parameter value of EnvType is equals to prod.
          CreateProdResources: !Equals [ !Ref EnvType, prod ]
    • The logical Id (CreateProdResources) is for you to choose. It's how you name condition.
    • The logical functions can be any of the following:
      • Fn::And
      • Fn::Equals
      • Fn::If
      • Fn::Not
      • Fn::Or
  • How to use a condition?
    • Conditions can be applied to resources/outputs/etc..
    • For e.g. Following codeblock will create AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment only if condition CreateProdResources is true:
              Type: "AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment"
              Condition: CreateProdResources
      Note: They are at the same level as Type.

CloudFormation - Template - Intrinsic Functions

  • Following are some of the important Intrinsic Functions:
    • Ref
      • It is used to reference the value.
        • If referencing the Parameter, then it will return value of that Parameter.
        • If referencing the Resource, then it will return Physical Id of the underlying resource. For e.g. Id of EC2 Instance.
      • Shorthand in YAML is !Ref.
      • E.g. !Ref MyVPC will return the physical Id of MyVPC.
            Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
                VpcId: !Ref MyVPC
    • Fn::GetAtt
      • It is used to get the Attribute value of resources.
      • Attributes are attached to any resources you create.
      • To know the attributes of your resources, the best place to look at is the AWS documentation.
      • E.g. To get the Availability Zone of EC2 instance:
            Type: "AWS::EC2::Volume"
            Condition: CreateProdResources
                Size: 100
                    !GetAtt EC2Instance.AvailabilityZone
    • Fn::FindInMap
      • It is used to get the Mapping Values.
      • We use Fn::FindInMap to return a named value from a specific key.
      • Shorthand in YAML is as follows:
        !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
    • Fn::ImportValue
      • It is used to import values that are exported in other CloudFormation Templates.
    • Fn::Join
      • It is used to join values with a delimiter.
      • Syntax:
        !Join [delimiter, [comma-delimited list of values]]
      • For e.g. To create following string: a:b:c:
        !Join [":", [a, b, c]]
    • Fn::Sub
      • It is used to substitute variables from a text.
      • It allows you to fully customize your CloudFormation Templates.
      • Shorthand in YAML is !Sub.
      • For e.g. You can combine Fn::Sub with References or AWS Pseudo Variables.
      • String must contain ${VariableName} and will substitute them.
    • Condition Functions:
      • Fn::And
      • Fn::Equals
      • Fn::If
      • Fn::Not
      • Fn::Or

CloudFormation - Rollbacks

  • When Stack Creation Fails in CloudFormation:
    • By Default: Everything rolls back (gets deleted). We can look at the logs.
    • When you create a Stack, you have option to Disable Rollback And Troubleshoot what happened.
  • When Stack Update Fails in CloudFormation:
    • The stack automatically rolls back to the previous known working state.
    • You also have an ability to see in the logs what happened and error messages.

AWS Monitoring Intro

  • AWS CloudWatch:
    • Metrics: Collect and track key metrics.
    • Logs: Collect, monitor, analyze and store log files.
    • Events: Send notifications when certain events happen in your AWS.
    • Alarms: React in real-time to metrics/events.
  • AWS X-Ray:
    • Troubleshooting application performance and errors.
    • Distributed tracing of microservices.
  • AWS CloudTrail:
    • Internal monitoring of API calls being made.
    • Audit changes to AWS Resources by your users.

CloudWatch Metrics

  • CloudWatch provides metrics for all services in AWS.
  • Metric is a variable to monitor (For e.g. In EC2 Instance - CPUUtilization, NetworkIn etc..)
  • Metrics belong to namespaces.
  • Dimension is an attribute of a metric (For e.g. instance id, environment, etc..).
  • We can have up to 10 Dimensions per Metric.
  • Metrics have timestamps.
  • Out of metrics we want, we can create CloudWatch Dashboards.
  • CloudWatch EC2 Detailed Monitoring:
    • EC2 instance metrics have metrics Every 5 Minutes.
    • With Detailed Monitoring (For extra cost), you can get metrics for Every 1 Minute.
    • Use Detailed Monitoring if you want to more promptly scale your ASG.
    • AWS Free Tier allows us to have 10 Detailed Monitoring Metrics.
    • Note: EC2 Memory Usage is not pushed as a Metric by default. It must be pushed from inside the EC2 instance as a Custom Metric.
  • CloudWatch Custom Metrics:
    • It is possible to define and send your own custom metrics to CloudWatch. And they can be whatever you want.
    • Ability to use Dimensions (Attributes) to segment metrics. For e.g.
    • Metric Resolution for Custom Metrics:
      • Standard: 1 Minute.
      • Higher Resolution: If you want, you can get Metric data up to every 1 Second using StorageResolution API Parameter. It is offered at Higher Cost.
        • StorageResolution API Parameter enables High Resolution Custom Metric.
    • To send a Metric Data to CloudWatch PutMetricData API call is used.
    • You can use Exponential Back Off in case of Throttle Errors.

CloudWatch Alarms

  • Alarms are used to trigger notifications for any metric.
  • Alarms can be attached to Auto Scaling Groups, EC2 Actions, SNS Notifications etc..
  • Various options (sampling, %, max, min, etc..)
  • Alarm States:
    • OK
    • ALARM: When Alarm threshold is passed.
  • Alarm Period:
    • Length of time in seconds to evaluate the metric.
    • High Resolution Custom Metrics: Can only choose 10 sec or 30 sec.

CloudWatch Logs

  • Applications can send logs to CloudWatch using the SDK.
  • CloudWatch can collect logs from:
    • Elastic Beanstalk: Collection of logs from application.
    • ECS: Collection from containers.
    • AWS Lambda: Collection from function logs.
    • VPC Flow Logs: VPC specific logs.
    • API Gateway.
    • CloudTrail based on filter.
    • CloudWatch Log Agents: For e.g. On EC2 machines.
    • Route53: Log DNS queries.
  • CloudWatch Logs Can Go To:
    • Batch exporter to S3 for archival.
    • Stream to ElasticSearch Cluster for further analytics.
  • CloudWatch Logs can use filter expressions.
  • CloudWatch Logs Storage Architecture:
    • Log Groups: Arbitrary name, usually representing an application.
    • Log Streams: Instances within application/log files/containers.
  • Can define log expiration policies (Never Expire, 30 Days, etc..)
  • Using AWS CLI we can tail the CloudWatch Logs.
  • To send logs to CloudWatch, make sure your IAM Permissions are correct.
  • Security: Encryption of logs using KMS At Rest at the Group Level.

CloudWatch Events

  • Events can be scheduled using Cron Jobs.
  • You can also define Event Pattern is CloudWatch Events: Event Rules to react to a service doing something.
    • For e.g: CodePipeline state changes!
  • Triggers to Lambda Functions, SQS, SNS, Kinesis Messages etc..
  • CloudWatch Event creates a small JSON document to give information about the change.


  • AWS X-Ray gives Visual Analysis of your application.
  • Advantages:
    • Troubleshooting performance (bottlenecks).
    • Understand dependencies in a microservice architecture.
    • Pinpoint service issues.
    • Review request behavior.
    • Find errors and exceptions.
    • With AWS X-Ray, you can answer questions such as "Are we meeting time SLA in terms of latency or time to process a request etc"?
    • You can find out which service is slowing you down/"Where I am throttled"?
    • You can identify users that are impacted.
  • Compatibility:
    • AWS Lambda.
    • Elastic Beanstalk.
    • ECS.
    • ELB.
    • API Gateway.
    • EC2 Instances or any application server (even on premise).
  • AWS X-Ray Leverages Tracing. Tracing is something:
    • Tracing is an end to end way to following a request.
    • Each component dealing with the request adds its own trace.
    • Tracing is made of segments (+ sub segments).
    • Annotations can be added to traces to provide extra information.
    • Ability To Trace:
      • Every request.
      • Sample request (as a % for e.g. or a rate per minute).
    • X-Ray Security:
      • IAM for authorization.
      • KMS for encryption at rest.
  • How to enable AWS X-Ray?
    • Your code (Java, Python, Go, Node.js, .NET) must import AWS X-Ray SDK.
      • Very little code modifications needed.
      • The application SDK will then capture:
        • Calls to AWS services.
        • HTTP/HTTPS requests.
        • Database Calls (MySQL, PostgreSQl, DynamoDB).
        • Queue Calls (SQS).
    • After modifying code, we will have to install the X-Ray Daemon or enable X-Ray AWS Integration:
      • X-Ray Daemon works as a low level UDP packet interceptor (Linux/Windows/Mac etc..)
      • AWS Lambda/Other AWS services already run the X-Ray Daemon for you.
      • Each application must have the IAM rights to write data to X-Ray.

AWS CloudTrail

  • Provides governance, compliance and audit for your AWS account.
  • CloudTrail is Enabled By Default.
  • Get an history of events/API calls made within your AWS account by:
    • Console
    • SDK
    • CLI
    • AWS Services
  • Can put logs from CloudTrail into CloudWatch Logs.
  • If a resource is deleted in AWS, look into CloudTrail first!

Introduction To Messaging

  • When we start deploying multiple applications, they will inevitably need to communicate with one another.
  • There are 2 patterns of application communication:
    • Synchronous Communication: Application To Application.
    • Asynchronous / Event Based: Application To Queue To Application.
  • Synchronous communication between applications can be problematic if there are sudden spikes of traffic.
  • It's better to decouple your applications and scale decoupled applications individually.
  • Asynchronous communication between applications can be achieved by:
    • SQS: Queue model.
    • SNS: Pub/Sub model.
    • Kinesis: Real-time streaming model.
    • These services can scale independently from our application.


  • SQS stands for Simple Queue Service.
  • Types Of Queues:
    • Standard Queue:
      • It is the oldest offering by AWS (Over 10 years old).
      • Fully managed by AWS.
      • Scales from 1 messages per secord to 10000s per second.
      • Default retention of messages: 4 days, maximum of 14 days.
      • No limit to how many messages can be in the queue.
      • Low latency (< 10ms on publish and receive>).
      • Horizontal scaling in terms of number of consumers.
      • Can have duplicate messages (at least one delivery, occasionally).
      • Can have out of order messsages (best effort ordering).
      • Limitation of 256kb per message sent.
    • Delay Queue:
      • Delay a message (Consumers don't see it immediately) up to 15 minutes.
      • Default is 0 seconds (messages are available right away).
      • Can set Default Delay at Queue level.
      • Can override the Default Delay using DelaySeconds parameter.
    • Dead Letter Queue (DLQ):
      • In Standard Queue and Delay Queue:
        • If a consumer fails to process a message within the Visibility Timeout, the message goes back to the queue.
        • We can set a threshold of how many times a message can go back to the queue - It's called a Redrive Policy.
      • After the threshold (Redrive Policy) is exceeded, the message goes into a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
      • We have to create a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) first and then designate it a Dead Letter Queue.
      • Make sure to process the messages in Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) before they expire.
  • Producing Messages: Message form:
    • Define message body upto 256kb.
    • Add message attributes (metadata - optional). For e.g. Name, Type, Value etc..
    • Provide Delay Delivery (optional). For e.g. with DelaySeconds parameters.
    • After processing message, we get back folling data as a response:
      • Message Identifier.
      • MD5 Hash of the message body.
  • Consuming Messages:
    • Consumers..
    • Consumers Poll SQS for messages (receive up to 10 messages at a time).
    • Consumers have duty to process messages before the Visibility Timeout.
    • Once the message is processed, Consumer will tell the SQS to delete the message or when the Visibility Timeout is reached, SQS will delete the message using Message Id and Receipt Handle.
  • SQS - Visibility Timeout:
    • The length of the time (in seconds) for which a message received from a queue will be invisible to other receiving components.
    • When a consumer polls a message from a queue, the message is invisible to other consumers for a defined period. This is what is called a Visibility Timeout.
    • Default Visibility Timeout is 30 Seconds.
    • You can set any value between 0 Seconds To 12 Hours.
    • If the Visibility Timeout is set too high (e.g. 15 minutes) and a consumer fails to process the message, you must wait a long time before processing the message again.
    • If the Visibility Timeout is set too low (e.g. 30 seconds) and a consumer needs time to process the message (e.g. 2 minutes), another consumer will receive the message and the message will be processed more than once.
    • ChangeMessageVisibility API:
      • If a consumer receives a message and starts processing it, and while processing, consumer figures out it will need more time to process the message, then consumer can change message's Visibility Timeout value using ChangeMessageVisibility API while processing the message.
    • DeleteMessage API:
      • Consumer can use DeleteMessage API to tell SQS that the message was successfully processed and you can delete it.
  • SQS - Long Polling:
    • When a consumer requests message from the queue, it can optionally wait for messages to arrive if there are none in the queue. This is called Long Polling.
    • Long Polling decreases the number of API calls made to SQS while increasing the efficiency and latency of your application.
    • Wait time can be between 1 Second to 20 Seconds (20 Seconds Preferable).
    • Long Polling is preferable over Short Polling.
    • Long Polling can be enabled at queue level or at the API level using WaitTimeSeconds API.


  • Newer offering (First In - First Out) - Not available in all regions.
  • Name of queue must end in .fifo.
  • Lower throughput (up to 3000 per second with batching | 300 per second without batching).
  • Messages are processed in order by consumer.
  • Messages are sent exactly once.
  • No per message delay (Only Per Queue Delay).
  • Ability to do content based de-duplication.
  • 5-Minute interval de-duplicattion using Duplication Id.
  • Message Groups:
    • Possibility to group messages for FIFO ordering using Message GroupId.
    • Only one worker can be assigned per message group so that messages are processed in order.
    • Message group is just an extra tag on the Message!

SQS Extended Client

  • Message size limit is 256kb, how to send large messages? This is where Extended Client comes into picture.
  • It is available only under Java Library at the moment.
  • It leverages S3 over SQS Queue.

SQS Security

  • Encryption in flight using the HTTPS endpoint.
  • Can enable SSE (Server Side Encryption) using KMS.
    • Can set the CMK (Customer Master Key) we want to use.
    • Can set the data key reuse period (between 1 minute and 24 hours).
      • Lower and KMS API will be used often.
      • Higher and KMS API will be called less often.
    • SSE only encrypts the message body, not the metadata (Message Id, Timestamp, Attributes).
  • IAM policy must allow usage of SQS.
  • SQS queue access policy:
    • Finer grained control over IP.
    • Control over the time the requests come in.
  • No VPC Endpoint to access SQS. SQS can only be accessed over internet.


  • AWS SNS (Simple Notification System) comes into the picture when we want to send one message to many receivers.
  • The Event Producer only sends message to SNS Topic.
  • As may Event Receivers (Subscriptions) as we want to listen to the SNS Topic Notifications.
  • Each subscriber to the topic will get all the messages (Note: Theres a new feature to filter messages).
  • Up to 10,000,000 subscribers per topic.
  • 100,000 topics limit.
  • Subscribers can be:
    • SQS Queues.
    • HTTP/HTTPS Endpoints (With delivery retries - how many times).
    • Lambda.
    • Emails.
    • SMS Messages.
    • Mobile Notifications.
  • SNS integrates with a lot of Amazon Products:
    • Some services can send data directly to SNS for notifications.
    • CloudWatch (For Alarms).
    • Auto Scaling Group Notifications.
    • Amazon S3 (On Bucket events).
    • CloudFormation (Upon state changes --> Failed to build etc..)
  • How to publish:
    • Topic Publish (Within your AWS Server - Using the SDK).
      • Create to a Topic.
      • Create a subscription (or many).
      • Publish the topic.
    • Direct Publish (For mobile apps SDK).
      • Create a platform application.
      • Create a platform endpoint.
      • Publish to the platform endpoint.
      • Works with Google GCM, Apple APNS, Amazon ADM etc..

SNS + SQS - Fan Out

  • SNS + SQS (Fan Out) is used when you want to publish the data to many SQS queues. i.e. Push once in SNS, receive in many SQS.
  • Fully decoupled.
  • No data loss.
  • Ability to add receivers of data later.
  • SQS allows for delayed processing.
  • SQS allows for retries of work.
  • May have many workers on one queue and one worker on the other queue.

AWS Kinesis

  • Kinesis is a managed alternative to Apache Kafka.
  • Great for application logs, metrics, IoT, clickstreams etc..
  • Basically it is great for anything with Real-time Big Data.
  • Great for streaming processing frameworks (Spark, NiFi etc..)
  • Data is automatically replicated to 3 Availability Zones.
  • There are 3 Kinesis sub products:
    • Kinesis Streams: Low latency streaming ingest at scale.
    • Kinesis Analytics: Perform real-time analytics on streams using SQL.
    • Kinesis Firehose: Load streams into S3, Redshift, ElasticSearch.
  • Kinesis Streams:
    • Streams are divided in ordered Shards/Partitions.
    • On Shards, data retention is 1 day by default (can go up to 7 days).
    • Ability to reprocess/replay data (In SQS, when data is processed, it's gone. This is not the case with Kinesis).
    • Multiple applications can consume the same stream (Sort of like SNS).
    • Real time processing with scale of throughput.
    • Once data is inserted in Kinsis, it can't be deleted (immutability).
  • Kinesis Stream Shards:
    • One stream is made of many different shards.
    • 1mb per second or 1000 messages per second at write PER SHARD. i.e. A producer can write 1000 messages per second.
    • 2mb per second at read PER SHARD.
    • Billing is per shard provisioned. You can have as many shards as you want.
    • Batching available or per message calls.
    • The number of shards can evolve over time (reshard/merge).
    • Records are ordered per shard.
  • Kinesis API - Put Records:
    • On producer side, there is Put Records API.
    • Put Records API is a way to send data to Kinesis.
    • PutRecords API + Partition Key that gets hashed. Partition Key is hashed to determine shard id.
    • Rule is - Same key always goes to same partition. Helps with ordering for a specific key.
    • Messages that are sent to the shards, get a sequence number.
    • Choose a partition key that is highly distributed. Helps prevent Hot Partition.
      • For e.g. If your application has millions of users then use user_id as a Partition Key.
      • For e.g. If your apploication has milllions of users, do not use their country_id as a Partition Key. Befcause many users can belong to 1 country.
    • Use Batching with PutRecords API to reduce costs and increase throughput.
    • If we go over the limits, we will get an error ProvisionedThroughputExceeded.
    • Can use CLI, AWS SDK, or producer libraries from various frameworks.
    • Common Exceptions:
      • ProvisionedThroughputExceeded Exception:
        • Happens when sending more data (exceeding MBs per second or TPS for shard).
        • Make sure you dont have a hot shard (such as your partition key is bad and too much data goes to that partition).
      • Solutions:
        • Retries with backoff.
        • Increase shards (scaling).
        • Ensure your partition key is a good one.
  • Kinesis API - Consumers:
    • Can yse a normal consumer (CLI, SDK etc..)
    • Can use Kinesis Client Library (in Java, Node, Python, Ruby, .Net).
      • KCL (Kinesis Client Library uses DynamoDB to checkpoint offsets.
      • KCL (Kinesis Client Library uses DynamoDB to track other workers and share the work amongst shards.

Kinesis Security

  • Control access/authorization using IAM Policies.
  • Encryption in flight using HTTPS endpoints.
  • Encryption at rest using KMS (SSE - Server Side Encryption).
  • Ability to encrypt/decrypt data at client side (harder).
  • VPC Endpoints available for Kinesis to access within VPC.

Kinesis Data Analytics

  • Perform real-time analytics on Kinesis Streams using SQL.
  • Kinesis Data Analytics:
    • Auto Scaling.
    • Managed: No servers to provision.
    • Continuos: Real Time.
  • Pay for actual consumption rate.
  • Can create strewams out of the real-time queires.

Kinesis Firehose

  • Fully managed service, no administration.
  • Near Real Time (60 seconds latency).
  • Load data into Redshift/Amazon S3/ElasticSearch/Splunk.
  • Automatic scaling.
  • Support many data format (Pay for conversion).
  • Pay for the amount of data going through Firehose.

SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis

  • SQS:
    • Consumers pull data.
    • Data is deleted after being consumed.
    • Can have as many workers (consumers) as we want.
    • No need to provision throughput.
    • No ordering guarantee (Except FIFO queues).
    • Individual message delay capability.
  • SNS: Pub/Sub
    • Push data to many subscribers.
    • Up to 10,000,000 subscribers.
    • Data is not persisted (lost if not delivered).
    • Pub/Sub.
    • Up to 100,000 topics.
    • No need to provision throughput.
    • Integrates with SQS for Fan Out architecture pattern.
  • Kinesis:
    • Consumers pull data.
    • As many consumers as we want.
    • Possibility to replay data.
    • Meant for real-time big data, analytics and ETL.
    • Ordering at the shard level.
    • Data expires after X days. Must provision throughput.

Amazon MQ

  • SQS, SNS are cloud native services, and they're using proprietary protocols from AWS.
  • Traditional applications running from on-promise may use open protocols such as: MQTT, AMQP, STOMP, Openwire, WSS etc...
  • When migrating to the cloud, instead of re-engineering the application to use SQS and SNS, we can use Amazon MQ.
  • Amazon MQ = Managed Apache ActiveMQ.
  • Amazon MQ doesn't Scale as much as SQS/SNS.
  • Amazon MQ runs on a dedicated machine, can run in HA (High Availability) with failover.
  • Amazon MQ has both queue feature (~SQS) and topic features (~SNS).
  • Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that makes it easy to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud.
  • Message brokers allow different software systems–often using different programming languages, and on different platforms–to communicate and exchange information.
  • Amazon MQ reduces your operational load by managing the provisioning, setup, and maintenance of ActiveMQ, a popular open-source message broker.
  • Connecting your current applications to Amazon MQ is easy because it uses industry-standard APIs and protocols for messaging, including JMS, NMS, AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and WebSocket.
  • Using standards means that in most cases, there’s no need to rewrite any messaging code when you migrate to AWS.

AWS Serverless

  • Serverless is a new paradigm in which the developers don't have to manage servers anymore.
  • Initially, Serverless was FaaS (Function as a Service).
  • Serverless was pioneered by AWS Lambda but now also includes anything that's managed: For e.g. databases, messaging, storage, etc..
  • Usually when people say Serverless in AWS, they mean AWS Lambda.
  • Serverless does not mean there are no servers. It meams you just don't manage/provision/see them.
  • Serverless in AWS has many different forms:
    • AWS Lambda.
    • Step Functions (FaaS - Function as a Service).
    • DynamoDB.
    • AWS Cognito.
    • AWS API Gateway.
    • Amazon S3.
    • AWS SNS & SQS.
    • AWS Kinesis.
    • Aurora Serverless.

AWS Lambda

  • Lambda functions can be invoked Synchronously or Asynchronously.
  • Difference between EC2 and Lambda:
    • In EC2 Architecture:
      • EC2 are Virtual Servers in the Cloud.
      • EC2 machines are limited by RAM and CPU.
      • EC2 instances are continuosly running.
      • Scaling means intervention to add/remove servers.
    • In AWS Lambda:
      • Lambda are Virtual Functions. No servers to manage!
      • Limited by time - Short executions.
      • Run on-demand.
      • Scaling is automated!
  • Benifits:
    • Easy Pricing:
      • Pay per request and compute time. i.e. Pay for only when AWS Lambda functions are executed and the time they required to execute.
      • Free tier of 1,000,000 AWS Lambda requests and 400,000 GBs of compute time.
    • Integrated with the whole AWS stack.
    • Integrated with many programming languages.
    • Easy monitoring through AWS CloudWatch.
    • Easy to get more resources per function (up to 3GB of RAM).
    • Increasing RAM will also improve CPU and network!

AWS Lambda Configurations

  • Timeout: Default 3 seconds, max of 300 seconds.
  • Environment Variables.
  • Allocated memory (128mb to 3gb).
  • Ability to deploy within a VPC + Assign security groups.
  • IAM execution role must be attached to the Lambda Function.

AWS Lambda Limits

  • Execution:
    • Memory Allocation: 128mb to 3008mb (64mb increments).
    • Maximum execution time: 300 seconds (5 Minutes). Now AWS supports 15 minutes but exam still assumes 5 minutes max.
    • Disk capacity in the Function Container i.e. in /tmp is 512mb.
    • Concurrency limit: Maximum 1000 lambda functions can cocurrently execute. This can be incremented by support ticket request.
  • Deployment:
    • Lambda function deployment size (compressed .zip): 50mb.
    • Size of uncompressed deployment (code + dependencies): 250mb.
    • Can use /tmp directory to load other files at startup.
    • Size of environment variables: 4kb.

AWS Lambda Concurrency And Throttling

  • Concurrency: Up to 1000 executions (can be increased through ticket).
  • Can set a Reserved Concurrency at the function level.
  • Each invocation over the concurrency limit will trigger a Throttle.
  • Throttle Behavior:
    • If Synchronous Invocation then it will return ThrottleError - 429.
    • If Asynchronous Invocation then it will retry automatically and then go to DLQ.

AWS Lambda Retries And DLQ

  • Lambda functions can be invoked Synchronously or Asynchronously.
  • If it is invoked Synchronously and it fails then you are responsible as a Caller to retry. You could use Exponential Back-off to retry your function.
  • If it is invoked Asynchronously and it fails then it will be retried twice.
    • After all retries (Asynchronously called function), unprocessed events go to the Dead Letter Queue.
    • Original event payload is sent to the DLQ.
    • This is an easy way to debug what's wrong with your functions in production without changing the code.
  • In Lambda, a DLQ can be a SNS Topic or SQS Queue.
  • Make sure the IAM execution role is correct for your Lambda function.

AWS Lambda Logging Monitoring And Tracing

  • CloudWatch:
    • AWS Lambda execution logs are stored in AWS CloudWatch Logs.
    • AWS Lambda metrics are displayed in AWS CloudWatch Metrics.
    • Make sure your Lambda function has an execution role with an IAM policy that authorizes writes to CloudWatch.
  • X-Ray:
    • It's possible to trace Lambda with X-Ray.
    • Enable in Lambda configuration (runs the X-Ray daemon for you).
    • Use AWS SDK in Code.
    • Ensure Lambda Function has correct IAM Execution Role.

AWS Lambda Versions And Aliases

  • When you work on a Lambda function, you work on a version called $LATEST.
  • $LATEST version is mutable (i.e. we can change it however we want).
  • When we're ready to publish a Lambda function, we can create a version. This version is immutable.
  • Versions are immutable.
  • Versions have increasing version numbers.
  • Versions get their own ARN (Amazon Resource Name).
  • Version represents Code + Configuration. Nothing can be changed! Immutable.
  • Each version of the Lambda function can be accessed using the correct ARN.
  • AWS Lambda Aliases:
    • Aliases are mutable.
    • Aliases are pointers to Lambda Function Versions.
    • We can define dev, test, prod aliases and have them point at different lambda versions.
    • Aliases enable Blue/Green deployments by assigning weights to lambda functions.
    • Aliases enable stable configuration of our event triggers/destinations.
    • Aliases have their own ARNs.

AWS Lambda Best Practices

  • Perform heavy duty work outside of your function handler:
    • Connect to databases outside of your function handler.
    • Initialize the AWS SDK outside of your function handler.
    • Pull in dependencies or datasets outside of your function handler.
  • User Environment Variables for:
    • Database Connection Strings, S3 Bucket, etc.. do not put these values directly in your code.
    • Passwords, sensitive values, etc.. can be encrypted using KMS.
    • Environment Variables can be 4kb max in size.
  • Minimize your deployment package size to its runtime necessities:
    • Break down the function if need be.
    • Remember the AWS Lambda limits.
      • Lambda function deployment size (compressed .zip): 50mb.
      • Size of uncompressed deployment (code + dependencies): 250mb.
  • Avoid using recursive code, never have a Lambda function call itself.
  • Don't put your Lambda function in a VPC unless you have to. In VPC, Lambda Function will take bit of a time to initialize.

DynamoDB Intro

  • NoSQL Databases:
    • Are non-relational databases and are Distributed.
    • For e.g. MongoDB, DynamoDB etc..
    • Do not support joins.
    • All the data that is needed for a query is present in one row.
    • Don't perform/provide aggregations such as SUM.
    • NoSQL Databases scale horizontally!
    • There's no right or wrong for NoSQL vs SQL, they just require to model the data differently and think about user queries differently.
  • Fully managed, Highly available with replication across 3 Availability Zones by default.
  • NoSQL Database - Not a relational database.
  • Scales to massive workloads, distributed database.
  • Millions of requests per second, trillions of rows, 100s of TB of storage.
  • Fast and consistent in performance (low latency on retrieval).
  • Integrated with IAM for security, authorization and administration.
  • Enables event driven programming with DynamoDB Streams.
  • Low cost and auto scaling capabilities.
  • Basics:
    • DynamoDB is made of Tables.
    • Each table has a Primary Key (must be decided at creation time).
    • Each table can have an infinite number of items (i.e. Rows).
    • Each item has attributes (can be added over time - can be null).
    • Maximum size of a item is 400kb.
    • Data types supported are:
      • Scaler Types: String, Number, Binary, Boolean, Null.
      • Document Types: List, Map.
      • Set Types: String Set, Number Set, Binary Set.
  • Primary Keys:
    • Option 1: Partition key only (HASH)
      • Partition key must be unique for each item.
      • Partition key must be diverse so that the data is distributed.
      • For e.g. user_id for users table.
    • Option 2: Partition Key + Sort Key
      • The combination must be unique.
      • Data is grouped by partition key.
      • Sort Key is also a Range Key.
      • For e.g. In users-games table:
        • user_id for the Partition Key
        • game_id for the Sort Key.

DynamoDB - Provisioned Throughput

  • Table must have provisioned read and write capacity units.
  • Read Capacity Units (RCU): Throughput for reads ($0.00013 per RCU).
    • In DynamoDB, you get an option to choose Strongly Consistent Read or Eventualy Consistent Read.
      • Eventually Consistent Read: If we read just after a write, it is possible that we might get an unexpected response because of replication.
      • Strongly Consistent Read: If we read just after a write, we will definitely get the correct data.
      • By Default: DynamoDB uses Eventually Consistent Read but GetItem, Query & Scan has a ConsistentRead parameter you can set to True.
    • One Read Capacity Unit (RCU) represents 1 Strongly Consistent Read per second, or 2 Eventually Consistent Reads per second, for an item up to 4kb in size.
    • 1 RCU = 1 Strongly consistent read of 4kb per second.
    • OR
    • 1 RCU = 2 Eventually consistent read of 4kb per second.
    • If the items are larger than 4kb, more RCU are consumed.
    • Examples: Calculate RCU in following scenarios:
      • Example 1: 10 Strongly consistent reads per seconds of 4kb each:
        • We need (10 * 4) / 4 = 10 RCU.
      • Example 2: 16 Eventually consistent reads per seconds of 12kb each:
        • We need (16 / 2) * (12 / 4) = 24 RCU.
      • Example 3: 10 Strongly consistent reads per seconds of 6kb each:
        • We need (10 * 8) / 4 = 20 RCU. (We have to round up 6kb to 8kb)
  • Write Capacity Units (WCU): Throughput for writes ($0.00065 per WCU).
    • One Write Capacity Unit (WCU) represents one write per second for an item up to 1kb in size.
    • 1 WCU = 1 Write of 1kb second.
    • If the items are larger than 1kb, more WCU are consumed.
    • Examples: Calculate WCU in following scenarios:
      • Example 1: We write 10 objects per seconds of 2kb each:
        • We need 2 * 10 = 20 WCU.
      • Example 2: We write 6 objects per seconds of 4.5kb each:
        • We need 6 * 5 = 30 WCU (4.5 gets rounded to the upped kb).
      • Example 3: We write 120 objects per minute of 2kb each:
        • We need (120 / 60) * 2 = 4 WCU.
  • Option to setup auto-scaling of throughput to meet demand.
  • Throughput can exceeded temporarily using Burst Credit.
  • If ther burst credit are empty, you'll get a ProvisionedThroughputException.
  • It's then advised to do an exponential back-off retry.

DynamoDB - Partitions Internal

  • Data is divided in partitions.
  • Partition keys go through a hashing algorithm to know to which partition they go to.
  • To compute the number of partitions:
    • By capacity: (TOTAL RCU / 3000) + (TOTAL WCU / 1000).
    • By size: Total Size / 10 GB.
    • Total Partitions: CEILING(MAX(Capacity, Size)).
  • WCU and RCU are spread evenly between partitions

DynamoDB - Throttling

  • If we exceed our RCU or WCU, we get ProvisionedThroughputExceededException.
  • Reasons:
    • Hot Keys: One partition key is being read too many times (for e.g. popular item).
    • Hot partition.
    • Very large items: Remember RCU and WCU depends on size of items.
  • Solutions:
    • Exponential back-off when exception is encountered (already in SDK).
    • Distribute partition keys as much as possible.
    • If RCU issue, we can use DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX).

DynamoDB - Basic APIs

  • Writing Data:
    • PutItem: Write data to DynamoDB (Create data or full replace).
      • Consumes WCU.
    • UpdateItem: Update data in DynamoDB (Partial update of attributes).
      • Possibility to use Atomic Counters and increase them.
    • Conditional Writes:
      • Accept a write/update only if conditions are respected, otherwise reject.
      • Helps with concurrent access to items.
      • No performance impact.
  • Deleting Data:
    • DeleteItem: Delete an individual row.
      • Ability to perform conditional delete.
    • DeleteTable: Delete a whole table and all its items.
      • Much quicker deletion than calling DeleteItem on all items.
  • Batching Writes:
    • BatchWriteItem:
      • Up to 25 PutItem and/or DeleteItem in one call.
      • Up to 16 mb of data written.
      • Up to 400 kb of data per item.
    • Batching allows you to save in latency by reducing the number of API calls done against DynamoDB.
    • Operations are done in parallel for better efficiency.
    • It's possible for part of a batch to fail, in which case we have can retry for the failed items (using exponential back-off algorithm).
  • Reading Data:
    • GetItem: Read based on Primary Key.
      • Primary Key = Hash (Partition Key) or Hash-Range (Partition Key + Sort Key).
      • Eventually consistent read by default.
      • Option to use Strongly Consistent Reads (More RCU - might take longer).
      • ProjectionExpression can be specified to include only certain attributes.
    • BatchGetItem:
      • Up to 100 items.
      • Up to 16 mb of data.
      • Items are retrieved in parallel to minimize latency.
  • DynamoDB Query:
    • Query returns items based on:
      • PartitionKey value (Must be = operator).
      • SortKey value (=, <, >, <=, >=, Between, Begin) - Optional.
      • FilterExpression to further filter (client side filtering).
    • Returns:
      • Up to 1mb of data.
      • Or number of items specified in Limit.
    • Able to do pagination on the results.
    • You can query a table, a local secondary index or a global secondary index.
  • DynamoDB Scan:
    • Scan the entire table and then filter out data. Extremely Inefficient!
    • Returns up to 1 mb of data - use pagination to keep on reading.
    • Consumes a lot of RCU.
    • Limit impact using Limit or reduce the size of the result and pause.
    • For faster performance, use Parallel Scans.
      • Multiple instances scan multiple partitions at the same time.
      • Increases the throughput and RCU consumed.
      • Limit the impact of parallel scans just like you would do for Scans.
    • Can use ProjectionExpression + FilterExpression (No change to RCU).

DynamoDB - Indexes

  • Local Secondary Index (LSI):
    • Alternate range key for your table. Local to the hash key.
    • Up to 5 local secondary indexes per table.
    • The sort key consist of exactly one scaler attribute.
    • The attribute you choose must be a scaler type: String, Number or Binary.
    • LSI must be defined at table creation time.
  • Global Secondary Index (GSI):
    • GSI is used to speed up queries on non-key attributes.
    • GSI = PartitionKey + Optional SortKey.
    • The index is a new table and we can project attributes on it.
      • The PartitionKey and SortKey of the original table are always projected (KEYS_ONLY).
      • You can specify extra attributes to project (INCLUDE).
      • You can use all attributes from main table (ALL)
    • RCU and WCU must be defined for GSI.
    • GSI can be added/modified later. LSI cannot be added or modified later.

DynamoDB - Concurrency

  • DynamoDB has a feature called Conditional Update/Delete.
  • It means that you can ensure an item hasn't been changed before altering it.
  • That makes DynamoDB an Optimistic Locking or Concurrency Database.

DynamoDB - Accelerator - DAX

  • DAX = DynamoDB Accelerator.
  • Seamless cache for DynamoDB, no application re-write required.
  • Writes go through DAX to DynamoDB.
  • Micro Seconds latency for cached reads and queries.
  • Solves the Hot Key problem (too many reads).
  • By default, items live in cache for 5 minutes TTL (Time To Live).
  • Up to 10 nodes in cache cluster.
  • Multiple Availability Zones (In production, minimum 3 nodes are recommended).
  • Secure (Encryption at rest with KMS, VPC, IAM, CloudTrail..)

DynamoDB - Streams

  • Changes in DynamoDB (Create, Update, Delete) can end up in DynamoDB Stream.
  • This stream can be read by AWS Lambda and we can then do:
    • React to changes in real time (Welcome email to new users).
    • Analytics.
    • Create derivative tables/views.
    • Insert into Elastic Search.
  • You can implement cross region replication using Streams.
  • Stream has 24 hours of data retention.

DynamoDB - Security And Other Features

  • Security:
    • VPC endpoints are available to access DynamoDB without internet.
    • Full access to DynamoDB is controlled by IAM.
    • Encryption at rest using KMS.
    • Encryption in transit using SSl/TLS.
  • Backup and Restore features available:
    • Point In Time restore like RDS.
    • No performance impact.
  • Ability to have Global Table:
    • Multi region, fully replicated, high performance.
  • Amazon DMS can be used to migrate to DynamoDB (From MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, S3, etc..)
  • You can launch a local DynamoDB for development purposes.

API Gateway Intro

  • API Gateway is a way for us to Build, Deploy & Manage serverless APIs.
  • AWS Lambda + API Gateway: No infrastructure to manage.
  • Handle API versioning (v1, v2..)
  • Handle different environments (dev, test, prod).
  • Handle security (Authentication and Authorization).
  • Create API keys, handle request throttling.
  • Swagger/Open API Import to quickly define APIs.
  • Transform and validate requests and responses.
  • Generate SDK and API specifications.
  • Cache API responses to limit the load that comes to your Lambda functions.
  • API Gateway Integrations:
    • Outside of VPC:
      • AWS Lambda (Most popular/powerful).
      • Endpoints on EC2.
      • Load Balancers.
      • Any AWS Service.
      • External and publicly accessible HTTP endpoints.
    • Inside of VPC:
      • AWS Lambda in your VPC.
      • EC2 endpoints in your VPC.

API Gateway - Deployment Stages

  • Making changes in the API Gateway does not mean they're effective.
  • You need to make a deployment for them to be in effect.
  • It's a common source of confusion.
  • Changes are deployed to Stages (As many as you want).
  • Use the naming you like for Stages (Dev, Test, Prod).
  • Each stage has it's own configuration parameters.
  • Stages can be rolled back as a history of deployments is kept.
  • Stage Variables:
    • Stage variables are like environment variables for API Gateway.
    • Use them change configuration values in different environments.
    • They can be used in:
      • Lambda function ARN.
      • HTTP Endpoints.
      • Parameter mapping templates.
    • Use cases:
      • Configure HTTP endpoints your stages talk to (dev, stage, test, prod).
      • Pass configuration parameters to AWS Lambda through mapping templates.
    • Stage Variables are passed to the context object in AWS Lambda.
  • Stage Variables & Lambda Aliases:
    • We create a srtage variable to indicate the corresponding Lambda alias.
    • Our API gateway will automatically invoke the right Lambda function.
  • Canary Deployment:
    • Possibility to enable Canary Deployments for any stage (usually prod).
    • Choose the % of traffic that goes to Canary Channels.
    • Metrics & Logs are separate (For better monitoring).
    • Possibility to override stage variables for Canary.
    • This is Blue/Green Deployment with AWS Lambda & API Gateway.

API Gateway - Mapping Templates

  • Mapping Templates can be used to modify request/responses.
  • They allow us to:
    • Rename parameters.
    • Modify body content.
    • Add Headers.
    • Map JSON to XML for sending to backend or back to client.
    • Filter poutput results (Remove unnecessary data).
  • Mapping Templates use Velocity Template Language (VTL). VTL supports for loops, if statements etc..

API Gateway - Swagger And Open API Specifications

  • Common way of defining REST APIs, using API definition as code.
  • Import existing Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 Spec to API Gateway.
    • Method.
    • Method Request.
    • Integration Request.
    • Method Response.
    • +AWS extensions for API Gateway and setup every single option.
  • Can export current API as Swagger/OpenAPI Spec.
  • Swagger can be written in YAML or JSON.
  • Using Swagger, we can generate SDK for our applications.

API Gateway - Caching

  • Caching reduces the number of calls made to the backend.
  • Default time TTL (Time To Live) for cache is 300 seconds. Minimum: 0 seconds | Maximum: 3600 seconds.
  • Caches are defined per stage (dev, prod etc..).
  • Cache encryption option.
  • Cache capacity between 0.5 GB to 237 GB.
  • Possible to override cache settings for specific API methods.
  • Able to flush the entire cache (Invalidate) immediately.
  • Can client invalidate the cache?
    • YES! With following 2 points:
      • Client must have proper IAM Authorization.
      • Client need to set following header:
        Cache-Control: max-age=0

API Gateway - Logging Monitoring And Tracing

  • CloudWatch Logs:
    • Enable CloudWatch logging at the Stage Level (with Log Level).
    • Can override settings on a per API basis (For e.g. Error, Debug, Info).
    • Log contains information about request/response body.
  • CloudWatch Metrics:
    • Metrics are by Stage.
    • Possibility to enable Detailed Metrics.
  • X-Ray:
    • Enable tracing to get extra information about requests in API Gateway.
    • X-Ray API Gateway + AWS Lambda gives you the full picture.

API Gateway - CORS - Usage Plans And API Keys

  • CORS:
    • CORS must be enabled when you receive API calls from another domain.
    • The Options pre-flight request must contain the following headers:
    • CORS can be enabled through console.
  • Usage Plans And API Keys:
    • What if you want to limit your customers usage of your API?
      • Usage Plans:
        • Throttling: Set overall capacity and burst capacity.
        • Quotas: Number of requests made per day/week/month.
        • You can configure Usage Plans for different Stages (For e.g. Dev, Prod).
      • API Keys:
        • Generate one per customer.
        • Associate with Usage Plans.
        • Ability to track usage for API Keys.

API Gateway - Security

  • There are 3 aspects to API Gateway - Security:
    • IAM Permissions.
    • Lambda Authorizers.
    • Cognito User Pools.
  • IAM Permissions:
    • Create an IAM policy authorization and attach to User/Role.
    • API Gateway verifies IAM Permissions passed by the calling application.
    • Good to provide access within your own infrastructure.
    • Leverages Sig v4 (Signature v4) capability where IAM credentials are in headers.
    • There are no added costs to this solution.
    • If you give access to users outside of your AWS, then you can't use IAM permissions obviously.
  • Lambda Authorizer (Formerly Custom Authorizers):
    • Uses AWS Lambda to validate the token passed in the header.
    • Option to cache result of authentication. For e.g. Say you wanna cache authentication for 1 hour.
    • Helps to use OAuth/SAML/3rd party type of authentication.
    • Based on the token passed in header, Lambda must return an IAM Policy for the user.
  • Cognito User Pools:
    • Cognito fully manages user lifecycle.
    • API Gateway verifies identity automatically from AWS Cognito.
    • No custom implementation required.
    • Cognito only helps with authentication, not authorization.
  • Summary:
    • IAM:
      • Great for users/roles already within your AWS account.
      • Handle authentication + authorization.
      • Leverages Sig v4.
    • Lambda Authorizers (Custom Authorizer):
      • Great for 3rd party tokens.
      • Very flexible in terms of what IAM policy is returned.
      • Handle Authentication + Authorization.
      • Pay per Lambda Invocation.
    • Cognito User Pools:
      • You manage your own user pool (can be backed by Facebook, Google login etc..)
      • No need to write any custom code.
      • Must implement authorization in the backend.

AWS Cognito

  • We want to give our users an identity so that they can interact with our application.
  • Cognito User Pools:
    • Sign in functionality for app users.
    • Integrate with API Gateway.
    • Creates a serverless database of users for your mobile apps.
    • Simple login: Username (or Email)/Password combination.
    • Possibility to verify emails/phone numbers and add MFA (Multi Factor Authentication).
    • Can enable Federated Identities (Facebook, Google, SAML etc..)
    • After authentication, we receive JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
    • Can be integrated with API Gateway for authentication.
  • Cognito Identity Pools (Federated Identity):
    • Provide AWS credentials to users so they can access AWS resources directly.
    • Integrate with Cognito User Pools as an identity provider.
    • Goal:
      • To provide direct access to AWS Resources from the Client Side.
    • How?
      • Log into Federated Identity Provider (Facebook, Google, SAML etc..) or remain anonymous.
      • Get temporary AWS credentials back from the Federated Identity Pool.
      • These credentials come with a pre-defined IAM policy stating their permissions.
    • Example:
      • Provide (temporary) access to write to S3 bucket using Facebook login.
  • Cognito Sync:
    • Synchronize data from devide to Cognito.
    • May be deprecated and replaced by AppSync.
    • Store preferences, configuration, state of app.
    • Cross device synchronization (any platform - IOS, Android, etc..)
    • Offline capability (Synchronization when back online).
    • Requires Federated Identity Pool in Cognito (not User Pool).
    • Store data in datasets. Each dataset can be up to 1 mb.
    • Up to 20 datasets to synchronise.

SAM 101

  • Serverless Application Model (SAM).
  • SAM is a framework for developing and deploying serverless applications.
  • All the configuration is in SAM YAML file.
  • It generates complex CloudFormation from simple SAM YAML file.
  • Supports anything from CloudFormation: Outputs, Mappings, Parameters, Resources, etc..
  • Only 2 commands to deploy to AWS.
  • SAM can use CodeDeploy to deploy Lambda Functions.
  • SAM allows you to run Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB locally.
  • How SAM works? SAM Recipe:
    • There's this Transform Header that indicates it's a SAM template. Header:
      Transform: 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31'
    • Following are the 3 resources types we can use in our SAM template code:
      AWS::Serverless::Function //Lambda
      AWS::Serverless::Api //Api Gateway
      AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable //DynamoDB
    • For Packaging, we can use AWS CloudFormation Package or SAM Package.
    • For Deployment, we can use AWS CloudFormation Deploy or SAM Deploy.

Encryption 101

  • Encryption in Flight (SSL):
    • Data is encrypted before sending and decrypted after receiving it on server.
    • SSL certificates help with encryption.
    • Encryption in flight protects us from MITM (Man In The Middle Attack).
  • Server Side Encryption At Rest:
    • Data is encrypted after being received by the server.
    • Data is decrypted before being sent.
    • It is stored in an ecrypted form, thanks to a key (usually a data key).
    • The encryption/decryption keys must be managed somewhere and the server must have access to it.
  • Client Side Encryption:
    • Data is encrypted by the client and never decrypted by the server.
    • Data will be decrypted by a receiving client.
    • The server should not be able to decrypt the data.
    • For this we could use Envelop Encryption.

KMS - Key Management System

  • Anytime you hear encryption for an AWS service, it's most likely KMS.
  • Easy way to control access to your data, AWS manages keys for us.
  • Fully integrated with IAM for Authorization.
  • Seamlessly integrated into:
    • Amazon EBS: Encrypt volumes.
    • Amazon S3: Server side encryption of objects.
    • Amazon Redshift: Encryption of data.
    • Amazon RDS: Encryption of data.
    • Amazon SSM: Parameter store.
    • Etc..
  • But you can also use the CLI/SDK.
  • KMS 101:
    • Anytime you need to share sensitive information, use KMS. Sensitive information such as:
      • Database Passwords.
      • Credentials to external service.
      • Private Key of SSL certificates.
    • The value in KMS is that the CMK (Customer Master Key) used to encrypt data can never be retrieved by the user, and the CMK can be rotated for extra security.
    • Never ever store your secrets in plaintext, especially in your code!
    • Encrypted secrets can be stored in the code/environment variables.
    • KMS can only help in encrypting up to 4kb of data per call.
    • If data is >4kb, use Envelop Encryption.
    • To give access to KMS to someone:
      • Make sure the Key Policy allows the user.
      • Make sure the IAM Policy allows the API Calls.
  • KMS (Key Management Service):
    • Able to fully manage Keys and Policies:
      • Create Keys.
      • Rotation Policies (To rotate keys).
      • Disable Keys.
      • Enable Keys.
    • We get to fully manage the Keys but we never ever see them.
    • Able to Audit key usage using CloudTrail.
    • There are 3 types of CMK (Customer Master Keys):
      • AWS Managed Service Default CMK: Free.
      • User Created CMK in KMS: $1 per month.
      • User Created CMK imported into KMS (Must be 256-bit Symmetric Key): $1 per month.
    • Every time you call KMS for doing Encryption/Decryption or any KMS API Call, you will be charged: $0.03 per 10,000 calls.

Encryption SDK

  • What if you want to encrypt data over 4kb using KMS?
  • For this, we will have to use Envelop Encryption.
  • Envelop Encryption is a bit cumbersome to implement.
  • The AWS Encryption SDK helps us to use Envelop Encryption.
  • NOTE: It is totally different from the S3 Encryption SDK.
  • The Encryption SDK also exists as CLI Tool that we can install.
  • 1 line conclusion:
    • Anything over 4kb of data that needs to be encrypted using KMS must use the Encryption SDK i.e. Envelop Encryption and it uses GenerateDataKey API.
    • For Envelop Encryption, Encryption & Decryption both happens at Client Side.

SSM Parameter Store

  • It allows us to Securly store our Secrets and Configurations.
  • Optional seamless encryption using KMS.
  • It's Serverless, Scalable, Durable, FREE and there is an easy SDK to use it.
  • You are able to do Version Tracking of Secrets and Configurations.
  • Configuration options using Path and IAM. For e.g. Using IAM, we can control who can view which database passwords.
  • Notification with CloudWatch Events.
  • Has an integration with CloudFormation.
  • For e.g. CLI command to retrieve parameters with decryption:
    // Get parameters by path
    aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path /my-app/ --recursive --with-decryption
    // Get parameters by name
    aws ssm -get-parameters --names /my-app/dev/db-url /my-app/dev/db-password --with-decryption

IAM Best Practices - General

  • Never use Root Credentials.
  • Enable MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) for Root Account.
  • Grant least privileges to your Lambda Functions and IAM Roles.
    • Each Group, User, IAM Role should only have the minimum level of permission it needs.
    • Never grant a policy with * access to a service.
    • Monitor API calls made by user in CloudTrail (especially Denied ones).
  • Never ever ever store IAM key credentials on any machine but a personal computer or on-premise server.
  • On premise server best practice is to call STS to obtain temporary security credentials.
  • IAM Roles Best Practices:
    • EC2 machines should have their own roles.
    • Lambda Functions should have their own roles.
    • ECS Tasks should have their own roles:
    • CodeBuild should have its own service role.
    • Overall, you should always create least-privileged role for any service that requires it.
    • Create a role per application/lambda function. Do not reuse roles.
  • Cross Account Access Best Practices:
    • Define an IAM Role for another account to access.
    • Define which accounts can access this IAM Role.
    • Use AWS STS (Security Token Service) to retrieve credentials and impersonate the IAM Role you have access to (AssumeRole API).
    • Temporary credentials can be valid between 15 minutes to 1 hour.


  • AWS CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • Improves read performance, content is cached at the edge (edge = locations around the world).
  • Currently there are 146 Point of Presence (Edge Locations) globally.
  • Very popular with S3 but also works with EC2 and Load Balancing.
  • Can help you protect against network attacks (e.g. DDoS).
  • Can provide SSL encryption (HTTPS) at the edge using ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager).
  • CloudFront can use SSL encryption (HTTPS) to talk to your applications.
  • Supports RTMP Protocol for videos and media.

Step Functions

  • Build a serverless visual workflow to orchestrate your Lambda Functions.
  • All the flow represent flow as a JSON State Machine.
  • Features:
    • Sequence Of Lambda Functions.
    • Parallel Lambda Functions.
    • Conditions.
    • Timeout.
    • Error Handling.
    • Etc..
  • Can also integrate with EC2, ECS, On Premise Servers, API Gateway.
  • Maximum execution time of 1 Year.
  • Use Cases:
    • Order fulfillment.
    • Data processing.
    • Web applications.
    • Any workflow.

SWF - Simple Workflow Service

  • Coordinate work amongst applications.
  • Code runs on EC2 (not serverless).
  • 1 Year maximum runtime.
  • SWF is older (legacy) than Step Functions and it is less supported now.
  • Concept of Activity Step and Decision Step.
  • Has built-in Human Intervention Step.
  • Example: Order fulfillment from web to warehouse to delivery.
  • Step Functions are recommended to be used for new applications, except:
    • If you need external signals to intervene in the processes.
    • If you need child processes that return values to parent processes.


  • Docker is Container Technology.
  • Run a containerized application on any machine with Docker installed.
  • Containers allows our application to work the same way anywhere (Portability).
  • Containers are isolated from each other.
  • Control how much memory/CPU is allocated to your container.
  • Ability to restrict network rules.
  • More efficient than Virtual Machines.
  • Scame containers up and down very quickly (seconds).

ECS - Elastic Container Service

  • ECS (Elastic Container Service) is a container orchestration service.
  • ECS helps you run Docker Containers on EC2 machines.
  • ECS is made of:
    • ECS Core: Running ECS on user-provisioned EC2 Instances.
    • Fargate: Running ECS Tasks on AWS Provisioned Compute (Serverless).
    • EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service): Running ECS on AWS Powered Kubernetes (Running on EC2).
    • ECR (Elastic Container Registry): Docker Container Registry hosten by AWS.
  • ECS & Docker are very popular for microservices.
  • IAM Security & Roles at the ECS Task Level.
  • ECS Use Cases:
    • Run Microservices:
      • Ability to run multiple docker containers on the same machine.
      • Easy service discovery features to enhance communication.
      • Direct integration with Application Load Balancers.
      • Auto scaling capability.
    • Run batch processing/scheduled tasks:
      • Schedule ECS containers to run on On-Demand, Reserved or Spot EC2 instances.
    • Helps you migrate applications to the Cloud.
      • Dockerize legacy applications running on premise.
      • Move Docker containers to run on ECS.
  • ECS Concepts:
    • ECS Cluster: Set of EC2 instances.
    • ECS Service: Applications definitions running on ECS Cluster.
    • ECS Tasks + Definition: Containers running to create the application.
    • ECS IAM Roles: Roles assigned to tasks to ineract with AWS.
  • ECS (Elastic Container Service) Integration Into ALB (Application Load Balancer):
    • Application Load Balancer (ALB) has a direct integration feature with ECS called Port Mapping.
    • This allows you to run multiple instances of the same application on the same EC2 machine.
    • Use Cases:
      • Increased resiliency even if running on 1 EC2 instance.
      • Maximize utilization of CPI/cores.
      • Ability to perform rolling upgrades without impacting application uptime.
  • ECS Setup And Config File:
    • Run an EC2 instance, install the ECS Agent along side ECS Config file.
    • Or use an ECS-ready Linux AMI (Still need to modify config file).
    • ECS Config File is located at:
    • Following are the 4 main config settings under ecs.config file:
      ECS_CLUSTER=MyCluster                   #Assign EC2 instance to an ECS cluster.
      ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA={...}              #To pull images from private registries.
      ECS_AVAILABLE_LOGGING_DRIVERS={...}     #CloudWatch container logging.
      ECS_ENABLE_TASK_IAM_ROLE=true           #Enable IAM roles for ECS tasks.

ECR - Elastic Container Registry

  • Store, manage and deploy your containers on AWS.
  • Fully integrated with IAM & ECS.
  • Sent over HTTPS (Encryption in flight) and encrypted at rest.
  • You can push containers to ECR using CLI or CodeBuild (for your CICD to automate this task).

SES - Simple Email Service

  • Send emails to people using:
    • SMTP interface.
    • AWS SDK.
  • Ability to receive emails.
  • Integrates with:
    • S3.
    • SNS.
    • Lambda Functions.
  • Integrated with IAM for allowing to send emails.

Databases Summery - OLTP OLAP NOSQL CACHE

  • RDS: Relational Databases. For storing trasactional data. OLTP.
    • PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc..
    • Aurora and Aurora Serverless.
    • Provisioned database.
  • DynamoDB: NoSQL Database.
    • Managed, KeyValue, Document.
    • Serverless.
  • ElastiCache: In memory database.
    • Redis, Memcached.
    • Cache capability.
  • Redshift: Analytic Processing. OLAP.
    • Data Warehousing, Data Lake.
    • Analytics Queries.
  • Neptune: Graph Database.
  • DMS: Database Migration Service.


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