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Use the Raspberry Pi as an FM transmitter. Works on every Raspberry Pi board. Just get an FM receiver, connect a 20 - 40 cm plain wire to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO4 (PIN 7 on GPIO header) to act as an antenna, and you are ready for broadcasting.


Installation and usage

Install all required files by running this bash file, if your board is from Raspberry pi 1 to 3, use, or if your board is Raspberry pi 4 use

sudo sh

or you have raspberry pi 4 use :

sudo sh

adding file to exce.

sudo chmod +x fm_transmitter

after a succssefull installing and connecting a wire to GPIO 4 to the GPIO, run a test with:

sudo ./fm_transmitter -f 100.6 acoustic_guitar_duet.wav


  • -f frequency - Specifies the frequency in MHz, 100.0 by default if not passed
  • acoustic_guitar_duet.wav - Sample WAV file, you can use your own

Other options:

  • -d dma_channel - Specifies the DMA channel to be used (0 by default), type 255 to disable DMA transfer, CPU will be used instead
  • -b bandwidth - Specifies the bandwidth in kHz, 100 by default
  • -r - Loops the playback

After transmission has begun, simply tune an FM receiver to chosen frequency, you should hear the playback.

Supported audio formats

note: only a wav file with these specification are supported:

  • Sample rate: 96000.0 Hz
  • Bit depth: 24 bit
  • Channels: Stereo

You can transmit uncompressed WAV (.wav) files directly or read audio data from stdin, eg. using MP3 file:

sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-mp3
sox example.mp3 -r 22050 -c 1 -b 16 -t wav - | sudo ./fm_transmitter -f 100.6 -

Please note only uncompressed WAV files are supported. If you receive the "corrupted data" error try converting the file, eg. by using SoX:

sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-mp3
sox example.mp3 -r 22050 -c 1 -b 16 -t wav converted-example.wav
sudo ./fm_transmitter -f 100.6 converted-example.wav

Or you could also use FFMPEG:

ffmpeg -i example.webm -f wav -bitexact -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 22050 -ac 1 converted-example.wav
sudo ./fm_transmitter -f 100.6 converted-example.wav

Legal note

Please keep in mind that transmitting on certain frequencies without special permissions may be illegal in your country.

New features

  • DMA peripheral support
  • Allows custom frequency and bandwidth settings
  • Works on every Raspberry Pi model
  • Reads mono and stereo files
  • Reads data from stdin


  • adding install bash files
  • making a dashboard webpage (soon)
  • Adding Raspberry pi 5 support

Included sample audio was created by graham_makes and published on