A TShock plugin includes Econ, Rank and Shop with custom items
Download release zip.
Put all .dll
files in TShock/ServerPlaugins path.
Put all .json
files in TShock/tshock path.
The AutoReload.dll in release zip is not a part of the CustomItemShop plugin, but it will save you from excuting /reload when a json file is changed.
command: shop
- sub-command:
- sub-command:
command: rank
command: request
command: econ
- sub-command:
- parameters:
- parameters:
player's name
- parameters:
"Item": 29, //the item id in terraria, you can get it from https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Item_IDs
"Rank": 2, //purchase rank limit
"Text": "LifeCrystal", //text shown in 'shop list' command
"Amount": 3, //the amount of the item
"Price": 30000 //econ price
"Item": 10003, //choose a unique integer number which is bigger than 10000 for customitem
"Rank": 10, //purchase rank limit
"Text": "customitem-精准打击", //the text for customitem must include 'customitem'
"Amount": 1, //the amount of the customitem
"Price": 500000 //econ price
"Item": 10003, //match a shop item in shop.json
"ItemID": 3029, //the item shoot AI and img of the item whose terraria item id is 3029 will be used as a placeholder in game, in this situation 3029 is Daedalus Stormbow
"Damage": 500, //the damage of the
"Shoot": 930, //the new projectile id of item 3029 in this case
"KnockBack": 12, //the new knockback value of item 3029 or the projectile 930
"UseTime": 5, // the time of the use interval
"ShootSpeed": 50, //the speed of the new projectile
"Scale": 5, //the item img scaling ratio, bigger than 1
"UseAmmo": 0, //whether use ammo, 0 or 1
"Ammo": 0, // use which ammo, you can see the values available in terraria source code
"UseAnimation": 15 //the item 3029's field in terraria source code. In my case, everthing seem ok if i set the value to 15 or 10
"Rank": 1, //to level up to level_1
"Cost": 1000, // you need cost econ 1000
"Color": "BDC0BA" //the prefix color of Level_1
"Rank": 2, //to level up to level_2
"Cost": 5000, // you need cost econ 5000
"Color": "91989F" //the prefix color of Level_2
//in this case, the max level is Level_2