Supported Arch: PPC64LE
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./simulator [-c] [-d <delay type> -t <delay time(max)>] [-n <NIC> -r <IP range>]
For Ubuntu OS, please run apt-get update
-c: Cleanup IPs configuration. If not set it, will setup openbmc simulator environment and start simulator
-d: Delay response type, supported parameter: random, constant.
-t: Delay response time, must be used with -d. If delay type is random, the parameter is the max value. The delay time will be random between 0 and input pamameter. Format is "xxmxx"
-n: NIC name which want to configure IPs on
-r: IPs want to configure on NIC. The format is as '10.[1|{1.10}].[1|{1..200}].[1|{1..200}]'
Setup environment and Start simulator ./simulator -n eth0 -r 10.1.1.{1..10}
Clear environment: ./simulator -c -n eth0 -r 10.1.1.{1..10}
Setup environment and Start simulator that will delay response ./simulator -d random -t 10
If the node that simulator runs on as below:
You can define the node as below:
mkdef simulator groups=all bmc= mgt=openbmc bmcusername=root bmcpassword=0penBmc
Take rpower
command as example:
# rpower simulator on
simulator: on