Small collection of misc bash snippets, used for various scripts.
Decent reference: will check to see if you have vim installed, and try to install it if you don't. Then create some needed vim directoris, download and install the pathogen plugin, and a few color schemes. Finally it will install a .vimrc config file.
Simply run: curl -s | bash
Currently there's very little error checking, if you find something, or would like to make an improvement please issue a pull request, or open an issue.
Adds a ton of aliases, and a few useful functions.
Simply run this: curl -LSso .bashrc && source .bashrc
- cls : turn color "ls" on or off depending on OS
- als : list known aliases
- mcd : make and cd into directory
- tgz : create a tar.gz file from a file or dir
- ext : extract a ton of different formats
Sets a color bash prompt if the term supports color (otherwise a boring non-color prompt).