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  1. you should know vim basic editing like three vim modes, copy, paste, undo...
  2. network for github
  3. neovim > 0.10.0

install steps

  1. copy nvim folder to ~/.config/
  2. if use windows, copy nvim to C:/Users/<NAME>/AppData/Local/, then copy nvim/windows/init.vim to C:/Users/<NAME>/AppData/Local/nvim. if you want autocomplete using LSP, markdownpreview, install latest nodejs, , if you want file content search, install rg , if you want git commandline, install lazygit
  3. open neovim, run :PlugInstall and wait installation complete
  4. run :checkhealth to see whether any other dependencies are not installed.

basic key mappings

cmd description
S save file
Q quit file
space Q quit neovim
H goto line begining
L goto line end
ti create new tab to before current tab
ta create new tab to after current tab
th previous tab
tl next tab
tfs Tab FullScreen
{{ jump to previous symbol
}} jump to next symbol
[[ jump to previous git hunk
]] jump to next git hunk
S' or S" or S( in visual mode Surround you select with ""or''or()
U open Undo history
/ current file search
space space comment code
space sv open init.vim(Vimrc)
space sl or space sj split windows right/below
space h/j/k/l jump between split windows using hjkl
space fs toggle windows FullScreen
space e toggle file Explorer
tt open ranger(require ranger installed)
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
space ff search File in project
space fw search Word in project(require rg installed)
space fb search file opened Buffer
space fr search Recent file
space ft search Tag in current file
space fv search word in Vimwiki folder
space fh resume searching History
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
ctrl space(insert mode) complete code(using LSP)
gk show doc(using LSP)
gd goto Definition(using LSP)
gi goto Implementation(using LSP)
gy goto Type(using LSP)
gf open under cursor File
space fm ForMat code
space tg show current file Tags
space gd go to Definition(using anyjump)
alt o or alt i jump back/forward between file
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
ty (normal or visual mode) translate
ctrl nnnnnn mutiple cursor increase
shift Q mutiple cursor decrease
space enter select block
space ww open vimwiki notebook
space oa/oc nvim orgmode menu/action
ctrl p markdown preview
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
space log (normal or visual mode) open git log for this project
space logc open git log for current file
space bl (normal or visual mode) git blame
space lg open lazygit(awesome git tool)

**For more features, please check init.vim file.

markdown support

command(insert mode) description
,<number1~3> level 1~3 title
,c Code with language(need close twice)
,d single line command
,b Bold
,a link
,f Finish and close insert!
for more, see nvim/ftplugin/markdown.vim

type ,3Hello,f in insert mode, will create a 'Hello' title with level 3

install lsp

:Mason to install lsp, then add config below to similar other lspconfig config in init.vim

 require('lspconfig')['<YOURLSP"'].setup {
      capabilities = capabilities,

markdown table mode

:TableModeEnable After enabled, when you can use '|' to create markdown table, table will automatically get aligned.

install language server

:LspInstall install current opened file type language server to enable autocomplete/document/semantic jump/highlighting feature.

ranger(suggest to use Ranger as file explorer)

see ../ranger/

vimwiki note

to create sub link for under cursor/selected keyword, jump back.

additional text-object

s: substitute with clipboard, you can use it as motion like c, d example: siw

s:surround, you can use it as operator like i, a example: cs" or ds"

f:function(partially support), you can use it as operator like w, " example: cif or dif


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  • Vim Snippet 45.2%
  • Vim Script 26.9%
  • Lua 13.7%
  • Python 10.8%
  • Shell 3.4%