develop web backend api for android and iOS using php
project description:
index.php:the entry file of the project,which use PATH_INFO to parse URL.
start.php:the configuration auto load.
app :the api directory
--v1 :version control directory
----Controller :controller directory
-------specific api for backend
config:configuration directory for our project
lib:developer-defined class libraries
--DB: encapsulates a class to handle mysql database with PDO
--Encrypt:encrypt your password with hash+salt algorithm
--GeTui:Integrate the third-party delivery services of GETUI
--Message:Integrate the message services of ChuangLan
--Response:Encapsulates class to response the request using json
--Token:login state remains with accessToken
apidoc.html the api description file
mydb.sql:the database sql file
all copyrigt reserved by YgRen