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Collin Heist edited this page May 25, 2024 · 22 revisions


The default title card style based off Reddit user /u/UniversalPolymath's style. This is a very customizable card type, and allows for modification to almost every aspect of the card.

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as standard, generic, or polymath.




Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
stroke_color black Custom color to use for the stroke on the title text
episode_text_color #CFCFCF Custom color to use for the episode text
episode_text_font_size 1.0 Scalar for the size of the episode text
episode_text_vertical_shift 0 Additional vertical shift to apply to the episode text
omit_gradient false Whether to omit the gradient overlay
separator Character to separate season and episode text


Custom Stroke Color

The color of the stroke to use for the title text. This defaults to black, but can be changed as a series extra. See the example below.

Pokémon (1997):
  card_type: standard
    case: source
    color: rgb(247,205,70)
    file: ./fonts/Pokemon Solid.ttf
    kerning: 50%
    size: 110%
    stroke_width: 250%
    stroke_color: rgb(64,107,175)

Will use a custom blue stroke color, producing cards like this:

Custom Episode Text Color

The color of the episode text (the text that indicates the season and episode number). This defaults to #CFCFCF (a light gray/white), but can be changed as a series extra.

Episode Text Size

The size of the episode text can also be adjusted. The default is 1.0 - meaning no adjustment. Values below 1.0 will reduce the size of the text, and values above 1.0 will increase the size.

For example, episode_text_font_size: 1.1 will result in a 10% increase in the size of that text.

Removing the Gradient Overlay

By default, this title card overlays a gradient on top of the source image so that the text is more legible on the card. This can be disabled via a series extra, like so:

  omit_gradient: true

Separator Character

The character between the season and episode text (a.k.a. the separator) can also be customized. By default, a character is used. This can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  separator: "-"
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