given a list of genomic regions (-i) and a list of BAM files (-b), output the count of reads in each BAM file within these genomic regions.
usage: [-h] [-i INTERVAL] [-b BAMS [BAMS ...]] [-o OUTPUT]
[-l LEN] [-n NAME [NAME ...]]
count of reads in a list of invervals
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
the bed file contains location information of
-b BAMS [BAMS ...], --bams BAMS [BAMS ...]
the list of bam files containing mapped reads for
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
name prefix of output files: *_count.txt
-l LEN, --length LEN choose the center region of this length for each
interval to count
-n NAME [NAME ...], --name NAME [NAME ...]
name of each bam sample (to be wrote on the header)
Library dependency: pysam, bedtools,numpy,math
given a list of genomic regions (-i) and a list of BED files with aligned reads (-f & -s), output the count of reads in each BED file within these genomic regions.
Usage: [-h] [-i interval_file] [-f data_folder] [-p ovlp_pct]
[-s suffix] mark1 mark2 ... -i Pn_E14_mm9_nucleosome_peak.bed -f ~/ChIPseq_map_data/
-s _d0_extend_sort.bed mouse_H3K4me3 mouse_H3K4me2 mouse_H3K4me1
> count_epi_nucleosome.txt
-h, --help Show this help.
-i, --interval file contains intervals to be counted
-f, --folder folder for bed data
-p, --ovlp_pct minimum overlap_percentage to be included as a count
-s, --suffix uniform suffix for bed data files within the folder
Library dependency: bedtools, getopt
convert sorted BED file into WIG file ,which can be potentially single base resolution depending on read depth.
BED file can be sorted using linux commend:
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n <unsorted.bed> > <sorted.bed>
Library dependency: csv
Usage: <options> -i input.bed -n name_of_output -e -l extended_read_length -s column_num_for_strand <options> -i input.bed -n name_of_output -e <options> -i input.bed -n name_of_output
Example: <options> -i mm9_H3K9me3.bed -n mm9_H3K9me3 -e -l 150 -s 4
-h,--help show help information
-i,--inputfile input bed file (with strand information for extend option)
-o,--outputFolder folder for output wid file (default: /home/GenomeBrowser/lab_tracks/
-n,--wigname name of the output wig file
-e,--extend extend read in bed file or not (default: false)
-l,--readlength the extended length of each read (default: 150, effective only when extend=True)
-s,--strandLoc the column # for strand information in bed (default: 4, effective only when extend=True)
Draw distribution of fragment length from a pairend dataset (BAM file, -i) draw distribution of fragment lenghs from pair end NGS data and fit with Gaussian Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)
Library dependency: matplotlib, numpy, scipy, pysam
python -i [NGS_pairend_mapped_bam] -x min_x,max_x -n 100000 -o [output_figure]
python -i [NGS_pairend_mapped_bam] -o [output_figure]
python -i H209_pairend_5mark.sort.bam -x 0,500 -n 100000 -o H209_pairend_5mark_fragmentLen.png
-h,--help show help information
-i,--inputbam input bam file(with correspnding bai file in same folder
-x,--xlim range for x axis: min_x, the left bound (default 0); max_x, the right bound (default 350)
-l,--lambda covariance_factor lambda for KDE (default 0.25)
-n,--num number of fragments to be processed for plotting
-o,--output the output figure file, can be format of emf, eps, pdf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz
generate random sequences from genome specified (not exceeding the chromosome size boundary). One can adjust the mean and SD for size of random sequences. probability to choose each chrom based on the size distribution.
usage: [-h] [-g GENOME] [-m MEAN] [-s SD] [-n NUM]
generate random sequences with customized length and number (for random peaks
probability to choose each chrom based on the size distribution
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GENOME, --genome GENOME
specify genome name to get chromosome info from
UCSCGB, default: mm9
-m MEAN, --mean MEAN mean length of each random sequence,default:200
-s SD, --sd SD sd of random sequence lengths,default:20
-n NUM, --num NUM number of sequences to be randomly
library dependency: cruzdb (,sqlalchemy