This project contains Jackson extension component for reading and writing Bencode encoded data, either as "raw" data (sequence of String arrays), or via data binding to/from Java Objects (POJOs).
The primary objective of this project is to take advantage of Jackson's easy to use and fast object mapper, and make serializing and de-serializing Bencoded content pussible using either full data-binding or streaming (tree model is not supported yet).
Project is licensed under Apache License 2.0.
As it is a data type extension to Jackson, it could be used like the usual JSON data format.
Given the following Bencoded data - identical counterpart of JSON example, used as a data binding example in Jackson in 5 minutes tutorial (please note that actual binary data replaced with asterisks, as Bencode format has raw binary representation):
It could be turned into a Java POJO with the following code:
ObjectMapper mapper = new BEncodeMapper();
User u = mapper.readValue(new File("user.bencode"), User.class)
Or similarly a Java POJO could be turned into a Bencoded stream:
mapper.writeValue(new File("user.bencode"), u);
Where the user class used above is a simple POJO:
public class User {
public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE }
public static class Name {
private String first, last;
public String getFirst() { return first; }
public String getLast() { return last; }
public void setFirst(String s) { first = s; }
public void setLast(String s) { last = s; }
private Gender gender;
private Name name;
private boolean isVerified;
private byte[] userImage;
public Name getName() { return name; }
public boolean isVerified() { return isVerified; }
public Gender getGender() { return gender; }
public byte[] getUserImage() { return userImage; }
public void setName(Name n) { name = n; }
public void setVerified(boolean b) { isVerified = b; }
public void setGender(Gender g) { gender = g; }
public void setUserImage(byte[] b) { userImage = b; }
Of course the POJOs could be decorated with the usual Jackson annotations like @JsonProperty
. There is a more complex
class within tests, com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.bencode.types.Torrent
, which represents a complete
BitTorent file.
Initial release with decent unit test coverage. Ready to use, but might develop some unexpected surprises.
Next steps:
- Add benchmarks, optimize to reach a level where this is as fast as JSON - theoretically it should be, cause Bencode is simpler than JSON.
- Add proper encoding support; currently UTF-8 is hardwired as default.
- Add some useful features.