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Stardog Userrole Operator

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A Kubernetes operator to manage Stardog users and roles.

Generating the REST client

The package stardogrest is a REST client generated by autorest based on the stardogrest/stardog_swagger.yaml file. If the stardog REST API changes, the stardogrest/stardog_swagger.yaml should be updated to reflect the changes, and then autorest should be run again with the following command:

make autorest

Local Development


  • minikube
  • helm
  • kubectl
  • Stardog image registry credentials
  • Stardog license

See the VSHN wiki (internal) for details on how to retrieve registry credentials and licenses for Stardog.

Init local dev environment

minikube start

# Create values.yaml (fill in actual image registry credentials)
cat <<EOF > values.yaml
  username: "foo"
  password: "supersecret"

  adminPassword: "admin"

replicaCount: 1

  enabled: false

# Provide Stardog license key
kubectl create secret generic stardog-license --from-file stardog-license-key.bin=stardog-license-key.bin

# Install Stardog
helm repo add appuio
helm install stardog appuio/stardog -f values.yaml