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GoCardless Pro PHP client library

A PHP client for interacting with the GoCardless Pro API.


The recommended way to install gocardless-pro is using Composer.

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php

Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of gocardless-pro.

php composer.phar require gocardless/gocardless-pro

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Initialising A Client

Create a GoCardlessPro\Client instance, providing your access token and the environment you want to use. We strongly advise storing your access token as an environment variable, rather than directly in your code. you can easily load the environment variables from a .env file by using something like phpdotenv, though keep it out of version control!

$access_token = getenv('GC_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$client = new \GoCardlessPro\Client(array(
  'access_token' => $access_token,
  'environment'  => \GoCardlessPro\Environment::SANDBOX

You can create an access_token from the "Developers" tab in your GoCardless dashboard.

The environment can either be \GoCardlessPro\Environment::SANDBOX or \GoCardlessPro\Environment::LIVE, depending on whether you want to use the sandbox or live API.

For full documentation, see our API docs.

GET requests

You can make a request to get a list of resources using the list method.


Note: This README will use customers throughout but each of the resources in the API is available in this library.

If you need to pass any options, the last (or only, in the absence of URL params) argument to list() is an array of URL parameters:

$customers = $client->customers()->list(['params' => ['limit' => 400]]);

A call to list() returns an instance of ListResponse. You can use its records attribute to iterate through the results.

echo count($customers->records);
foreach ($customers->records as $resource) {
  echo $resource->given_name;

In the case where a URL parameter is needed, the method signature will contain the required arguments:

$customer = $client->customers()->get($customer_id);
echo $customer->given_name;

As with list, the last argument can be an options array, with any URL parameters given:

$client->customers()->get($customer_id, ['params' => ['some_flag' => true]]);

Both individual resource and ListResponse instances have an api_response attribute, which lets you access the following properties of the request:

  • status
  • headers
  • body
$api_response = $client->customers()->get($customer_id)->api_response;
echo $api_response->status_code;

POST/PUT Requests

For POST and PUT requests, you need to provide a body for your request by passing it in as the first argument.

  'params' => ["given_name" => "Pete", "family_name" => "Hamilton"]

As with GET requests, if any parameters are required, these come first:

$client->customers()->update($customer_id, [
  'params' => ["family_name" => "Smith"]

If you wish to take advantage of idempotency in your requests, you can do so by passing an idempotency header. For example:

  'params' => ["given_name" => "Pete", "family_name" => "Hamilton"]
  "headers" => ["Idempotency-Key" => "ABC123"]

It you were to make this request again, the API would reject the request and the client would raise an InvalidStateException.

Handling Failures

When the API returns an error, the library will return a corresponding subclass of ApiException, one of:

  • InvalidApiUsageException
  • InvalidStateException
  • ValidationFailedException

These types of error are covered in the API documentation.

If the error is an HTTP transport layer error (e.g. cannot connect, empty response from server, etc.), the client will throw an ApiConnectionException. If it can't parse the response from GoCardless, it will throw a MalformedResponseException.

try {
    "params" => array("invalid_name" => "Pete")
} catch (\GoCardlessPro\Core\Exception\ApiException $e) {
  // Api request failed / record couldn't be created.
} catch (\GoCardlessPro\Core\Exception\MalformedResponseException $e) {
  // Unexpected non-JSON response
} catch (\GoCardlessPro\Core\Exception\ApiConnectionException $e) {
  // Network error

Properties of the exception can be accessesed with the following methods:

  • $e->getType();
  • $e->getCode();
  • $e->getErrors();
  • $e->getDocumentationUrl();
  • $e->getMessage();
  • $e->getRequestId();

Supporting PHP < 5.5

This client library only supports PHP >= 5.5. Earlier releases of PHP are now considered end of life and may be exposed to security vunerabilities.


This client is auto-generated from Crank, a toolchain that we hope to soon open source. Issues should for now be reported on this repository.

Please do not modify the source code yourself, your changes will be overriden!


No packages published


  • PHP 99.7%
  • Makefile 0.3%