Client library object for Arduino supporting MQTT messages and OTA updates in the IoT Ecosystem
This library is used on ESP8266 modules, in order to solve:
- Receiving commands as JSON formatted MQTT messages addressed to this unit
- Sending sensor data as JSON over MQTT
- Doing OTA updates when requested over MQTT
When initialized, the IoTEcoClient object will start listening on the MQTT server on topic sensors/#
Any received message is parsed in the JSON library and is tested for the presense of an "id" property matching this unit's MAC address.
Whenever such a message is received, it will be passed on to the registered callback function (as a json object)
If the message says "Command"="UpgradeFromHttp", we'll look for an attribute "FirmwareUrl" and an attempt to do an over-the-air (OTA) firmware update.
Example: { "id":"5C:CF:7F:0D:A1:26", "Command":"UpgradeFromHttp", "FirmwareUrl":"" }
At startup, the module will use a similar structure to report it's presense and data
At MQTT topic "sensors/GarageDoor/connected": { "id": "5C:CF:7F:0D:A1:26", "name": "GarageDoor", "fw": "" }
(Except the id, which is really the MAC address, these parameters are passed to the begin method)
Please note that this is work in progress and all structures and commands are subject to change as the IoT Ecosystem evolves.
Dependencies on: