This Python script takes a set of Healpix maps (in FITS format) and produces an animated .gif file with Mollweide projections of the maps.
- Python 3.6 (maybe older versions 3.x will work too?)
- Matplotlib
- NumPy
- Healpy
- Imagemagick or Graphicsmagick
The tool must be used from the command line. Each FITS file must be preceded by a title, usually enclosed within single/double quotes:
$ 'First' 1.fits 'Second' 2.fits
To see a list of available options, use --help
The following animation has been produced using the maps delivered by the COBE/DMR team for the two 31 GHz channels (download them from here). The command used to produce the .gif file was
$ \
-s 0.75 \
--pixel-distributions \
-o dmr_31.gif \
'DMR(31a)' dmr_31a_imap_4yr.fits \
'DMR(31b)' dmr_31b_imap_4yr.fits