Releases: wscullen/tile_viewer_client
Bug Fix
Fix .cfg Requirement and Add Point and Polyline for Visualizations
Small release.
Change log:
- remove the requirement for .cfg on the client side for shapefiles
- visualization shapefiles can be point and polyline shapefiles on the backend API
Make sure the API matches the Tile Viewer version (0.3.1).
L8 L2A Bulk Download Support
This release works with the S2D2 API v0.3.0 to support batch downloading for L8, to bring it in line with the functionality for S2.
The USGS Earth Explorer has been having technical issues over the last month or so, resulting in work being done to restore L8 querying. The L8 querying and batch downloads should be working now, but this restored functionality hasn't been tested thoroughly.
UI Overhaul and S2 Batch Downloads
What's new:
- User account and login are now required to use the backend API (eventually there will be a registration page, but for now email me and I will create accounts with your preferred email address)
- UI overhaul using the Semantic UI library
- Additional vector files can be added for visualization
- Downloads are handled using batch jobs now, which has implications such as:
- Emails are sent to the user who submits the job, once on job start and once when completed
- Individual celery tasks associated with the overall batch job now update their progress, that information is surfaced in the tile list as a green progress bar under the tile cell
- If any one of the individual celery tasks fails, the overall job is marked as failed, but any successful celery tasks will still store their results on the S3, so a subsequent retry will be completed faster
- Map layers for visualization can be toggled on and off, and MGRS and WRS grid layers are auto toggled depending on which platform is selected (Landsat 8 or Sentinel 2)
What's broken:
- LTA (long term archive) interaction in the ESA Scihub API has been inconsistent and difficult to test, for now stick to dates after Sept 2019 (this is actively being worked on)
- Landsat 8 downloads haven't been updated to match the batch download structure used by Sentinel 2, so for now please test with the Sentinel 2 platform only (this is actively being worked on, will be ready shortly using the Sentinel 2 methods as a template)
- Downloads for individual tiles, the retry button, and info buttons are still non-functional
- Sen2Agri tasks require further testing. L2A creation works but is not fully tested. L3B creation does not work on the backend but has a prototype GUI on the front end. L3A has no GUI and does not work on the backend. This will be addressed after the Landsat 8 download functionality reaches parity with the Sentinel 2 functionality
- If the app has a white screen after updating, make sure to:
- Clear Cache
- Clear local storage
- Exit the application and restart it
What's coming:
- New download options using Google Cloud storage or Google Earth Engine python API instead of the ESA and USGS APIs
- Timeline viewer is still coming!
- Functioning download and retry buttons!
- Lots more stuff that I can't think of!
Auto Updater Final Bug Fixes
Small changes to how the update process works on Linux (until electron-builder is updated so that differential downloads trigger the download-progress callback).
Jobs Viewer, AoI Details, and Sentinel 2 Imagery and Query Improvements
Job information can be viewed on the JOBS tab. Older or defunct jobs can be permanently removed. Area of Interest details can be viewed on the DETAIL tab.
Many quality of life improvements including:
- only ESA query results are used from the s2d2_api, resulting S2 imagery is more consistent
- S2 tile names in the list are formatted to match the format used by L8, the true ESA s2 name is still available by using the Copy Tiles to Clipboard button or the Save Tile List to JSON buttons
- highlighting tiles in the list is now more useful, select the tiles in the list, it will have a cyan border when highlighted:
- select which tiles to copy to your clipboard by highlighting them (hold CTRL to select more than one tile)
- select which tiles to submit jobs for by highlighting them in the list
A tile can have more than one job associated with it, but only the most recent job will be shown on the tile list as the hourglass icon. The rest of the jobs and more detailed information can be viewed on the JOBS tab.
s2d2_api has been updated to v0.0.3, which supports the new S2 imagery and query functionality. Logic to use the USGS to download S2 tiles has been moved into the worker processes (simple_worker) and is only used when the ESA L2A tile is not available (ESA L1C is used as a backup when the USGS L1C tile is not available).
Auto Update Changed to Prompt User
Auto update mechanism updated to show progress and prompt user if they want to: download the update, and install the update.
Change Log:
- updated React Router to use HashRouter (to support using the main react bundle to handle the updater component)
- save tile list to json working again
- copy current tile list to clipboard (space separated) functionality added
Support for ESA Scihub S2 Products
Viewer Changes:
- updates to how jobs are submitted to support tiles that are from the ESA Scihub API
- updates to how jobs are checked, more reliable, less unnecessary job checks
Backend Changes:
- updates to the s2d2_api backend are required to support this new functionality
Bug Fixes
This release is an emergency bug fix release:
- The move to redux caused the atmospheric correction settings to always be false, this has been updated to properly use the AoI session settings from the redux store
- jobs that are deleted from the job manager are no longer periodically checked, where they would always result in a 404 response. Over time, defunct jobs (that would never complete) would cause significant pressure on the job manager during status checks that aren't required.
- the react dev tools version have been updated (Development only change)
Landsat 8 Support
This release has major changes. Redux is now used to manage the state. Typescript integration has begun for major components. Landsat 8 is now supported through a drop down in the timeline viewer.