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Editing Wiki Locally

srjy9b edited this page Apr 17, 2013 · 8 revisions

The Github wiki is implemented using github/gollum. For more complex editing it's possible to git clone the wiki and work locally.

Clone Wiki

  1. Click on Wiki
  2. Click on Git Access
  3. Copy writable git location.
  4. Clone the location like git clone [email protected]:wicketstuff/

You can then pull changes made online or via other peoples cloned repositories and push your work back to the central site.

Install Github/gollum

  • Install gollum: gem install gollum
  • Install Markdown support: gem install rdiscount

Running Gollum

Then in the root of your cloned copy run gollum which will run a webserver on Note that the page content shown reflects the latest committed values for each file. If you want to see what your latest changes would look like you need to git commit locally before you rungollum.

Wiki Structure

  • / This is the home page that appears when users click on the wiki link for wicketstuff/core/wiki.
  • /dev This is the directory for topics related to wicketstuff/core development like releases and this document.
  • /projects This is a directory for holding each projects top level pages.

Project Pages

Each project should have its own page located in /projects/

Images for each project should be placed into the /projects/images/project-parent/ directory.

The Home page / should be updated with a link to the project.

Project Page Markdown Template

# Project Name With White Space  (this shows up in the Pages listing as the name of the page)

Description of the project and a representative picture of the control:


# Maven Artifacts

* project-parent
* project
* project-examples

# Documentation

## Maven Stable

Maven Development




// Example in Java of how the component can be used.


<!-- HTML example of how the component can be attached to markup -->
<div wicket:id="grid"></div>

Project Maintainers

The list of project maintainers. A good starting point would be the contents of the project/pom.xml.
Or it could list historical contributors.

Source Code

core-1.4.x Branch

Path on github to core-1.4.x version of the project files.

master Branch

Path on githun to master version of the project files.

## Page Links

[[ Link Label | Link ]]

The natural language version that you want displayed for the link is the first part. The actual link is the second part.

There is a single page namespace in Gollum so the second part if it is a page is the name of the page with dashes replacing spaces and no path info and no file extension.

For example: Here is the Progress Bar Project link.

[[Progress Bar Project | Progressbar ]]
  • Progress Bar Project is the label we want shown for the link.
  • Progressbar is the name of the page we are linking to. On the filesystem the path to the file is /projects/ but due to the single namespace we can refer to it directly.

Image Example

Image resources can also be placed into any location in the directory structure. I would recommend an images directory at each level in the heirarchy to keep things seperated.

They can then be referred to using an absolute name like:


Which renders like this:

Clone this wiki locally