The Internet-Annotated Edition of the Book of Mormon is a public resource curated by volunteer editors from around the world. It is a critical examination of the origins of the book, with sources and references.
This github repository is the static-site generator for It does not contain any annotations, although it does contain the raw Book of Mormon data in JSON format, which may be useful for other projects (see data/bom.json).
If you'd like to host your own annotated Book of Mormon, you'll need these components on your server:
- elasticsearch
- python
- annotator-store (backend to JS-annotator)
- nginx or apache
And you'll need these on your development box (laptop, what have you):
- ruby (and bundler)
Once the above prerequisites are installed on your server, you can build and deploy BoM:IAE like so:
bundle install
middleman build
middleman deploy
(See for Middleman documentation)