- include most popular C/C++ libraries, eg. grpc, protobuf, boost, abseil, folly, proxygen, mvfst, jemalloc, zstd, curl, openssl ...
- grpc server and client example
- http server and client example
- protobuf plugin example
- swig for Java and Python example
- support multiple os, eg: linux, macosx, windows
- support multiple cpu, eg: x86_64, aarch64
- all source code compiled successful by clang, gcc, msvc-cl
- compile_commands.json generator
- cpu and memory profiling
- memory leak, corruption detection
- automatic code style detect
- compiler use from @bazel_tools//tools/cpp:compiler
- use aspect find the most possible relative search path
- transitive usage
- renovate.json
- integrate clang-tidy, clang-check, clang static analyzer https://github.com/erenon/bazel_clang_tidy
- integrate IWYU https://github.com/storypku/bazel_iwyu
./generate.sh repo_name
clear && bazel test --config=cpplint //...
clear && bazel test --config=unit_test //...
clear && bazel test --config=sanitize //...
clear && bazel test --config=gcc --config=unit_test_tcmalloc //...
clear && bazel test --config=gcc --config=unit_test_jemalloc //...
clear && bazel test --config=gcc --config=sanitize //...
clear && bazel test --config=clang --config=unit_test_tcmalloc //...
clear && bazel test --config=clang --config=unit_test_jemalloc //...
clear && bazel test --config=clang --config=sanitize //...
clear && bazel build --config=gcc --config=tcmalloc //...
clear && bazel build --config=gcc --config=jemalloc //...
clear && bazel build --config=gcc //...
clear && bazel build --config=gcc_macosx_x86_64 //...
clear && bazel build --config=gcc_windows_x86_64 //...
clear && bazel build --config=openwrt_aarch64 //...
clear && bazel build --config=clang --config=tcmalloc //...
clear && bazel build --config=clang --config=jemalloc //...
clear && bazel build --config=clang_macosx_x86_64 //...
clear && bazel build --config=clang_windows_x86_64 //...
clear && bazel build --config=clang_linux_aarch64 //...
clear && bazel coverage //...
clear && bazel run @hedron_compile_commands//:refresh_all
bazel test //... --config=unit_test_tcmalloc #单测和内存泄露检查
bazel test //... --config=unit_test_jemalloc #单测和内存泄露检查
bazel test //... --config=cpplint #只跑cpplint检查
bazel coverage //... --test_tag_filters=-cpplint
genhtml bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/testlogs/src/common/host_spec_test/coverage.dat -o /zfs/www/coverage
genhtml --ignore-errors source bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/testlogs/src/common/host_spec_test/coverage.dat -o /zfs/www/test_coverage
bazel test //... --config=unit_test_jemalloc #单测和内存泄露检查
bazel test --config=sanitize //...
bazel test --test_env="CPUPROFILE=prof.out" //src/common:host_spec_test #prof.out在bazel构建根目录下
CPUPROFILE=prof.out bazel-bin/src/common/host_spec_test
pprof --web bazel-bin/src/common/host_spec_test prof.out
pprof --text ./bazel-bin/src/common/host_spec_test prof.out
pprof --pdf ./bazel-bin/src/common/host_spec_test prof.out > profile.pdf
perf record -F 99 -g bazel-bin/src/demo 10000
perf script | /root/src/software/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-perf.pl | /root/src/software/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > flamegraph.svg
bazel query --notool_deps --noimplicit_deps "deps(//src/server:grpc_server)" --output graph
bazel query 'attr(visibility, "//visibility:public", //:*)'
bazel query "rdeps(//..., //src/util:util)"
bazel query "rdeps(//..., @com_google_protobuf//:protobuf)"
bazel query 'deps(//src/server:grpc_server)' --output graph > graph.in
bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//:main)' --output graph > simplified_graph.in
dot -Tpng < graph.in > graph.png
cat /proc/self/stack
cat /proc/21880/stack
strace -Ff -tt -p 56509 2>&1 | tee strace.log
pstack 56509
- user have to make own cross build tools and headers if need cross compile
- substitute code.xiamu.com to github.com
- comment .bazelrc common --experimental_downloader_config=.bazel_downloader.cfg