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Collin Heist edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 30 revisions


This style of title card is based off Reddit user /u/Recker_Man's style. Although it is referred to as the "anime" card style, there is nothing preventing you from using it for any series. The only thing about this card that indicates its anime design is the ability to add kanji text above the episode title.

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as anime.





Adding Kanji


This card type looks for data under the kanji key within a series' datafile. If present, the text is added above the episode title (see example). This text can be automatically added by the Maker, with some configuration.

If TMDb is not globally and per-series enabled, then this data must be entered manually. Within a given datafile, add the kanji text like so (for the given example):

  Season 3:
      kanji: 絶対諦めない
      title: Never Give Up

However, if TMDb syncing is enabled, then these can be queried from TMDb automatically by utilizing the title translation feature of the Maker. The ISO code for Japanese is ja, and these titles should be stored under the kanji key, so a series data file would look something like this:

  Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba:
    year: 2019
      language: ja
      key: kanji

Requiring Kanji

By default, if a kanji translation cannot be found or is not present for a given card, the title card will still be created. This might not be desired behavior, so series extras can be specified to skip a card if there is no Kanji present. How this looks in YAML is shown below:

  require_kanji: true

If this is present for a given series or template (see below), then an error will be printed and the card will be skipped until Kanji has been identified from TMDb, or entered manually into the datafile.

Recommended Template

To save repeating this translation syntax for every anime you want Kanji added to, it's recommended to use a template. An example of which is shown below:

    year: <<year>>
    library: Anime   # Change to your library name, or delete completely
      language: ja
      key: kanji
      require_kanji: true

This could be used like so:

  Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba:
    template: {name: anime_with_kanji, year: 2018}

The Maker will then automatically look for kanji translations on TMDb, and skip all cards for which no translation was found.

Separator Character

The character between the season and episode text (a.k.a. the separator) can also be customized. By default, a · character is used. This can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  separator: "-"

Title Characteristics

Maximum Line Width

This card begins splitting titles at 25 characters. This was selected using the default font, and leaves a small side margin.

Maximum Line Count

This card will split titles into at most 3 lines (unless manually specified). With the standard font, this takes up over half the image and looks quite messy, but is enough space for pretty long titles.

Title Style

This card will split titles bottom heavy, meaning titles will be split such that they're longer at the bottom than the top. For example:

The One Where
Rachel's Sister Babysits

Default Font


The default font used for titles is Flanker Griffo, seen below:


The default font case is title.


The default font color is white.


The default font uses the following replacements:

  "": ""
  "": ""
  "": "x"

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