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Front-end portfolio 2022



To run this application for the first time, make sure to execute yarn istall, next build and then npm run dev.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.


For the first installation, be sure to run yarn install, next build and then npm run dev.

Several commands are possible to use with the project :

  • next build : build the project
  • next dev : start the server in development mode
  • next start : start the server in production mode
  • next styleguide:build : build the styleguidist auto documentation
  • next styleguide : start the server to visualize styleguidist documentation

Update SSL certificate on Heroku

SSL certificate is approved and managed by Let's Encrypt but not automatically. To update the certificate, you need to run the following command :

sudo certbot certonly --authenticator manual --installer heroku

To get the txt to add on the app run :

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges http --email YOUR-EMAIL --server --agree-tos -d -d

Follow then this tuto : - Heroku SSL + Let's Encrypt

Packages installed

  • depcheck which allow visualizing which npm packages are unnecessary for the project
  • babel-loader style-loader css-loader sass-loader to use webpack loader in order to generate documentation with styleguidist
  • sharp to optimize images (Next.JS recommendation : )
  • @types/component-emitter because of an error while building the project.
info  - Loaded env from /Users/jouskaio/Documents/Development/Projets/Portfolio/Jouskaio-Front/.env
Failed to compile.

Type error: Cannot find type definition file for 'component-emitter'.
  The file is in the program because:
    Entry point for implicit type library 'component-emitter'