This is a game to show a algorithm that allows the house to always win.
This module will simulate random chance using poker dice.
Using as a template for the probabilities I have created a game that the house always wins. Currently there is only one roll to determine if you have a winning hand. This decreases the chances of getting a five of a kind dramatically.
Using this simple algorithm I have demonstrated that it is a simple matter of generating something where the house will win frequently but there is enough incentive for a player to keep hitting go again.
With the simple values returned with the hand, we can use the value returned to give out prizes based on that value. With anything 3(Three of a kind) or lower only giving marginally good prizes and the rest giving gifts that are magnitudes better than the last. This ensures that there is always incentive to roll again but the odds of getting the best prizes are marginal at best ensuring the player does not feel ripped off.
TODO: Add additional capabilities to fully flesh out the game.