Partial facet implementation for eXist-db based on the EXPath specifications (
Current implementation includes:
- facet:count - Count the facet-values for each facet defined by the facet definition(s)
- facet:group-by - Generates facet values from the original values. Default function if no function is declared in the facet-definition/group-by/@function
- facet:group-by-range - Count the facet-values for each range facet defined by the facet definition. [Custom function]
- facet:group-by-array - Faceting on arrays. Current implementation assumes space as separator. [Custom function]
Uses the following eXist-db specific functions:
- util:eval
- request:get-parameter
- request:get-parameter-names()
Current tests use for data. Advantages to using this data is that it is easily deployed in eXist and has the appropriate indexes already specified.
##TODO: Support for hierarchical facets