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Collin Heist edited this page Jan 18, 2023 · 27 revisions


This card is practically identical to the StandardTitleCard, with a few major differences:

  • It does not use unique images for each card - instead using a logo to make all cards spoiler-free
  • Supports customizing the background color
  • Requires specific "extras" to work (see details/recommendation below)

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as logo, or reality tv.




This card is inherently "spoiler-free" (beyond title spoilers), but still supports blurring the logo/background (if desired).

Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
logo - (Required) Path to a logo file to utilize for the card
background #000000 Background color to utilize for the card
stroke_color black Custom color to use for the stroke on the title text
omit_gradient true Whether to omit the gradient overlay from the card
separator Character to separate season and episode text

How to Use


This card uses the extras data within a series YAML file. It is required that a logo be provided, and optional to adjust the background to something other than black (the default).

This would look like the following:

  logo:        # Some file goes here
  background:  # Optional color/hexcode goes here


The following example showcases how to specify some logo file and a red background for the series of Survivor:

    year: 2000
    card_type: reality tv
      logo: ./source/Survivor (2000)/logo.png
      background: red  # Could also be a hex code like #FF0000

This card can also use a "variable" logo - i.e. one that is different for a given season/episode - if the logo filepath is specified as a "format", for example:

    year: 2000
    card_type: reality tv
      logo: "./source/Survivor (2000)/logo_season{season_number}.png"

This will use logo_season1.png, logo_season2.png, etc. depending on the episode's given season. You can also use {episode_number}. This is just an example - the exact naming of the file is completely up to you, and can use an episode's season or episode number.

Recommended Template

To save yourself some typing, it's recommended to use a template for all series of this style. Below is an example:

    year: <<year>>
    library: <<library>>
    card_type: reality tv
      logo: ./source/<<title>> (<<year>>)/logo.png
      background: <<background>> 

Which could then be used/specified like so:

    template: {name: reality-tv, year: 2000, library: TV, title: Survivor, background: black}


Changing the Background Color

The background color to use for the title cards. This defaults to black, but can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  background_color: skyblue

Custom Stroke Color

The color of the stroke to use for the title text. This defaults to black, but can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  stroke_color: red

Removing the Gradient Overlay

By default, this title card does not overlay a gradient on top of the source image, as the uniform background color is typically quite legible. However, this can be enabled via a series extra, like so:

  omit_gradient: false

Separator Character

The character between the season and episode text (a.k.a. the separator) can also be customized. By default, a character is used. This can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  separator: "-"

Title Characteristics

Maximum Line Width

This card begins splitting titles at 32 characters. This was selected using the default font, and leaves a small side margin.

Maximum Line Count

This card will split titles into at most 2 lines (unless manually specified). With the standard font, this stops the title just below where the logo can be placed.

Title Style

This card will split titles bottom heavy, meaning titles will be split such that they're longer at the bottom than the top. For example:

The One Where
Rachel's Sister Babysits

Default Font


The default font used for titles is Sequel-Neue, seen below:

NOTE: This font's upper and lowercase characters are identical.


The default font case is upper.


The default font color is #EBEBEB.


The default font swaps the [] and () characters, and doesn't contain some commonly used title characters, so the following font replacements are used:

  "[": (
  "]": )
  "(": [
  ")": ]
  "": "-" # Weird Unicode dash
  "": "..."

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