Kubernetes の version によって Graceful Node Shutdown で停止させられた Pod の status は異なるため どちらもカバーできる条件を指定する
kubectl get pods -o json \
| jq -r '.items[]
| select(.status.phase == "Failed")
| select(.status.reason == "Shutdown" or .status.reason == "NodeShutdown" or .status.reason == "Terminated")
| .metadata.name'
GKE が自動で clean up してくれるようになった。
April 14, 2023
Pods bound to Preemptible and Spot nodes are now automatically deleted from the Kubernetes API server after the Preemptible or Spot instance is preempted. This is available in GKE versions:
- 1.25.7-gke.1000 or later
- 1.26.2-gke.1000 or later
Delete nodes if the GCE instance id changes and pods bound to the deleted node #368
helm upgrade terminated-pod-cleaner ./chart --install
helm template terminated-pod-cleaner ./chart | kube-score score -
helm template terminated-pod-cleaner ./chart | kube-linter lint -
trivy config chart
Kubernetes 1.20
message: Node is shutting, evicting pods
phase: Failed
reason: Shutdown
message: Pod Node is in progress of shutting down, not admitting any new pods
phase: Failed
reason: Shutdown
Kubernetes >= 1.21
message: Pod Pod was rejected as the node is shutting down.
phase: Failed
reason: NodeShutdown
message: Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.
phase: Failed
reason: Terminated