- implemented login and aign in using
firebase aunthentication
. - added the habit-tracker page where users can add, edit and delete habits and even tick the habits that are completed for the day.
- added a
which shows the data of completed habits based on how many were completed on a particular day thus showcasing basicaly a productivity chart. - also added a UI for the profile page which could be used in future for log out or accesing settings.
- implemented
database for storing data localy
- to complete the profile page and make it responive by adding logic and aldo features like logout options, settings options and even night mode.
- to add more statistical visualisers such as bar graph and pie chart.
- to store and showcase streaks (longest streak).
- to improve the UI of the app and add animations like changing of color of a task on long pressing a habit checkbox.
- to implement data backup feature using firebase.
- also to give more response in the login and sign up pages for instances a error alert box for invalid password or email.
- to add a creative name and logo to the app and create an identity.
- no known bugs
- Mitch Koko Youtube channel.
- Johhanes Mike Youtube channel.
- pub dev website.
- flutter and dart docs.
- firebase website docs.
- MacOS.
- Currently dont have much experience with UI/UX but would love to explore since i do find it interesting.