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Collin Heist edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 27 revisions


This card is practically identical to the StandardTitleCard, with a few major differences:

  • It does not use unique images for each card - instead using a logo to make all cards spoiler-free
    • This can be changed - see here.
  • Supports customizing the background color
  • Requires specific "extras" to work (see details/recommendation below)

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as logo, or reality tv.



Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
logo - (Required) Path to a logo file to utilize for the card
background #000000 Background color to utilize for the card
stroke_color black Custom color to use for the stroke on the title text
omit_gradient true Whether to omit the gradient overlay from the card
separator Character to separate season and episode text
use_background_image false Whether to use a background image instead of solid color
blur_only_image false Whether to only blur the image (and not logo) if blurring

How to Use


This card uses the extras data within a series YAML file. It is required that a logo be provided, and optional to adjust the background to something other than black (the default).

This would look like the following:

  logo:        # Some file goes here
  background:  # Optional color/hexcode goes here


The following example showcases how to specify some logo file and a red background for the series of Survivor:

  Survivor (2000):
    card_type: reality tv
      logo: ./source/Survivor (2000)/logo.png
      background: red  # Could also be a hex code like #FF0000

This card can also use a "variable" logo - i.e. one that is different for a given season/episode - if the logo filepath is specified as a "format", for example:

  Survivor (2000):
    card_type: reality tv
      logo: "./source/Survivor (2000)/logo_season{season_number}.png"

This will use logo_season1.png, logo_season2.png, etc. depending on the episode's given season. You can also use {episode_number}. This is just an example - the exact naming of the file is completely up to you, and can use an episode's season or episode number.

Adding a Background Image

If you'd like to use a background image instead of a solid background color, then the use_background_image extra must be true. In addition, it is recommended to use some art style so that TCM uses a series-wide backdrop.jpg backdrop art file instead of the per-episode art.

For example, the following config uses a background image for all episodes, but for unwatched episodes only the image is blurred (not the logo):

  Survivor (2000):
    card_type: logo
    watched_style: art
    unwatched_style: art blur
      logo: ./source/Survivor (2000)/logo.png
      use_background_image: true
      blur_only_image: true

These images will look like so:

This can be simplified with a Template - see below.

Recommended Template

To save yourself some typing, it's recommended to use a template for all series of this style.

Background Color

    library: <<library>>
    card_type: reality tv
      logo: ./source/<<clean_title>> (<<year>>)/logo.png
      background: <<background>> 
      background: black

Which could then be specified like so:

  Survivor (2000):
    template: {name: reality-tv, library: TV}

Background Image

    library: <<library>>
    card_type: reality tv
    watched_style: art
    unwatched_style: art blur
      logo: ./source/<<clean_title>> (<<year>>)/logo.png
      use_background_image: true
      blur_only_image: true


Changing the Background Color

The background color to use for the title cards. This defaults to black, but can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  background_color: skyblue

Custom Stroke Color

The color of the stroke to use for the title text. This defaults to black, but can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  stroke_color: red

Removing the Gradient Overlay

By default, this title card does not overlay a gradient on top of the source image, as the uniform background color is typically quite legible. However, this can be enabled via a series extra, like so:

  omit_gradient: false

Separator Character

The character between the season and episode text (a.k.a. the separator) can also be customized. By default, a character is used. This can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  separator: "-"

Using a Background Image

The use of a background image instead of a solid color can be enabled via the use_background_image series extra.

If blurring is enabled via a watched/unwatched style, by default, TCM will blur the background image and logo - to change this so only the image is blurred, set blur_only_image to true.

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