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Loving11ish edited this page Oct 1, 2024
4 revisions
This config is the default one that is generated by EpicHomes on initial install. (Please note the version listed at the top to ensure you are using the latest version on your server)
# ----[EpicHomes]---- #
# ----[By Loving11ish]---- #
# ----[Plugin Messages File]---- #
#EpicHomes messages config for 1.1.2
#Changing anything below MAY require a server restart to take effect!
#Plugin global prefix
global-prefix: "&f[&6Epic&bHomes&f]&r"
#Home teleportation
timed-teleporting-begin-tp: "&aTeleporting to home &e%HOME%&a...\n&aPlease stay still!"
timed-teleporting-complete: "&aSuccessfully arrived at &e%HOME%&a."
timed-teleport-failed-player-moved: "&cYou moved before you were teleported to your home! The teleport was cancelled."
timed-teleport-failed-plugin-reloaded: "&cA server operator reloaded the plugin so your teleport was canceled.\n&cPlease try again."
non-timed-teleporting-complete: "&aSuccessfully arrived at &e%HOME%&a."
#Home set
home-set-successfully: "&aSuccessfully set home &e%HOME% &aat your current location."
home-set-failed-home-exists: "&e%HOME% &calready exists!"
home-set-failed-max-homes-reached: "&cSorry, you have reached the max allowed homes."
home-set-failed-max-tiered-reached: "&cSorry, you have reached the total homes your tier can set!\n&cYou can set a total of &e%LIMIT% &chomes."
home-set-failed-invalid-name: "&cSorry, your home cannot contain colours or the following characters: &d."
home-set-failed-name-not-allowed: "&cSorry, that home name is not allowed. Please choose another!"
#Home delete
home-delete-successful: "&aSuccessfully deleted &e%HOME%&a."
homeadmin-delete-successful: "&aSuccessfully deleted &e%TARGET%'s %HOME%&a."
home-delete-failed: "&cFailed to delete &e%HOME%&c!\n&cCheck console for errors!"
homeadmin-delete-failed: "&cFailed to delete &e%TARGET%'s %HOME%&c!\n&cCheck console for errors!"
#Home list
- "&3<======> &f[&6Epic&bHomes&f]&r &3<======>\n"
- "&aYour homes: \n"
- " &7>> &e%HOME%\n"
- "&f\n"
- "&3<======> &f[&6Epic&bHomes&f]&r &3<======>"
#Admin home list
- "&3<======> &f[&6Epic&bHomes&f]&r &3<======>\n"
- "&a%TARGET%'s homes: \n"
- " &7>> &e%HOME%\n"
- "&f\n"
- "&3<======> &f[&6Epic&bHomes&f]&r &3<======>"
#General messages
no-permission: "&cSorry, you don't have permission to do that."
incorrect-command-usage: "&cSorry, that is a player only command."
homeadmin-unable-to-find-player: "&cUnable to find an offline player by the name of &e%TARGET%&c!"
homeadmin-unable-to-find-user: "&cUnable to find a user for &e%TARGET%&c!"
home-name-does-not-exist: "&cSorry, you do not appear to have a home called &e%HOME%&c!"
command-cool-down-time-left: "&cSorry, you still have &e%TIMELEFT% &cseconds until you can use that command again."
usermap-file-save-failure: "&cInvalid home world name entry found for player &e%PLAYER%&c! &aSkipping current entry!"
plugin-reload-broadcast-start: "&aThe plugin is being reloaded, please do not use any Homes commands until completed!"
auto-save-started: "&aAuto save task has started."
auto-save-complete: "&aSaved usermap data to disk!"
auto-save-failed: "&4Failed to save usermap.yml to disk!"
plugin-reload-start: "&aStarting reload process..."
plugin-reload-complete: "&aPlugin reload process complete!"
move-event-cancel-failed: "&4Unable to cancel teleport on move!\n&4See below for reason!"
#Home data importer
home-data-import-successful: "&aAll available home and player data successfully imported from &e%PLUGIN%&a!"
home-data-import-failed: "&4Failed to import home or player data from &e%PLUGIN%&a!\n&4Please check console for errors!"
home-data-import-failed-already-run: "&cData has already been successfully imported!"
home-data-import-disabled: "&cThe importer system is disabled in the config.yml!\n&cPlease contact a system admin if you believe this is in error!"
#Home List GUI
GUI-first-page: "&7You are on the first page."
GUI-last-page: "&7You are on the last page."
#Home command usage
- "&ahome Usage:\n"
- "&7- &6/home <name>\n"
- "&7- &6/home set <name>\n"
- "&7- &6/home delete <name>\n"
- "&7- &6/home list"
#Sethome command usage
- "&asethome Usage:\n"
- "&7- &6/sethome <name>"
#Delhome command usage
- "&adelhome Usage:\n"
- "&7- &6/delhome <name>"
- "&ahomeadmin Usage:\n"
- "&7- &6/homeadmin delete <player> <home-name>\n"
- "&7- &6/homeadmin visit <player> <home-name>\n"
- "&7- &6/homeadmin list <player>\n"
- "&7- &6/homeadmin reload"
#Update Notification
update-check-failure: "&4Unable to check for updates! - &c"
1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
2: "&cA new version is available!"
3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
2: "&aPlugin is up to date!"
3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"