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wouterpeere committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent c56dffd commit ca72e48
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Showing 6 changed files with 27,615 additions and 0 deletions.
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions GHEtool/BAC/
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@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pygfunction as gt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from GHEtool import *

# design parameters
ground_data = GroundConstantTemperature(2.29, 12.3, 2.41 * 10 ** 6)
pipe_data = DoubleUTube(2, 0.013, 0.016, 0.42, 0.065 / 2)
fluid_data = FluidData(vfr=0.8)
fluid_data.import_fluid_from_pygfunction('MPG', 25, 2))
r_b = 0.13 / 2 # 130 mm diameter
H = 120 # depth m

# TCO parameters
SEER_AC = 7 # EER(np.array([15.943, 6.153]), np.array([5, 30]))
SEER_PC = 20
# SCOP = COP(np.array(
# [4.42, 5.21, 6.04, 7.52, 9.5, 3.99, 4.58, 5.21, 6.02, 6.83, 3.86, 4.39, 4.97,
# 5.62, 6.19, 3.8, 4.3, 4.86, 5.44, 5.9, 3.76, 4.25, 4.79, 5.34, 5.74]),
# np.array([[-5, 1.06], [0, 1.25], [5, 1.45], [10, 1.66], [15, 1.9], [-5, 2.05], [0, 2.42], [5, 2.81], [10, 3.2],
# [15, 3.54], [-5, 3.05], [0, 3.6], [5, 4.17], [10, 4.73], [15, 5.18], [-5, 4.04], [0, 4.77], [5, 5.54],
# [10, 6.27], [15, 6.82], [-5, 5.03], [0, 5.95], [5, 6.9], [10, 7.81], [15, 8.46]]),
# part_load=True, reference_nominal_power=1, nominal_power=1500)
SCOP = 5
E_PRICE = 0.10 # €/kWh
COST_BOREFIELD = 35 # €/lm
RDR = -0.0011 # %
COST_GSHP = 550 # €/kW
COST_ASHP = 650 # €/kW
COST_HEX = 46 # €/kW

# load data
eer_active_passive = EERCombined(SEER_PC, SEER_AC, 17)

kantoor = HourlyBuildingLoad(simulation_period=25, efficiency_heating=5, efficiency_cooling=20, efficiency_dhw=2.5)
terminal = HourlyBuildingLoad(simulation_period=25, efficiency_heating=5, efficiency_cooling=20, efficiency_dhw=2.5)
hotel = HourlyBuildingLoad(simulation_period=25, efficiency_heating=5, efficiency_cooling=20, efficiency_dhw=2.5)

kantoor.load_hourly_profile('kantoor.csv', decimal_seperator=',', col_cooling=0, col_heating=1)
terminal.load_hourly_profile('terminal.csv', decimal_seperator=',', col_cooling=0, col_heating=1)
hotel.load_hourly_profile('hotel.csv', decimal_seperator=',', col_cooling=0, col_heating=1)

sww = pd.read_csv('hotel.csv', header=0, sep=";", decimal=",")
hotel.add_dhw(np.array(sww['Totale warmtelevering [kW] SWW']))

combined = HourlyBuildingLoad(
heating_load=kantoor.hourly_heating_load + terminal.hourly_heating_load + hotel.hourly_heating_load,
cooling_load=kantoor.hourly_cooling_load + terminal.hourly_cooling_load + hotel.hourly_cooling_load,
simulation_period=SIMULATION_PERIOD, efficiency_heating=SCOP, efficiency_cooling=eer_active_passive,
combined.add_dhw(np.array(sww['Totale warmtelevering [kW] SWW']))

# load borefield coordinates
coordinates = pd.read_csv('coordinatenlijst optie 1.csv', header=0, sep=";", decimal=",")
borefield1 = []
for idx, row in coordinates.iterrows():
borefield1.append(gt.boreholes.Borehole(H=H + row['Z'], D=-row['Z'], r_b=r_b, x=row['X'], y=row['Y']))

# coordinates = pd.read_csv('coordinatenlijst optie 2.csv', header=0, sep=";", decimal=",")
# borefield2 = []
# for idx, row in coordinates.iterrows():
# borefield2.append(gt.boreholes.Borehole(H=H + row['Z'], D=-row['Z'], r_b=r_b, x=row['X'], y=row['Y']))

# initiate borefield
borefield = Borefield(borefield=borefield1, load=combined)

borefield.ground_data = ground_data

def make_results(borefield, name, sec_load=None):
# get further results
active_cooling_array = borefield.load.eer.get_time_series_active_cooling(borefield.results.peak_injection,
yearly_share_active_cooling = np.sum(
np.reshape(borefield.load.hourly_cooling_load_simulation_period * active_cooling_array,
(borefield.load.simulation_period, 8760)),
axis=1) / borefield.load.yearly_injection_load_simulation_period * 100
active_cooling_power = borefield.load.hourly_cooling_load_simulation_period * active_cooling_array
passive_cooling_power = borefield.load.hourly_cooling_load_simulation_period * np.invert(active_cooling_array)
active_cooling_energy = np.sum(np.reshape(active_cooling_power, (borefield.load.simulation_period, 8760)), axis=1)
passive_cooling_energy = np.sum(np.reshape(passive_cooling_power, (borefield.load.simulation_period, 8760)), axis=1)

# print numerical results
print(f'Average SEER {borefield.load.SEER:.2f}')
f'Geothermal heating: {borefield.load.max_peak_heating:.2f}kW | {borefield.load.yearly_average_heating_load / 1000:.2f}MWh')
print(f'Geothermal active: {np.max(active_cooling_power):.2f}kW | {np.mean(active_cooling_energy) / 1000:.2f}MWh')
f'Geothermal passive: {np.max(passive_cooling_power):.2f}kW | {np.mean(passive_cooling_energy) / 1000:.2f}MWh')
if sec_load is not None:
f'LW cooling: {np.max(sec_load.max_peak_cooling):.2f}kW | {sec_load.yearly_average_cooling_load / 1000:.2f}MWh')
f'LW heating: {np.max(sec_load.max_peak_heating):.2f}kW | {sec_load.yearly_average_heating_load / 1000:.2f}MWh')

make_TCO(borefield, sec_load)

# plot active/passive and SEER
fig3, ax5 = plt.subplots()
ax5.plot(range(1, borefield.load.simulation_period + 1), borefield.load.yearly_SEER, linestyle='-', label='SEER')
ax2 = ax5.twinx()
ax2.plot(range(1, borefield.load.simulation_period + 1), yearly_share_active_cooling, linestyle='--',
label='Actief koelen')

handles1, labels1 = ax5.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles = handles1 + handles2
labels = labels1 + labels2
ax5.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper center', ncol=2)
ax5.set_xlim(left=1, right=borefield.load.simulation_period)
ax5.set_ylim(bottom=7, top=15)
ax2.set_ylim(bottom=30, top=70)
ax5.set_xlabel('Tijd [jaar]')
ax5.set_ylabel(f'Jaarlijks SEER [-]')
ax2.set_ylabel(f'Jaarlijks aandeel actieve koeling [%]')

if sec_load is None:
# hybrid graph
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
# First pie chart - Cooling load
labels = ['BEO (A)', 'BEO (P)']
sizes = [np.mean(active_cooling_energy), np.mean(passive_cooling_energy)]
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
ax1.set_title('Aandeel koeling')

# hybrid graph
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
# First pie chart - Cooling load
labels = ['BEO (A)', 'BEO (P)', 'LW']
sizes = [np.mean(active_cooling_energy), np.mean(passive_cooling_energy), sec_load.yearly_average_cooling_load]
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
ax1.set_title('Aandeel koeling')

# energy graph
fig2, ax3 = plt.subplots()

# Add sorted loads to plot
ax3.plot(range(1, borefield.load.simulation_period + 1),
borefield.load.yearly_heating_load_simulation_period / 1000,
'r-', label='Geothermische verwarming')
ax3.plot(range(1, borefield.load.simulation_period + 1),
borefield.load.yearly_cooling_load_simulation_period / 1000,
'b-', label='Geothermische koeling')

# Add a second y-axis to the right
ax4 = ax3.twinx()

# Optionally, plot something on the second y-axis
ax4.plot(range(1, borefield.load.simulation_period + 1), borefield.load.yearly_heating_peak_simulation_period,
label='Geothermische piekverwarming')
ax4.plot(range(1, borefield.load.simulation_period + 1), borefield.load.yearly_cooling_peak_simulation_period,
label='Geothermische piekkoeling')

# Combine handles and labels from both axes
handles1, labels1 = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles2, labels2 = ax4.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles = handles1 + handles2
labels = labels1 + labels2

# Plot legend with combined handles and labels
ax3.legend(handles, labels)

ax3.set_xlim(left=1, right=borefield.load.simulation_period)
ax3.set_xlabel('Tijd [jaar]')
ax3.set_ylabel(f'Energie [MWh]')

# Optional: set labels and properties for the second y-axis
ax4.set_ylabel(f'Vermogen [kW]')

# plot borefield
# borefield.print_temperature_profile(plot_hourly=True)

def make_TCO(borefield, sec_load):
active_cooling_array = borefield.load.eer.get_time_series_active_cooling(borefield.results.peak_injection,
active_cooling_power = borefield.load.hourly_cooling_load_simulation_period * active_cooling_array
passive_cooling_power = borefield.load.hourly_cooling_load_simulation_period * np.invert(active_cooling_array)
active_cooling_energy = np.sum(np.reshape(active_cooling_power, (borefield.load.simulation_period, 8760)),
passive_cooling_energy = np.sum(np.reshape(passive_cooling_power, (borefield.load.simulation_period, 8760)),

electricity_consumption_per_year = borefield.load.yearly_electricity_consumption
peak_ac = np.max(active_cooling_power)
peak_pc = np.max(passive_cooling_power)
peak_heating = borefield.load.max_peak_heating

investment_cost = max(peak_heating,
peak_ac) * COST_GSHP + peak_pc * COST_HEX + borefield.number_of_boreholes * borefield.H * COST_BOREFIELD

if sec_load is not None:
electricity_consumption_per_year += sec_load.yearly_cooling_load_simulation_period / SEER_LW
investment_cost += max(np.max(sec_load.max_peak_cooling), 1481) * COST_ASHP
# there is always an ASHP
investment_cost += 1481 * COST_ASHP

TCO = investment_cost + np.sum(
[electricity_consumption_per_year[i - 1] * E_PRICE / (1 + RDR) ** i for i in range(1, 26)])
print(f'Investment: €{investment_cost:,.0f}')
f'Electricity cost: €{np.sum([electricity_consumption_per_year[i - 1] * E_PRICE / (1 + RDR) ** i for i in range(1, 26)]):,.0f}')
print(f'TCO: €{TCO:,.0f}')

# do calculations
# 1) all load on one field
make_results(borefield, 'All load on one field')

# 2p) optimise power (100% passive)
_, sec_load = borefield.optimise_load_profile_power(combined)
make_results(borefield, 'Optimise power, 100% passive', sec_load)

# # 2e) optimise energy (100% passive)
# borefield.set_max_avg_fluid_temperature(16)
# _, sec_load = borefield.optimise_load_profile_energy(combined)
# borefield.calculate_temperatures(hourly=True)
# make_results(borefield, 'Optimise energy, 100% passive', sec_load)

# # 3p) optimise power
# borefield.set_max_avg_fluid_temperature(25)
# _, sec_load = borefield.optimise_load_profile_power(combined)
# borefield.calculate_temperatures(hourly=True)
# make_results(borefield, 'Optimise power', sec_load)
# # 3e) optimise energy
# borefield.set_max_avg_fluid_temperature(25)
# _, sec_load = borefield.optimise_load_profile_energy(combined)
# borefield.calculate_temperatures(hourly=True)
# make_results(borefield, 'Optimise energy', sec_load)

# adapt size borefield

borefield_smaller = [bor for bor in borefield1 if bor.y < 74]
borefield.borefield = borefield_smaller
# 4p) optimise power
_, sec_load = borefield.optimise_load_profile_power(combined)
make_results(borefield, 'Optimise power, +- 50% koelvermogen', sec_load)

# # 4e) optimise energy
# borefield.set_max_avg_fluid_temperature(25)
# _, sec_load = borefield.optimise_load_profile_energy(combined)
# borefield.calculate_temperatures(hourly=True)
# make_results(borefield, 'Optimise energy, max 50% cooling', sec_load)

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