未解决问题: 不能自定义指定ip地址做为监听地址,算是坑吧!(求大神指点) 默认情况autosqlmap因为代码问题,获取最后的网卡地址(ipv6)做为监听地址,所以默认情况设置不了代理。目前解决办法是修改python目录下/lib/SocketServer.py第402行 def __init__ 新添加:
if len(server_address[0]) ==0:
self.address_family = 2
autoSqlmap is a simple http(s) proxy with python based sqlmapapi wrapper.
When HTTP traffic goes through the proxy, it will auto launch sqlmap to test sqli vulnerability.
- python2
- sqlmap
- requests
##Usage modify configurations in config.py, default config is for http://testphp.vulnweb.com/
sqlmap options please refer to sqlmap_options_list.txt
start sqlmap api
python sqlmapapi.py -s
start autoSqlmap
python run.py 2>/dev/null
go to http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ for test
##Enable HTTPS intercept To intercept HTTPS connections, generate private keys and a private CA certificate:
Through the proxy, you can access http://proxy2.test/ and install the CA certificate in the browsers.
(from proxy2)
##Contact http://blog.163.com/x_rm/
coolxia [AT] foxmail.com