- 🔭 I’m currently working on my Portfolio
- 🌱 At the moment I'm learning React and C
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I'd be happy to answer ;)
const jouskaio = {
pronouns: "She" | "Her",
formation: ["Digital Project Manager Bachelor", "Degree in computer engineering - 3iL"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "app dev", "ios", "AR", "VR"],
skills: {
websiteAndMobile: {
backEnd: ["PHP", "Symfony", "Docker", "Bash", "Wordpress", "Node.js", "Java"],
frontEnd: ["HTML", "CSS", "Javacript", "Angular", "React", "Angular", "jQuery" ],
mobileApp: ["ARKit", "Swift", "Kotlin"],
devOps: ["AWS", "Docker🐳", "Nginx"],
databases: ["mongo", "MySql", "sqlite", "postgreSQL"]
InteractiveDesign : {
uxUi : ["Suite Adobe", "Design Thinking", "UX research techniques",
"Benchmark", "Personae", "Experience Map", "Wireframe",
animation : ["Motion", "3D"]
trafficAmelioration: {
traffic: ["Web Marketing", "E-Business", "Data Intelligence",
"Semantic", "Traffic Management", "SEO", "ASO", "SEA",
"CRM", "Social media"],
createContent: ["Content Marketing", "Brand Content", "Media Content"]
specialities : ["Embedded systems", "management", "Agility and Scrum", "TOEIC"]
compagniesWorkedWith: ["Orange", "RATP", "Novæ Memoræ", "Santarelli"],
funFact: ["My name is contraction of Jouska and I/O. \
Jouska means 'A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head' \
which is usually the behavior I always have when reflecting about a future decision" ]