A ruby library to encrypt image or text inputs based on chaotic maps.
Maps : Baker's Map, Horseshoe Map, Henon's Map, Arnold's Cat Map
'image.rb' uses 'chunky_png' gem for processing images and hence it should be installed.
'text.rb' is self-contained.
gem install chunky_png
Text Inputs -
require 'text.rb' txt = Text.new('./filepath/sometextfile') bakerMatrix = txt.bakerMap(10) horseShoeMatrix = txt.horseShoeMap(10) # 10 is number of iterations for which the mapping is repeated, default value is 1
Image inputs -
require 'image.rb' img = Image.new('./filepath/somePNG') img.bakerMap(10) img.horseShoeMap(10) img.acMap(10) # Arnold's cat map img.henonMap(10) # check output/ directory for the scrambled images