Convert a rich-text document (i.e. insert-only delta) into HTML.
$ yarn add convert-rich-text
var convert = require('convert-rich-text');
var html = convert(delta, formats, options); // last argument optional
Specify an object of format names and config values, using the same conventions as QuillJS:
var convert = require('convert-rich-text');
var delta = {ops: [
{insert: 'Hello, World!'},
{insert: '\n', attributes: {firstheader: true}},
{insert: 'This is a '},
{insert: 'demo', attributes: {bold: true}},
{insert: ' of convert-rich-text\n'},
{insert: 1, attributes: {image: 'monkey.png'}
var formats = {
firstheader: { type: 'line', tag: 'H1' },
bold: { tag: 'EM' },
image: { tag: 'IMG', attribute: 'src' }
var options = {
blockTag: 'P',
inlineTag: 'SPAN'
var html = convert(delta, formats, options);
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<p>This is a <b>demo</b> of convert-rich-text</p>
<p><img src="monkey.png"></p>
The following options are supported for configuring a format (adapted from QuillJS):
type: 'line'
-- make this format apply only to the line as a whole (via attributes to newline characters).
tag: 'B'
-- wrap the applicable text in that tag
parentTag: 'UL', tag: 'LI'
-- used for line formats to create multi-level tag structures; consecutive lines with the same parentTag
will share the parent.
attribute: 'href'
-- set an attribute using the given name and the value from the delta
class: 'cursor-'
-- add a class with the given prefix, e.g. convert({ ops: [{ insert: 'hello', attributes: { cursor: 1234 } }] }, { cursor: { class: 'cursor-' })=>
style: 'fontSize'
-- set an inline style using the given name and the value from the delta
add: function(node, value[, dom])
-- a hook for custom behavior, runs after logic for other options. e.g.
convert(delta, {
// wrap in a span, and set data attributes,
// e.g. `{insert: 'hello', { data: { foo: 'bar' } } }` => `<span data-foo="bar">hello</span>`
data: { tag: 'span', add: function(node, data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
node.dataset[key] = data[key];
return node;
} },
// repeat the line N times
// e.g. `{insert: 'hello\n', { times: 3 } }` => `<p>hello</p><p>hello</p><p>hello</p>`
repeat: { type: 'line', add: function(node, value) {
var clone = node;
for (var i = 1, n = parseInt(value); i < n; i++) {
clone = node.cloneNode(true);
return clone;
} }
Each line of rich-text is wrapped with a block element (default <div>
attribute-, class- and style-based formats wrap text with an inline element if there is no other tag to work on (default <span>
You can change these tags with the blockTag
and inlineTag
convert(delta, formats, { blockTag: 'FIGURE', inlineTag: 'INS' });
Annotate autolink links with data attribute6.0.0
Remove thetoInternalHtml
method. Also remove the private formats and internal-specific outputs that used to supporttoInternalHtml
Add support for data params in doc component5.4.1
Update dev dependencies to address security vulnerabilities5.4.0
Update jsdom and lodash dependencies5.3.0
Add support for Pym.js component5.2.0
Add Tools component for This Old House5.1.0
Add Project Details component for This Old House5.0.1
Update to renderedclass
names for drop caps5.0.0
Move opinionated export formats from content-api to convert-rich-text.4.0.0
Bump node version requirements, update object format to match Quill, move repo to voxmedia fork3.0.0
Update jsdom version2.0.3
[Relax jsdom and node version requirements]2.0.0
Server-side support via jsdom, node version locked to <=
Beginning of changelog
Please see CONTRIBUTING for our contributing guidelines
Thank you @kbjr for on which this project is forked.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).