Releases: wohahobg/gamecms-cs16
Fixed issue with gcms_addadmin
In this version we have fixed issue with passwords while adding admins from the console by using gcms_addadmin.
Fixed issue with gamecms-admin.amxx
1.4: Update gamecms.sma
Fixed issue where not all players being shown when using online players management.
Added new plugin to track the players playing time gamecms-playing-time.amxx. Ensure it's below gamecms.amxx.
Added Custom Advanced Bans.
In this version we have added a Advanced Bans that work better and have better features.
To find more about please check here
Fixed bug where admins not being reload after flag change.
The title says all.
New Features & Improvements!
In this version:
We have added new admin system that work with MySQL (Allows you to control the admins from our platform)
Added custom command option for the /gcms-service that shows the player if they have any rights on the server.
To install it please checkout our wiki page
Download the .zip file and upload it content to your server and ensure you have set your SERVER API KEY.