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Sylius plugin which allows Italian merchants to collect invoice data for their orders.


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Italian Invoiceable Order Plugin

Sylius plugin which allows Italian merchants to collect invoice data for their orders such as tax code, VAT number, SDI code, etc... as well as allowing the merchant to only apply taxes to those customers that can (and must) pay taxes in advance.

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  1. Require the plugin:

    composer require webgriffe/sylius-italian-invoiceable-order-plugin
  2. Add bundles to config/bundles.php file:

        Sandwich\ViesBundle\SandwichViesBundle::class => ['all' => true],
        Webgriffe\SyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin\WebgriffeSyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  3. Define a value for the parameter app.taxation.eu_zone_code, which must be the code of a zone representing the EU. This is used to determine if an order is invoiced to a company within the EU or not.

  4. Your Address entity must implement the Webgriffe\SyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin\Model\ItalianInvoiceableAddressInterface and the Symfony\Component\Validator\GroupSequenceProviderInterface. You can use the Webgriffe\SyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin\Model\ItalianInvoiceableAddressTrait as implementation for both interfaces.

  5. Your Order entity must implement the Webgriffe\SyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin\Model\ItalianInvoiceableOrderInterface. You can use the Webgriffe\SyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin\Model\ItalianInvoiceableOrderTrait as default implementation for the interface.

  6. You need to import the Address and Order validator configuration into your project by copying the configuration files provided by this plugin:

    mkdir -p config/validator/
    cp vendor/webgriffe/sylius-italian-invoiceable-order-plugin/tests/Application/config/validator/Address.xml config/validator/
    cp vendor/webgriffe/sylius-italian-invoiceable-order-plugin/tests/Application/config/validator/Order.xml config/validator/

    Or by merging the configuration into your existing Address and Order validator configuration.

  7. Configure Sylius to use the Italian tax calculation tax calculation strategy.

  8. To properly enable group sequence validation of your Address entity you must set the Default validation group instead of the sylius validation group:

    # config/services.yaml
        # ...
        sylius.form.type.address.validation_groups: ['Default']

    For more information see here.

  9. Run a diff of your Doctrine's migrations and then run it:

    bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
    bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  10. Add invoiceable address fields to your shop address form template. To do so you have to override the template:

    cp vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Common/Form/_address.html.twig templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Common/Form/_address.html.twig

    Then in the templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Common/Form/_address.html.twig you must add the following:

    {# templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Common/Form/_address.html.twig #}
    {% if type != 'shipping-' %}
     {{ form_row(form.billingRecipientType, sylius_test_form_attribute(type ~ 'billing-recipient-type')) }}
        {{ form_row(form.taxCode, sylius_test_form_attribute(type ~ 'tax-code')) }}
        {{ form_row(form.vatNumber, sylius_test_form_attribute(type ~ 'vat-number')) }}
        {{ form_row(form.sdiCode, sylius_test_form_attribute(type ~ 'sdi-code')) }}
        {{ form_row(form.pecAddress, sylius_test_form_attribute(type ~ 'pec-address')) }}    
    {% endif %}

    You can put the fields in the order you want but we recommend to surround them with the {% if type != 'shipping-' %} check. In this way you'll not show those fields in the shipping address section of the checkout where these fields are not relevant.

  11. Add invoiceable address fields to your admin address form template. To do so you have to override the template:

cp vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Resources/views/Common/Form/_address.html.twig templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Common/Form/_address.html.twig

Then in the templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Common/Form/_address.html.twig you must add the invoiceable fields. You should add those fields only if the form is bound to the billing address of an order. To do so, your template should like the following:

{# templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Common/Form/_address.html.twig #}
{% set shouldShowInvoiceableFields = is defined and is defined and == %}

{% if shouldShowInvoiceableFields %}
    {{ form_row(form.billingRecipientType) }}
{% endif %}

<div class="two fields">
    {{ form_row(form.firstName) }}
    {{ form_row(form.lastName) }}

{% if shouldShowInvoiceableFields %}
    {{ form_row(form.taxCode) }}
    {{ form_row(form.vatNumber) }}
    {{ form_row(form.sdiCode) }}
    {{ form_row(form.pecAddress) }}
{% endif %}

{{ form_row( }}
{{ form_row(form.street) }}
{{ form_row(form.countryCode) }}
<div class="province-container field" data-url="{{ path('sylius_admin_ajax_render_province_form') }}">
    {% if form.provinceCode is defined %}
        {{ form_row(form.provinceCode, {'attr': {'class': 'ui dropdown'}}) }}
    {% endif %}
<div class="two fields">
    {{ form_row( }}
    {{ form_row(form.postcode) }}
{{ form_row(form.phoneNumber) }}
  1. Add invoiceable fields to the address show template for admin and shop. To do so you have to override those templates:
cp vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Common/_address.html.twig templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Common/_address.html.twig
cp vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Resources/views/Common/_address.html.twig templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Common/_address.html.twig

And replace the printing of company, first name and last name with the invoiceable address information template provided by this plugin. Then, those templates should look like the following:

{# templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Common/_address.html.twig #}
{% import "@SyliusUi/Macro/flags.html.twig" as flags %}

<address {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('address-context', "%s %s"|format(address.firstName, address.lastName)) }}>
    {% include '@WebgriffeSyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin/Common/_invoiceableAddressInfo.html.twig' %}
    {% if address.phoneNumber is not null %}
        {{ address.phoneNumber }}<br/>
    {% endif %}
    {{ address.street }}<br/>
    {{ }}, {{ address.postcode }}<br/>
    {% if address|sylius_province_name is not empty %}
        {{ address|sylius_province_name }}<br/>
    {% endif %}
    {{ flags.fromCountryCode(address.countryCode) }}
    {{ address.countryCode|sylius_country_name|upper }}
{# templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Common/_address.html.twig #}
{% import "@SyliusUi/Macro/flags.html.twig" as flags %}

    {% include '@WebgriffeSyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin/Common/_invoiceableAddressInfo.html.twig' %}
    {{ address.phoneNumber }}<br/>
    {{ address.street }}<br/>
    {{ }}<br/>
    {% if address|sylius_province_name is not empty %}
        {{ address|sylius_province_name }}<br/>
    {% endif %}
    {{ flags.fromCountryCode(address.countryCode) }}
    {{ address.countryCode|sylius_country_name|upper }} {{ address.postcode }}
  1. Add invoiceable fields to the address book select data attributes. To do so you have to override the address book select template:
cp vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Checkout/Address/_addressBookSelect.html.twig templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Checkout/Address/_addressBookSelect.html.twig

And include the invoiceable fields data attributes template provided by this plugin:

{% include '@WebgriffeSyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin/Checkout/Address/_addressBookSelectInvoiceableDataAttributes.html.twig' %}

You have to add it in the proper location, just after the other data attributes of the address book select tag. So the whole address book template should look like the following:

{# templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Checkout/Address/_addressBookSelect.html.twig #}
{% if app.user is not empty and app.user.customer is not empty and app.user.customer.addresses|length > 0 %}
    <div class="ui fluid floating dropdown labeled search icon button address-book-select" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('address-book') }}>
        <i class="book icon"></i>
        <span class="text">{{ 'sylius.ui.select_address_from_book'|trans }}</span>
        <div class="menu">
            {% for address in app.user.customer.addresses %}
                <div class="item" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('address-book-item') }}
                     data-id="{{ }}"
                     data-first-name="{{ address.firstName }}"
                     data-last-name="{{ address.lastName }}"
                     data-company="{{ }}"
                     data-street="{{ address.street }}"
                     data-country-code="{{ address.countryCode }}"
                     data-province-code="{{ address.provinceCode }}"
                     data-province-name="{{ address.provinceName }}"
                     data-city="{{ }}"
                     data-postcode="{{ address.postcode }}"
                     data-phone-number="{{ address.phoneNumber }}"

                     {% include '@WebgriffeSyliusItalianInvoiceableOrderPlugin/Checkout/Address/_addressBookSelectInvoiceableDataAttributes.html.twig' %}
                    <strong>{{ address.firstName }} {{ address.lastName }}</strong>, {{ address.street }}, {{ }} {{ address.postcode }}, {{ address.countryCode|sylius_country_name }}
            {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


Once installed this plugin will allow the users of the shop to enter all the invoicing information needed by an Italian company to properly invoice the order. In addition this plugin checks the billing data of the order and uses them to decide whether the customer has to pay taxes or not.

This plugin will add the following fields to your address form:

  • Billing recipient type, which allows the user to specify if the billing address is for a company or for an individual. This field will be required for every address used as the billing address for an order.
  • Tax code, which in Italy is known as "Codice Fiscale". It's, more or less, like the social security number (SSN) in the US but in Italy both companies and individuals have a tax code. This field will be required for Italian individuals and companies and validated according the proper checksum algorithm.
  • VAT Number, which in Italy is known as "Partita IVA". It's another identification number but for companies only not only in Italy but also in the EU. This field will be required for Italian companies and validated according the proper checksum algorithm. This field will be also required for EU companies and validated using the EU's VIES service using the MyOnlineStore/ViesBundle.
  • SDI Code, where SDI stands for "Sistema Di Interscambio". It's a code that is needed to be able to properly generate an "electronic invoice" which is mandatory in Italy since January the 1st of 2019. This field will be required for Italian companies and validated according the proper rules of the Italian IRS (called "Agenzia delle Entrate" in Italy).
  • PEC address, where PEC stands for "Posta Elettronica Certificata" (the Italian translation of "certified email"). It's like an email address but for a special email type meant to provide a legal equivalent of the traditional mail. See here for more information. This field will not be required even for Italian companies, but if entered it must be a valid email address.

This plugin will also require the Sylius's company field to be populated if the billing recipient type is set to company.

This plugin also replaces the Sylius's Sylius\Component\Addressing\Comparator\AddressComparatorInterface implementation by decorating it and by comparing also invoiceable fields. So different invoiceable address information provided during checkout are saved in the customer address book as new addresses.

This plugin also allows to select an invoiceable address from the address book in the checkout and properly fill the address form with all the invoicing information.


To contribute you need to:

  1. Clone this repository into your development environment

  2. Create tests/Application/.env.local and tests/Application/.env.test.local files to customize env vars according to your specific development environment (for example the DATABASE_URL variable).

  3. Then, from the plugin's root directory, run the following commands:

    (cd tests/Application && yarn install)
    (cd tests/Application && yarn build)
    (cd tests/Application && bin/console assets:install public)
    (cd tests/Application && bin/console doctrine:database:create)
    (cd tests/Application && bin/console doctrine:schema:create)
    (cd tests/Application && bin/console sylius:fixtures:load)
    (cd tests/Application && symfony server:start -d) # Requires Symfony CLI (
  4. Now at you have a full Sylius testing application which runs the plugin.

Running plugin tests

After your changes you must ensure that the tests are still passing.

First setup your test database:

(cd tests/Application && bin/console -e test doctrine:database:create)
(cd tests/Application && bin/console -e test doctrine:schema:create)

The current CI suite runs the following tests:

  • PHPUnit

  • PHPSpec

    vendor/bin/phpspec run
  • Behat (non-JS scenarios)

    vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="~@javascript"
  • Behat (JS scenarios)

    1. Install Symfony CLI command.

    2. Start Headless Chrome:

    google-chrome-stable --enable-automation --disable-background-networking --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-popup-blocking --disable-default-apps --allow-insecure-localhost --disable-translate --disable-extensions --no-sandbox --enable-features=Metal --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --window-size=2880,1800 --proxy-server='direct://' --proxy-bypass-list='*'
    1. Install SSL certificates (only once needed) and run test application's webserver on
    symfony server:ca:install
    APP_ENV=test symfony server:start --port=8080 --dir=tests/Application/public --daemon
    1. Run Behat:
    vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="@javascript"
  • Static Analysis

    • Psalm

    • PHPStan

      vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon -l max src/  
  • Coding Standard

    vendor/bin/ecs check src


This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the LICENSE file.


Developed by Webgriffe®.