A short lecture of blind-source separation algorithms with practical examples in Matlab
Here is the result from Matlab:
We can see the results are same.
This program is about PCA on signal. Using PCA on the signal to keep energy of the signal. The cut-off threshold is set as 99.9, which means can keep 99.9% energy of the signal. PCA is only interested in keeping the energy of the signal and find the linear computation of the observation. This method can keep the best signal of the energy. However, the dimensionality reduction will also loss some important information about the signal. In this program, I change the example1 to example2. And I found the results are almost same. PCA can keep most of the energy of the signal, but the shapes are a little bit different, which means may loss some important information.
The power method for eigenvalue decomposition is another way to calculate eigenvalue and eigen vector. In this method, it given a diagonalizable matrix A, the algorithm will produce a number λ, which is the greatest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of A, and a nonzero vector v, which is a corresponding eigenvector of λ, that is, Av=λv. As the iteration, the λ will decrease, closer and closer to the real λ. In this program, I add calculation to calculate lambda4. And I found the λ is decreasing.
For the third program, which is about Independent component analysis using classical methods, there are three methods to do the comparision: fastica, JADE and SOBI. ICA method is different from PCA method. Independent component analysis attempts to decompose a multivariate signal into independent non-Gaussian signals. Mixing weights for constructing the M observed signals from the N components can be placed in an M×N matrix. An important thing to consider is that if N sources are present, at least N observations are needed to recover the original signals. In this program, I changed the approach in fastica from symm to defl. The results of the three methods fastica, JADE and SOBI are almost same. However, the order of results are different, and amplitude is also different. It is because ICA cannot guarantee the order and amplitude.
A common problem in EEG applications is that the EEG is susceptible to artifacts in the data acquisition. In this program, it is trying to remove EOG artifacts from EEG signals. There are three methods for channel denoising: JADE, NSCA and advanced method from OSET package. After independent component analysis, each electrode can be decomposed into different components through the algorithm, and then extract and remove EOG artifacts from EEG signals. Here, I change fs from 250 to 500. After running the program, there is slight difference between these methods.
This script is imported form the OSET. Running testPCAICAPiCAfECGDenoising, this script compares different methods on fetal ECG denoising methods, like JADE, SOBI and PiCA. They try to separate fetal and mother activity. Signals of the ECG are decomposed, and the performances of PCA, ICA and PiCA are different. The order of the decomposing signal is different, which is the feature of these methods.
ICA Mixture Models for Unsupervised Classification of Non-Gaussian Classes and Automatic Context Switching in Blind Signal Separation
ICA mixture model is made of different ICA cases, which is a nonlinear model. In each case, the data is linear and non-Gaussian. Among cases, they are independent. In this paper, ICA mixture model can classify unlabeled data based on real dataset and also can apply on unsupervised image classification and image compression. This new algorithm can improve classification accuracy compared with standard Gaussian mixture models.
Blind Source Separation (BSS) can be applied by the ICA mixture model, which can automatically identify different contexts in blind source separation problems. To classify the different classes, The probability of the class p was computed, then compare each corresponding label with the highest class prob- ability. The classification error on the whole data set is the smallest compared with other methods, like the Gaussian mixture model, k-means and so on.
Assume that the data X {x1; . . . ; xT } are drawn independently and generated by a mixture density model
det(A(k)) = n* p(C(k))*det(a(k))*log(p(C(k))) <- n is int
log(p_X(i,k)) = log (p(s)) – log|det(A(k))|
p(C(k)) = p_X(i,k) / sum(p_X(i,k))
b(k) = sum(x_t * p(C(k))) / sum(p(C(k)))
x_t = A(k)s(k) + b(k)
p_X(i) = sum(p(x_t, k) p(k)) <- k from 1 to K
p_X = sum(p(i)) <- i from 1 to T
L = log(p_X)