I use many operating systems all day but can't clearly understand how they work and are implemented as a whole. This project is to write a very simple kernel so that I can figure out the key concepts and principles of an OS.
- Multi-processing
- Paging system (virtual memory management)
- A file system
- Different types of syscalls
- Interrupts handling
- etc.
By Jiaxing Yang
From 2020.9
- MIT 6.828 (2018)
- osdev.org
- bkerndev
- skelix os
- GNU multiboot
- The little book about OS development
- 《Orange'S:一个操作系统的实现》 于渊
- 《操作系统真象还原》 郑钢
- 《Linux 内核源代码情景分析》 毛德操,胡希明
- lvsh has some builtin commands: ps, ls, mm, etc.
- Can also execute a binary form it and pass command line args to the process.