The syslog_ng puppet module installes and configures syslog_ng. The goal is to support the most complex configurations and compile them into a nice, easy to read, single configuration file.
To build your configuration, you'll need the main class, and at least one source, destination and log statement.
Here is an example for a simple configuration which logs everything to /var/log/messages:
Load the main class.
include ::syslog_ng
# or
Create a source:
syslog_ng::source {'s_src':
definition => 'internal(); unix-stream("/dev/log" max-connections(1024)); file("/proc/kmsg" program_override("kernel: "));',
Create a destination:
syslog_ng::destination {'d_messages':
definition => 'file("/var/log/messages");',
Link them together with a log statement:
syslog_ng::log {'messages':
sources => [ 's_src' ],
destinations => [ 'd_messages' ]',
You can also create filter definitions with the syslog_ng::filter define:
syslog_ng::filter {'f_sshd':
definition => 'program(sshd);',
and add this filter to a log statement:
syslog_ng::log {'sshd':
sources => [ 's_src' ],
filters => [ 'f_sshd' ]',
destinations => [ 'd_sshd' ]',