The purpose of this Echo360 Moodle Plugin is to support end-user linkage of Echo360 content in Moodle LMS.
The EchoLink Moodle Plugin is designed to complement the existing integration methods between the EchoSystem Server and Moodle LMS, namely the EchoBlock Plugin and LTI.
- Click on the Download Zip button from the
- Transfer the to the Moodle host server
- Extract the contents and rename the 'moodle-mod_echolink-master' folder to 'echolink' folder
- Move/copy the 'echolink' folder to the {Moodle Installation Home}/mod/ folder
- Login as a Moodle Administrator and approve the plugin's installation
- Set the EchoLink's configuration details (using the Trusted System Key/Secret details from your ESS)
- Click Save
- Select a Moodle Course
- Go into Edit Mode for the Moodle Course
- Click on a particular week within the Moodle Course
- Click Add, and select the EchoLink option
- Click on the ESS Course / Section options to select the Section's ECP link, or individual Presentation link to add to the Moodle Course
- Click Save
- Test the saved link within the Moodle Course