Camera calibration program base on OpenCV. A tool. It can calibrate fisheye Lens with charUco chess board and normal chess board.
- First, in createBoard page create the board which you used in practice.
- And, in Calib page select the class of board and lens.
- Then, click calib to calibrate the Camera.
- click “save” to save Parameter of Camera.
- Finally, click outPut to write Parameters to file.
class of chess board
ChessBoard:Normal chess board
CharUco:CharUco chess board
CharUco+:CharUco chess board, but more strict detection
class of Lens
- isFisheLens: Whether to perform fisheye calibration
- Number_X: Number of horizontal grids
- Number_Y: Number of vertical grids
- squareSize:The physical size of a grid
- dpi:dpi of Printer
- print_width: The width of the printing paper
- print_height: The height of the printing paper
- Dict:Class of tag dictionary. The chessBoard means normal chess board.
- mainwindow.ui: The Qt designer file
- The code transformed by mainwindow.u
- : Main file
- CharUco chess board module
- Nomal chess board module
- The class of camera group
- Calibration module
- tools:There are scripts of linux and windows
- call pyside2-uic to transform ui file,and deal erro of defualt transforming.
use pip3 to install
pyside2 : UI based on Qt
opencv-python:Function calibration
opencv-contrib-python:Function of charuco
matplotlib: Plot curve of geometric relationship of fish Lens.